Chapter 23

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Ava's POV

Needless to say the rest of the honeymoon went as follows: sleeping (or not), eating, tanning, touring Italy, and swimming. At this point we were on our flight back home. Typically, people would be disappointed. Me, however. I'm ecstatic because now I get to go home, start my life with my boys, and prepare to house hunt. I can't really complain because life is so good to me. God is good to me.

When we landed we took a cab back to Austins parents house. Him and my parents halved the week with J-Luke and his parents had him last. Due to it being late at night we just made it a quick visit. I hugged his parents, grabbed John-Luke and went back to the car. Austin was in tow with his bag. He pretty much slept the whole way in his car seat we got from Austins parents car.

We made it back to my apartment and headed straight for bed. We both missed our little booger so much we let him sleep with us that night.

That morning I woke up to giggling and a shhhh from my husband. I opened my eyes to see J-Luke on his stomach laughing as Austin grabbed his sides in a tickling manner.

"This is what I've always dreamed of." I muttered to no one in particular. Austin raised his eyebrows so I continued. "I've dreamed of waking up by the love of my life and to have a little munchkin there too." I said as I tickled John-Luke and he giggled.


After we finally got out of bed we got ready to go house hunting and car shopping. I know the car would be quick because we knew what we wanted but a house is more difficult. We bought a 2013 black Chevy Tahoe and traded in my Kia Soul which surprisingly covered most of the new car. After we got situated in the car we went to house hunting. Don't worry, we registered or new vehicle and changed the tags over.

"The house has to have a pool." I hear Austin say.

"Pool." John-Luke agreed. I saluted the boys and kept looking through the potential houses my realtor sent me.
When I saw the last email I knew it was perfect. I entered the address in the GPS system in the car. "This house is gonna be it. I can just feel it."

We pulled up in the driveway and I got out instantly and just stood staring at the front of the house. John-Luke stood between me and Austin as we stood there staring. In my case, drooling.

"Let's do it." Austin said. And so we did. We signed the papers that day. The house was a foreclosure so we got the house for almost half the retail. We took pictures galore and sent them to our family.

After the eventful day we went back to my apartment that seemed mediocre compared to our new house. After we were all in sweats we sat in the living room.

"So how have you been feeling?" Austin asked. I gave him a strange look. His eyes darted to my stomach for a split second and I understood.

"I feel fine. I mean I haven't ever been pregnant before so I don't know what to look for. I mean obviously it's too early to be making assumptions." He nodded and kept playing with John-Luke on the floor.

"Now that we've talked about it, I kind of want one." He muttered so low I had to take a second to process his words.

"A baby?" He nodded. "Well I never wanted my kids to be more than three years apart but I never expected to have any until I was older. But now I have you and John-Luke and my plan has changed and I love it." I paused thinking about what I would say next. "I think I want a baby too."

He raised his eyebrows and winked. "That means more practice to create one." After his words registered I threw a pillow at his head. He laughed and threw it back. I was brought out of my sweet family moment when I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it."

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