So sweet.

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Ava's POV

I was nervous but yet, oddly excited. I could feel happiness creep up because he had shared a huge part of his life with me. "How come John-Luke is a secret?" There it went. My mouth speaking before I could think. Lets just hope he doesnt get mad.

"Well he isnt really a secret. I just know how judging people can be. Alot of people know, just not everybody. I dont care if people judge me but judging my son makes another me come out and he is not pretty." I understood where he was coming from and I knew we needed to talk about bringing John-Luke out into the world, but for now I will let it go.

"Was that the reason you got in a fight that night at the parlor?" I asked him.

"Yeah it was. That guy saw me and John-Luke playing in the yard and so he thought it would be a good idea to run his mouth about my son." He gripped the steering wheel so I ran my hand on his arm to calm him down.

"Austin. Who is J-Luke's mom?" He sighed and I knew it wouldn't be pretty but I had to know.

"Her name is Jana. Before I met you o had John-Luke in my life, I was a horrible kid. I drank and partied all the time. One night, I drank to much. Next thing I know Jana was pregnant and on my doorstep. We did all the tests to be sure he was mine and that I was clean-" he paused and briefly looked at me, "I'm clean." I nodded my head. "Anyways, a month after he was born she showed up at my door step with him and papers that she signed to give up her rights. I haven't heard from her since. My name is the only one on his birth certificate." I nodded my head again as we pulled up his drive.

Austin got out and then helped me out. I am just too short. We were walking up the steps and I could already hear his laughter. It warmed my heart. Walking in, we saw his mom playing with John-Luke and his dad reading the paper. Their heads snapped up and they had confused faces. But before Austin could speak, I spoke up.

"He told me. I wanted to see him with my own eyes... so here we are." His mom got up and placed John-Luke on her hip and came over to us. She went along and introduced us.

"John-Luke this is Ava, daddys girlfriend." I was surprised I wasn't referred to as a friend. John-Luke reached for Austin and said dah-dah and it was so cute. He then pointed to me and said Av. Well I guess he tried.

"Hey cutie." I said. He just smiled and hid in Austins neck.

"He's a real ladies man. Aren't ya buddy?" John- Luke giggled as Austin lightly tickled him.

"Oh yeah. He must get that from his dad then." His parents laughed with me while Austin stuck his tongue out at me.

"Ha ha ha. That was so funny." There was so much sarcasm in his tone. "Hey bud, you wanna play with Ava?" John-Luke just smiled and reached for me. I grabbed him and just started talking baby-like until we reached the living room. I sat on the couch and put him on my thigh. I took in his appearence. He was most definitley a gerber baby. He was too cute. He had Austins eyes, nose, and head full of hair. His hair was brown and he was built like Austin too. He was very tall for a baby.

Austin sat beside us and he looked at John-Luke and said "Hey buddy can you say Nana?"

"naw...naw..." he just added a "w".

"Hey can you say John-Luke?" I asked him.

"Wan.. Wook..." I laughed and tickled his belly telling him how cute he was. He was learning pretty fast. We played for a little longer until Austin asked to talk to me in private. We gave John-Luke to his mom and walked upstairs.

When we got in his room, I looked around. It was pretty nice. His bed was in the center of the wall were the door was at. The color scheme was red and black. He had his game stations and every shelf had a picture of John-Luke.

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