Chapter 26

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Six Months Later

At this point my stomach is huge. I can barely get around. J-Luke has a Great Dane named Hercules, Herc for short. I am enrolled in online classes to try and get a degree. Because of my dual enrollment classes in high school, I should only have a year or two with online classes before I get a bachelors degree.

"Ava what are you doing?" Austin asked as he came in the room. I was sitting on our bed getting started on my assignments. I woke up when he got up to go to work.

"School work." I said as I took off my glasses and cleaned them. I had my hair in a ball on top of my head and I was wearing one of my husbands shirts because that's all that fits nowadays.

"School work? Why are you doing school work?"

"Honey, I'm enrolled in online classes. I have been since the summer ended. I'm getting my bachelors."

"Are you serious? Why did you not tell me about it?" He asked. He was getting a little irritated I could tell.

"Because it's not that important. I didn't think it would be a problem."

"Didn't think it would be a problem? You're pregnant. You need to avoid stress, like stress brought on from work. What do you not understand about that?" he began shouting at me.

I closed my laptop. "Lower your voice. I am not stressed out over this work. I am stressed out over the housework I have to do."

"Oh really. Well maybe if you weren't taking online classes you wouldn't have to worry about it." He said in a lower voice and walked out of our room. He was going to the construction site today so he had on jeans and an old shirt. I followed him out of our room and down the stairs to the office. He started gathering the blue prints.

"My classes are not that big of a deal. If you were home more you could help me with the housework." I muttered angrily. I shouldn't have said it but it came out. I'm so tired of being pregnant and I take it out on him.

"Oh so I'm the bad guy for going to work and making money for our family to live as we please. I try to be home Ava and you know that. That was a low blow." He brushed past me and went to the front door to put on his dirt covered boots.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not understanding why it's a big deal I'm taking classes online."

"Because you know how I felt about you working and leaving the kids in the care of someone else." He spit out. He grabbed the door handle and attempted to walk out.

I grabbed his arm, "Please don't leave yet. I don't want you to leave mad at me." He looked back at me with eyes that told me he wasn't mad at me but wasn't happy either.

"I have to go to work Ava." Was all he said as he kissed my head and walked out. I felt the tears well up in my eyes because I cried at everything these days. I decided to do my school work and housework to occupy my mind. The housework wasn't even that bad and maybe if I didn't have a fat stomach I could do it easier.

4 hours later

Me and John-Luke were playing in the backyard with Herc who was still in his puppy ages. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and grabbed it out. Jake was calling me, that's odd.


"Ava. It's Austin. We were trying to close the site down and something happened with one of the machines. It tipped over and Austin was inside. We are headed to the hospital-" I dropped my phone and grabbed John-Luke in a hurry. He was asking me what was wrong but I couldn't speak. I grabbed my purse and loaded us in the car as fast as a pregnant whale could.

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