Chapter 24

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At this current moment, me and Austin were sitting in the corner of one of our favorite mom and pop shops. We were waiting for Cara to show up. Cara is the psycho who is trying to force this child on my husband and our family. We were small chatting when we heard the familiar ding of someone coming through the door. I could tell it was her. She just had a presence about her.

She slid in across from us and jumped to it. "Austin. I'm surprised you brought her. We can't move forward together with our family if she is still in your life."

Before Austin could speak I butted in. "Do you know how pathetic you sound? He is a married man with a child and you're practically expecting him to leave his family to be with you. If he created a child with you, which he clearly didn't, he is not the man to give up on his family and leave them behind, nor is he the type to give up on his child. Have you lost all your dignity? Trying to force a child on a man that he did not create for MONEY?! What is wrong with you? I mean honestly." At this point I had to stop because my breath was gone. Austin took my break as a cue to start his rant.

"I considered you a friend. You gave me advice on how to fix the mistake I made with Ava. You and I both know I did not drink so much that I would sleep with you. I finished my drink and drive home. What you did after that did not concern me. I did not sleep with you and I did not get you pregnant. The only person I plan to ever get pregnant again is Ava. I'm not paying you a dime to help raise a child I did not create. If you would have come to me for help, both me and Ava would have given you money to help. Instead you throw yourself and your unborn child at me in a scandal. From this point on my family will not be speaking with you. If I catch you even breathing in our direction, I will involve the law."

When Austin was done she had tears in her eyes. Austin was so enraged I know he missed the growl that came from her stomach that now fed two. I could tell it was her because she had a pink shade to her cheeks. I slid out of the booth and so did Austin. I reached in my purse and pulled out my wallet. Austin eyed me with confusion. "I heard her stomach growl. She has an innocent child." I pulled out a hundred dollar bill. I knew it wouldn't cost her that much to eat here but if she didn't get her life straight then that hundred would need to go far.

"This is not because I think Austin got you pregnant because I know for a fact he didn't. This is simply because I don't want anything to happen to your unborn child because as crazy as you are for doing this, somewhere in your heart I know you are a good person and you love that baby. You would do anything to be sure it would be okay but ruining another family to help yours is not the way to do it." With that I slid the money her way and followed my husband out.

"I don't know how you have such a big heart but I just fell in love with you even more." Austin said as he gripped my hand.

I smiled his way and said "I learn from the best." He let out a chuckle and I laid my head on his arm as we walked to our car.

I am not one for speeding but I all but told Austin too. We had all of our stuff in the house and all we had to do was get there and finish up the unpacking that our wonderful movers couldn't do. Along with getting to our new house, we got to spend the day with our favorite boy in the whole world. In the midst of our trip to town we also bought groceries so we could cook a meal tonight and eat as a family.

When we got home J-Luke came running. "Hey buddy." I said as Austin swing him up in his arms so he was up to our level.

"Nana said you have supise for me."

"Surprise honey. Yes we do." I try to help him annunciate better but I hardly couldn't because we did have a surprise. I bought him a huge pack of water balloons to play with after dinner. "I can't tell you yet buddy because we have to eat first okay?" He smiled and nodded his head. "I'm gonna go change real quick." I told Austin with a peck on the lips.

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