Chapter 19: Home! (fluff and smut)

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» heads up «
- swearing o.o

As the car was driving to the airport, George couldn't help staring at the lovely, fluffy clouds. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Clay chimed in. "Yeah.." George sighed. "Are you okay?" Clay whispered in George's ear. "Mhm.. Just," George scooted onto Clay's lap, "I'm feeling a bit better now..~" Clay remembered what George had said after their last session. "Oh really now?~" Clay licked his lips. Luckily, during all of this, Bad and Zak were asleep in each other's arms. Meaning, they wouldn't hear anything. "I'm still a little shook, but nothing I can't handle. Plus, you make me feel better." George smiled at the young boy, wrapping his arms around Clay's neck. "Cute." Clay smirked, giving George a small peck on his soft, pink lips.
Finally, after minutes that seemed like hours, they arrived at the airport. Clay shook Bad and Zak awake, "Guys, we're here." Clay smiled. The blonde payed the driver, and they all slowly got out of the car. "We'll talk again soon?" George asked Bad and Zak. "Of course, muffins!" Bad happily stated, hugging Clay and George. "Oh, before you two go.. What did you whisper in Bad's ear?" George turned to look at Zak and put his hand on his hip. "Oh.. Well, I asked Bad if he wanted to move in with me!" Zak smiled, holding Bad's hand tightly. "Oh, that's cool!" George smiled. During that, Clay had been dying to ask George if he wanted to live with him. I can ask him later.. Clay thought to himself. "Well, we'll see you guys another time. Bye!" Zak waved. "Bye!" Clay and George smiled, waving back. Right after, they all split their separate ways.

"George.." Clay whispered. "Hm?" George hummed. "I love you." Clay said, as he wrapped his arm around George's shoulders, keeping him close by. "I love you too, baby.." George blushed, swathing his arm around Clay's torso. They got their tickets, payed and waited for their flight. They sat down next to each other on the blue, leather couches. It was sudden when Clay grabbed George by the waist, hoisting him onto his lap. "C-Clay!" George got a fright. "You startled me!" Clay just wheezed. He made it so George's legs wrapped around his waist. He rested his forehead against his. "You're bloody adorable, I can't take it.." Clay murmured, collapsing his head onto George's chest. "You're describing yourself!!" George yelled. "Stop yelling at me, or else I'll give you a real reason to scream." Clay casually exclaimed. George went a bright ruby colour, getting butterflies. "I don't mind.." George bit his lip, and now, Clay was blushing. "Hot." George giggled. Clay wheezed at the way his lover said it. "You're hot." Clay flirted. Clay started slowly lifting up George's shirt, "C-Clay! We're in public.." George blushed, pulling his shirt down. "I wish we weren't..~" Clay leaned on George, making their faces inches apart. George rolled his eyes, smiling. Right then, it was time for them to aboard their flight. "Come on, let's go!" Clay stood up, picking George up with him. "Hold on, tightly." George gripped onto the blonde firmly. Clay took both of the two suitcases with them.

They rolled into the plane and looked for their seats. It was right in the middle. "Sweet." Clay said, putting George down and grabbing his hand. Clay dragged the older boy and the luggage behind him. "Clayyy!" George moaned. "Save your breath for later, darling~" Clay smirked. George blushed and covered his face with his left hand. "Clay.." George whispered quietly. Clay just giggled, placing the older in his seat and the luggage in the top compartment. They buckled up and waited for lift off. As the assistant told everyone the safety rules, Clay started to zone out. Though, it looked like he was staring at the person in front of them. "Are you okay?" George quietly asked him. "Yeah," Clay shook his head, "just zoning out!" He smiled and turned to George. "Okay, just making sure.." George leaned in and kissed Clay.
The woman sitting in front of them suddenly turned around. She had jeans and a pink, baggy top. "What the hell are you doing?!" She roared at the two. "Why do you ask?" Clay calmly responded, raising an eyebrow. "It's disgusting! Two boys can't kiss like that!" She looked like she was about to blow a fuse. "It's not the law, is it? Plus, I love him.." Clay smiled and held George's hand. "Oh my lord! You know what, I'm recording this and sendin' it to the authorities!" She took out her phone and started recording the two boys. "You know what is illegal? Recording someone without their permission." Clay muttered, looking up at the rounded lady. "Not if it's for a good cause! Y'all are disgusting!!" She screamed. The woman next to her told her to quieten down. "No! Just look at those two sinners!" She turned back to George and Clay, "You're both going to hell!" Clay looked the lady up and down. "Nope, I can't go to hell." Clay shook his head while George raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Why exactly?!" The woman screamed. "Satan still has a restraining order against me.." Clay looked at George and smiled. "W-What?! Oh my lord, you are so stupid!" George looked at the lady, blinking slowly. "Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you just abuse the privilege." George giggled and whispered in Clay's ear, "I got that from Reddit!" Clay's face lit up. "Same!!" The woman looked furious. "You sinners! Go to hell!" This drew attention to some passengers. "Ma'am, could you please quieten down." The assistant asked her. "Oh no! Please help me, these two boy are harassing me!" The woman yelped. "Aren't you the one who harassed us? Saying we're 'disgusting' and 'sinners'. Just for loving each other." A few whispers could be heard on the plane.

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