Chapter 33

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*insert shrill ring that woke my whole house up*

"Austin." I said as I tried with no avail to wake my husband. I slapped his chest and yelled his name.

"Ow baby. What the hell was that for? Why is our phone ringing this early in the morning?" He asked angrily grabbing the phone to say hello. It was only 5 in the morning but that's early for this house of grumpy morning people. "Hello? Really?! Yeah we'll be there a little later on." Just like that, he hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked. Before he could answer the baby monitor made a noise letting me know Bent was fully awake now.

"I'll get him. That was my mom. She said dads awake so we can go see him and then work out plans with Jana." He said pulling on a shirt.

"That's great baby." I said as I yawned and got up.

"No honey." He said as he pushed me back on the bed. "We're not going now."

"But the baby's awake and won't go-"

"I'll take care of Bentley. You get some more sleep considering you didn't get hardly any last night worrying over J-Luke." He said as he tucked me back in. He was right. I didn't sleep because I couldn't believe my baby was going through so much so young.

"Okay. Can you send J-Luke in here? It will help." I asked him. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

Moments later J-Luke came in yawning. He crawled in bed and held my hand as we got some more hours of sleep. By nine in the morning we were all ready and headed to see grandpa.

When we got there, it seemed as if though everyone came. After a while they left and we had some alone time. Austin was on his dad's right side with J-Luke and me and grandma were on the other side. Bentley was in gamma's arms as he always is.

"How are you feeling dad?" Austin asked.

"Like I was in a car accident. Oh wait, I was." He smiled at us. We let our little laughs considering he still had a while to go.

"I'm glad to see you're awake and back to your oh so funny self." I told him.

"Thanks guys. I'm glad to be back too. But if you don't leave and go handle your business then I'm going to have security escort you out." He said.

"But dad-" Austin tried.

"No buts son. Just do it." He commanded. Austin nodded his head. I hugged my wonderful father in law and kissed his cheek all the while Austin was hugging and kissing his mother on the cheek. We swapped parents and then let the kids say goodbye before we left.

"John-Luke." Austin said once we were back in the car. We hadn't left yet because we were still making plans.

"Yeah dad?" He said while leaning in between our seats.

"Do you want to meet Jana today?" He asked.

"Your mother. Do you want to meet your mother today?" I corrected Austin. He gave me a harsh glare letting me know he didn't like her having the mother title.

"Yeah that's fine. Can we just call her Jana?" He asked me. I threw a glare at Austin who smirked.

"Whatever you want." I said to J-Luke after I regained my composure.

"Mom. Why do you look at daddy like that?" He asked me. Austin openly smiled and slightly laughed at that one.

"Well buddy. Sometimes daddy aggravates me to no end and I just give him a look to show him what I mean." I said and glared at Austin when J-Luke looked down. He winked and smiled at me.

"That's weird." J-Luke said.

"What's weird?" Austin asked. John-Luke sat back and buckled back up. Austin pulled out and headed Jana's way.

"Ella gives me a similar look when Maci talks to me. Maci goes to school with me and Ella." He said and then looked out the window as if trying to piece the puzzle together. I looked at Austin who looked just as shocked as I felt. I think we both felt relief when John-Luke didn't ask anymore questions.

I texted Jana to tell her we were coming and she replied with a 'great' and a smiley face. The drive seemed to be strenuous on Austin. As we got closer, his grip on the wheel got tighter and his smile faded a little bit more. I gripped the hand that was on my leg and he gripped it right back. I can only imagine how hard this is for him.

When we arrived at the park were would meet her everyone was hesitant to get out. "Come on guys. It's going to be okay." That slowly gave them the push to get out at a very slow pace. I got Bentley out and Austin set up his stroller. We started walking toward Jana whose back was to us.

"Hey Jana." I said as we walked around to sit in front of her. I pulled the stroller right alongside the picnic table. Bentley looked as if he may go to sleep. I sat down, then John-Luke, and then Austin.

"Hi." She said weakly. "Hi John-Luke. How are you?" She asked him.

"I'm okay." He said. After a long pause he added. "Are you dying?"

"John-Luke." I reprimanded him.

"No Ava. It's okay." Jana said. "I am dying. I got really sick. I't won't be long and I'll leave this world." She said.

"Why didn't you want to be my mom?" John-Luke asked. That sort of struck a nerve and tears were forming in my eyes. I could tell Austin wanted to comfort me but he couldn't with J-Luke between us.

"I wouldn't have been a good mother. You're much better off now." Jana said as she looked at me. I smiled at her but my heart was really breaking.

"Well I'm glad you didn't. I love my momma." J-Luke said as he held my hand under the table. I felt a tear fall and I couldn't get on to him even though I'm sure his words hurt her without him meaning to.

"Me too buddy. Me too." Jana said whilst looking down.

We sat there talking with Jana for a while until me and Austin started pushing Bentley around the playground on the little circle track. This will give them some time alone. Austin was pushing Bentley and I was walking alongside him. "Days like today make me want to be mad at you for not waiting to have John-Luke with me. But looking at him now and how much closer we are, I can't be mad." I told him. He leaned over to kiss my head.

"I'm sorry. But that little boy loves you so much. No one could ever take your place. Not even his real.. Not even Jana." He said.

"Austin you can say it. His real mother. That's what she is and always will be." I told him.

"No Ava. I'm not saying it. She's a mother by definition, you are a mother by action and that is more important than definition." He said.

"Fine. I don't want to argue with you." I said.

"Why? It's what we do." He said with a smirk. I smiled and leaned on his arm. "I do love you. Do you know that?"

"Ehh. I was hoping." I said with a sigh. "What about a vacation after this? A vacation away from all the stress."

"Name the place and time Mrs. King." He said.

"Disney land. Let's leave tomorrow." I said as we made our last lap and went back to the picnic table. After those few minutes we said our goodbyes.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this Jana." I said as I hugged her.

"You make it easier." She said. "Knowing he's in good hands makes it all okay. I've done horrible things but I've never stopped loving John-Luke." She said before slowly walking to her home.

I made Austin wait until we were sure she made it in her townhouse safely. On the ride home both boys fell asleep while I planned our vacation to get away. All was well in our family and it was time we had a little alone time to ourselves.

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