Chapter 13

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He said it. He said "I love you." Three little words. He just opened his heart to me. I didn't know if I was dreaming so I asked. "W-What?"

He walked over to me and John-Luke. He crouched down in front of us. He looked me square in the eye. "I said I love you. I love every part of you. I love the way you love me and John-Luke. I love the way you bite your lip and bounce your leg when your thinking, when your nervous, or in situatin where you are uncomfortable. I love how you can calm me down. I love how you defend us, when someone downs me for John-Luke. I know we haven't been together long but I just feel so much love for you. I'm not requiring you to say it back. I just want you to know I love you."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. What surprised me the most is John-Luke put his hand over my cheek to wipe the tear. I laughed looked at Austin. "I love you too. I love you and your little package." I gave Austin a kiss and then gave John-Luke a kiss on his forehead. I loved my boys. I didnt care if it was fast, it was right.

"We need to get going. We need to stop for some lunch, im hungry." Austin said.

"I agree, I missed breakfast since I was late." He stood up and then I saw he was wearing a Duke tee with sweatpants and his VANS. "We have to get a picture because we all match."

Austin did a look over of me and John-Luke. "Wow. We do. We'll get somebody to take one." I nodded my head and stood up and put John-Luke on my hip. I grabbed my purse and put some of John-Luke's stuff in it. Kinda like what i did when we went to the zoo.

We made our way out the door and Austin locked it for me. When we were all buckled in our seats, Austin drove us to Wal-Mart. We decided to eat at subway, in Wal-Mart. We ate first, feeding John-Luke little bites, and then got a buggie for shopping.

I buckled John-Luke in and pushed, while Austin walked beside us. I went to the clothes first. I got him a nice pair of Toy Story pajamas. "Hey buddy, what do you think of these?" He just smiled and shook his head. Yup, we're getting these. I grabbed some other cute outfits and onesies. "Alright, lets go get some diapers and wipes."

"Babe, you do know this stuff isn't cheap. I can give you some of my stuff-"

I cut him off "It doesn't matter about price. If my mother was to find out I didn't buy John-Luke this stuff, she would spank me and then ground me. I may be 18 but that woman is scary when she's angry." He just laughed.

"Okay. I understand. My mom is the same way. Will you let me help you pay for it?" I knew money wasn't a problem for either of us. But I'm still going to say no.

"No. You have to buy this stuff daily, I don't. So no, you can't help. Sorry baby." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then looked at the many choices of diapers. I picked the huggie denim diapers. They were to cute to pass up. I then went to the pack and plays. Mine would probably be a permanent set up. I picked a black and gray one that had a changing table. I knew this one was perfect. Austin put it in the buggie and then he took over pushing. I put my hand on his arm and walked around with him to the sippy cups. As we were going through, John-Luke pointed to some Toy Story cups. So, of course, i picked those and a couple more. I couldn't think of anything else I needed.

Austin said he would bring some toys, since he had so many at his house. I then picked out a black and gray high chair. They were pretty fancy. Then I bought some baby monitors for when he naps.

"Alrighty, I think that's all I need. You ready to go?" I asked Austin.

"Yep, let's go." We pulled up to the cashier and paid. It wasn't as expensive as I thought. We got to the truck and I got John-Luke, while Austin unloaded the play pin. I opened the door and it dawned on me.

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