Chapter 3

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My head hurt like crazy! I slowly opened my eyes and realized it was dark. I almost started to scream when I heard someone call my name. I knew it was my mom but did not see her. I heard her get up to turn the light on and I realized I was in the nurses sick room. I started to sit up and mom assisted me.

"The nurse told me the story. She said Austin explained to her what happened. I always said they should put glass in those gym doors." My mom said as she shook her head.

"Well how much time has passed? Did she say I was ok?" I asked.

"She said you were fine but your head will hurt for a while. It has only been an hour so school is about over." I nodded my head. "Ava?" my mom questioned.

"Yeah?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Who is this Austin boy? He refused to go to class until he knew you woke up. He claimed the hit was his fault. I tried to tell him it was an accident but he said he should have reached to open the door for you like a gentleman." I smiled as she said that. Typical Austin.

"Where is he then?" I asked.

"He is out there in the sitting area." She nodded her head pointing to the door.

"Well Austin is the guy I told you I had a crush on. Today he has walked me to my classes and hung out with me." I told her as I tried to get off the bed/table thing.

"Well if you are able then we can go and you can let him know you are ok. Autumn and Breylynn are out there too. They almost started crying." Mom laughed.

"They're such wimps. Yeah I am ready to go." I specifically wanted to see Austin to explain to him it wasn't his fault.

Mom opened the door and I walked out a little slower than normal I didn't want to push it. I felt the soreness in my butt and back where I hit. Autumn and Breylynn almost consumed me in their bearhugs but realized I wasn't ready for that yet and just gave a small hug each. I looked to see Austin standing in the hug line next.

"Austin mom told me..." he cut me off by giving me a gentle but yet hard hug.

"I am so sorry. I should have opened the door." I leaned out of the hug and gave a smirk like I was mad but I knew he meant it well.

"I am fine. Just sore with a little headache." I replied to his smile.

"Ok guys I think I am going to take Ava to my house.." my mom started before I cut her off.

"Sorry mom, but I need my bed. I'll be fine. The girls can take care of me." Mom shook her head in agreement but said she had to drive me home. The girls gathered our stuff and went with mom to the parking lot. Austin and me stayed behind and walked out.

"You know, this has been the highlight of my senior year." I joked and Austin laughed that oh so hot laugh.

"Well I have to say I got worried as soon as you hit your head. I picked you up and they yelled saying I should have left you there and not moved you but you were already in my arms.." I looked up at Austin who had the slightest blush when he said in my arms and I am not going to lie, I did too.. "I got to the nurses office and explained what happened then your mom showed up."

"Well I am surprised you weren't injured lifting me" I tried but his face went into serious mode and he looked hurt. "What is wrong?"

"I just hate when you doubt your God given beauty. It's not fair to you or him." I then understood that God made me and I decided from there on not to doubt his work anymore. We reached the exit door and he said I am getting this door and I didn't argue but walked out and the chilly wind hit me. I shivered.

"Here take my hoodie" he said as he started to pull it off.

"No I am fine it was just the wind caught me off guard. I am fine I promise." He was persistent anyways.

"It has my name and number on it so you can wear it to the game tonight if you're still coming.." he trailed off.

I chuckled. "With a little aleve, I will be cheering you on at this game."

We reached the car and he gave me a hug and said goodnight. I got in the car to find my mom smiling with that mischievous grin.

"Mom. What did you do?" I questioned.

"Well my windows were down and I saw you coming and I haven't seen you laugh in a while and so I got my phone and took a picture. Then he gave you hug and I got a picture then too. I'm sorry if that is weird but I just love to see you smile and laugh like you did with him." I smiled in agreement and saw the pictures and realized how happy I did look. I fought tears as I sent them to my phone which was in my purse that the girls carried home for me.

"Ava" my mom caught me off guard "I want you and the girls to quit working. The truth is me and your stepdad have gotten ownership to the apartment complex and we want you girls to focus on school so all you need money for is food and shopping stuff and their parents and us have that under control."

"Mom that makes us sound spoiled." I protested.

"I know it does but we really want you guys to focus on school."

"Ok mom. I will tell the girls and see what they say."

I liked my job but sometimes guys would hit on me or people would get angry with me. I knew I would be ok to quit because we wouldn't go hog wild. I was unsure though if the girls were ready to quit their jobs. I also couldn't wait to get home to my phone. I wanted to see those pictures. I really saw my beauty in those pictures. I wasn't extravagant or anything but I was pretty. I looked out at the sky and saw the sun and the clouds and how they were so simple like me but yet so beautiful in their own way. He brought out the beauty in me.

When I got home, I took my medicine, and freshened up. The girls were going to the game with me so I came out to see thin mucking on the dinner Autumn cooked. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and sat down to dig in to my plate. I was going to put a bite in my mouth when I looked up and saw Autumn and Brey staring at me. More particularly, the hoodie I was still wearing.

"Did he give you that?" Autumn asked. I nodded my head. Her and Brey both uttered and "awwwwww" in unison.

"What? What's the big deal?"

"Ava. He gave you that so he could show off you were his." Brey said.

I shook my head no. They both nodded yes. Did he? Did he want people to think I was his? I ate my dinner while I pondered over this. Could they be true? Does Austin King want me to be his?

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