Chapter 2: He's Here! (fluff)

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Clay shot up from his bed he just had a nightmare. "Phew.. what time is it?" He said in his husky morning voice. As he checked the time, his heart dropped. 6:27. George would be here in any minute! "Crap!" Clay sprung out of bed. Before he could even touch the handle of the bathroom door, he heard knocking at the front door. 3 gentle knocks. Clay sprinted to the front door and shouted, "Just a minute!". Clay ran back to the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth. He quickly combed his hair and ran out. Facing the front door, he took a deep breath and unlocked the door, opened it up and looked in front of him. George was standing there, smiling at him. His cheeks were a bright pink. "George!" Clay said excited, embracing George in his arms. He was warm and smelt like a bouquet of roses. George hugged him tightly, burying his face in Clay's chest. Clay blushed at the feel of it.

George's Perspective:
As I hugged him tightly, I noticed what he was wearing, a t-shirt and boxers. His boxers were black and his t-shirt was white with a streak of grey around the collar. I blushed a crimson red. "I like your outfit." I said. Clay's eyes widened. "Oh sorry, I woke up late.. slept right through my alarm. I didn't get time to change." He said, letting go of me and looking down. "It's ok, Clay! Besides.. you look.. c-" I stopped there, realising what I was about to say. I was flustered. Clay tilted his head, it was adorable.. "Carry on?" Clay replied, raising an eyebrow. I looked at the ground, fiddling with my fingers. I do that when I'm nervous or shy. "I-I was going to say.. y-you look.. cute in it.."

Clay's Perspective:
C-Cute?? I was blushing a velvet colour at this point. I was about to say thank you.. but something came up instead.. "Y-You too, Georgie.." SHIT!! I saw him look up at me. His dark brown eyes looking into mine. His mouth slowly gaped open. He ended up smiling. Then, immediately, I started to smile. "Your smile is contagious, you know?" I said wheezing. George nodded and gave me one last hug.

3rd Person Perspective:
"I'll show you to your room." Clay smiled as he said that. George let go of their warm embrace. "Sounds good to me!" Clay, out of instinct, slipped his hand into George's, and dragged him to the room. George blushed as he felt Clay's slight touch, he was warm.. really warm. "Here we are! It took an hour to clean this. Appreciate it please." Clay giggled and George joined in. "Thanks, it looks lovely" George said, smiling. "Do you need help unpacking?" Clay asked. "Nah, I'm good, thanks for offering-" "I insist Georgie." Clay interrupted. George looked flabbergasted. "I'm capable of doing this myself, I'm not a child!" George giggled, unpacking some of his stuff. "You look like a child.. shorty." Clay whispered. George turned his head and looked up at Clay. "What did you say?" George said with a smooth tone. Clay took 2 steps back. Before he could even process what was happening, George tackled Clay to the ground.

Their faces were an inch apart. Both laughing. It took Clay a bit notice what George was sitting on.. Clay started to blush a scarlet red. Before anything else happened, anything George would notice, he insisted that they unpack to get it over and done with. "W-We should u-unpack your su-suitcase.." Clay stuttered. "Don't you mean, I, should unpack?" George said, smirking. "Alright f-fine.. I'll make us some lunch!" the younger boy said, getting up. He reached his hand out, waiting for George to take it. George looked up with his sparkly, chocolate eyes, taking his hand. Clay pulled him up. "I'll shout to you when I'm done!" Clay screamed, leaving the room. George held up a thumbs up, while his other hand took out some toiletries.

Clay walked to the kitchen and hid behind the counter. He looked down and blushed.

Why did that happen!? With, George! He's my best friend.. why did I get.. No.. I can't possibly like him.. r-right?

Clay sighed. "I do.. I do like him.. he's so cute, how could I not?" Clay grabbed a nearby pillow and sat with it in his lap. Short while after, he got back to the lunch. He decided to make sandwiches. He searched up "how to make the perfect sandwich" and read through the instructions, grabbing ingredients as he did so. George came running out with a t-shirt and boxers on. "See? Now we match~" George giggled at his own comment. Clay nervously joined in with the laughter, looking George up and down. He bit his lip. The brown haired boy walked up behind him and gave him a hug, tightly squeezing him. Clay smiled as he spread butter on the bread, daydreaming of what they would do together. "Whatcha making?" George asked confused. "Sandwiches, duh, idiot." Clay wheezed. "Hmph! You're lucky I like sandwiches." The older boy exclaimed. "Mmm! Oh, by the way, I got you something." Clay said turning to George and dropping the butter knife. George's eyes widened, "You didn't have to!" George said, playfully punching Clay on his arm. "I know, I wanted to though."

Clay grabbed the chocolates and hoodie. Handing them to George. "H-Here.." George's mouth gaped open. "Thank you Clay!" "No problem!" George started slipping on the hoodie. It was far to big for him, but he liked it. "I love it, thank you!" George grinned. Clay hugged George after he said that, George hugged back.

After Eating Lunch

The two boys were sitting on the couch, talking about anything on their minds. Laughing, smiling and frowning. They were having the best time. Every time George closed his eyes, Clay would take one long look at him. Looking at every detail.. his chocolate eyes, his small button nose, his pink flustered cheeks, his gorgeous, wavy hair. Clay couldn't think straight.. "George.." "Yes?"
Clay looked at George, George was already looking at him. Clay scooted closer to George. Their faces were inches apart, Clay was staring into George's chocolate brown eyes, while George stared into Clay's emerald green eyes. Clay grabbed his hand and pinned him against the wall. Before George could say anything, Clay tilted his head slightly.
Both of their lips connected. George was in shock at first, but gave in with the kiss. He closed his eyes and put his hand on Clay's cheek. Clay pulled away to catch his breath. Realising what he just did. "Oh my god.. I-I-I'm so sorry George.. I-I didn't know what I w-was doing-" George cut him off by turning over and pinning him against the wall. Clay looked at him, and George stared back. George started kissing Clay, and Clay started to kiss back. Clay put his arms around George's neck, whilst George put his arms around Clay's waist. Both pulling away then and there to catch their breath. Clay's hand started to travel up his shirt. George went red. They stopped for a moment. Both boys snapping back into reality. They both leaned completely against the wall, sitting down. Blushing and smiling..

( 1261 words :D cliffhanger! >:) sorry if there are grammar and spelling mistakes, I wrote this at 1:38 in the morning :'))) anyway, hope you enjoyed! the next chapter is on its way.)

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