Chapter 17: As you wish. (fluff and smut)

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- NSFW O.o
- swearing o-o

"Alright, what do I wear?" George asked Clay. "Something comfortable, like sweat pants." Clay replied. "I think I'll just wear this.. Don't look." George smiled at Clay, digging through his bag. Shortly after, George pulled out the large, black hoodie Clay got him. The brown haired boy quickly slipped on some boxers, then the hoodie. The hoodie fell over George's crotch, covering it up nicely. "Okay, done!" George smiled with his eyes closed, showing his teeth. Clay opened his eyes and started to blush. "Y-You look adorable.." Clay mumbled. George blushed back, "Thanks, Dweam.." George opened his eyes and started stumbling towards Clay. He collapsed next to him, softly intertwining their fingers. "I gotta sneeze.." George whispered. "Then sneeze." Clay giggled. George's sneeze was very high pitched.
"Oh. My. God. You have such an adorable sneeze..!" Clay swept George up in his arms. "N-No, I don't!" George complained at Clay. "Yeah, sure you don't." Clay rolled his eyes and grinned. "Ahh! I missed you so much.. I couldn't bear to be without you." Clay squeezed George tightly, not wanting to let go. "I missed you too, I was so scared.." George frowned. The whole mood changed there. George started to tear up again, "No, don't cry, Georgie!" Clay held George close to his chest. "George, my heart beats literally only for you, I don't care about anything else." While Clay was saying that, he stacked up 2 pillows and rested on them. He sat George down in his lap, letting his emerald eyes stare at George's hazel ones. Seeing them soaked with tears shattered Clay.

Clay wiped the tears dry. "George.. I want you to listen to me." George sniffled, rubbing his right eye with his wrist. "You are the one thing I'd give everything up for. I need you to know how much I care about you. You are my everything." Clay put his forehead on George's. George was speechless. Salty tears slowly ran down his face. He hugged Clay as tight as possible, which wasn't much, since he was really weak then. "You've had a rough day, you don't have to be strong all the time, just relax now. I'll give you cuddles..?" Clay calmly whispered. He grabbed the sheets and pulled it over George. Clay slowly slipped down to George's level, he rested his head on George's chest and wrapped his arms around the skinny boy. The hazel eyed boy then cloaked his legs around the jade eyed boy's waist. "You gotta stop doing that." Clay groaned. "P-Pardon..?" George silently whispered. "Doing and saying things that make me wanna kiss you.." Clay smirked, kissing George's head. "You gave me a fright! I thought I did something wrong.." George muttered. "I'm sorry, cupcake.." Clay whimpered, kissing his neck. George let out a few quiet moans. "Alright, get some rest Georgie." Clay giggled, turning over, closing his eyes and trying to sleep. George was irritated. He scooted up a bit, just enough to be in contact with Clay's neck. "You can't just kiss my neck and stop!" George blushed with an irritated voice. He then started to kiss and suck on Clay's soft neck. "Mmh!~ George! You need.. r-rest!" Clay stuttered slightly. Clay gently pushed George back down. "Rest, Georgie.." Clay smirked. "No! Like I said, you can't just leave neck kisses like that." George sat up and fell on top of Clay. "G-George! Your body is too weak. On top of that, you've already had a tragic.." Clay stopped there, not wanting to finish the sentence. "Rest, George." Clay whispered. "No!" George screamed. Clay sat up with a frustrated look. "Fine then."

"W-What?" George mumbled. "You don't want to rest, come. Let's do this." Clay smirked as he grabbed George by his waist. Clay pulled him in and started to kiss George with lust. "Mmh!~" George mumbled. Clay got out of the bed, still kissing George. The blonde picked the brown haired up, pushing him against the wall. George slipped his hoodie off during all of this. Clay pulled away from the kiss and started to grind against George's crotch. "Mgh~" George rolled his eyes back. "Tell me when you want to rest." Clay licked his lips. "S-Sure." George huffed. Clay pulled off his hoodie and started to slip off his own pants, only exposing his boxers. Shortly after, Clay could notice George's tent forming. "Well, someone's excited?~" Clay teased, looking him up and down. "Shut up!" George blushed. "Bite me, bitch boy." George bit his lip. "With pleasure~" Clay smirked. Clay started to bite George's neck softly, making sure not to hurt him. "This good?" Clay muttered. George nodded slowly, flinching. "Touch me, Clay. Touch me." George cupped Clay's chin, their lips were inches apart from magnetising again. "So demanding~" Clay bit his lip and cupped 'something else'. George started to wince and moan with pleasure. "Clay~ Ahah~" George puffed. Clay slowly slipped his finger tips in George's boxers. "May I, cupcake?" Clay asked. "W-What do.. y-you think?" George moaned. Clay started to slip George's boxers down, revealing his length. "You sure about this?~" Clay whispered in George's ear, still pinning him against the wall. "Fuck me so hard that I forget my name!" George blushed. "George!-" Clay blushed, shocked, "Well, as you wish." Clay pulled down his boxers. Exposing his length. "How the hell does that fit in me?" George questioned. Clay just wheezed, "You can hardly handle the tip!" George rolled his eyes. "Alright, prepare yourself, darling~"

George inhaled and exhaled, preparing himself for whatever Clay was going to do. "I'm ready." George muttered. Clay picked George up, slowly slipping his length in George's entrance. "O-Okay.. I s-see what y-you mean by- Hah~ p-prepare yourself!" George wailed. "This may hurt." Clay smirked. Clay started bouncing George up and down on his length, making it go further and further in. "A-AH~~" George rolled his eyes back, bit his lip and flung his head back. Clay moved George to the bed, laying him down and slamming himself into the hazel eyed boy. "Clay!~~ Mmm~" George wailed. Clay pinned George's wrists to the bed, making sure he couldn't move anywhere. While Clay was violently slamming into poor George, George wrapped his legs around Clay's waist. He felt more of Clay's pounds this way. "F-Faster!~ Ohh Clay~~" George groaned. Clay would get butterflies every time George screamed out his name. Clay eventually, without a warning, came inside George. "Hnmf~ Yes!~~" George gripped on the bedsheets as he felt the warm, sticky substance form a string as Clay pulled out. "You need rest yet, Georgie?" Clay asked. "N-No!~" George mumbled, covering his mouth with his hand. Clay silently got off of George. George sat up and crawled over to Clay's length. "Georgie.." Clay murmured. George gripped Clay's length with his hand, "Hm~?" George smiled. "Y-You need rest, love." Clay spoke in a hushed tone. "Not yet, baby!~" George winked at Clay. He started to lick Clay's tip, then quickly, it escalated to George giving him a blowjob. "G-George..~" Clay jerked at the feel of it. George bopped his head up and down, faster and faster every second. "Hah~ G-George~" Clay moaned quietly. He grabbed George's hair and started to guide him slightly. "G-Ge-George!~ Clay huffed. Again, Clay came. But this time, in George's mouth. George pulled Clay's length out of his mouth and licked his lips. Clay was covering his mouth with his left hand at the time. He let out a big sigh and kissed George's forehead. "Okay, Clay.. I just want regular kisses now." George sighed. "Weakling." Clay wheezed. "N-No! I just.. want regular kisses now. That's all." George pouted. "Sure, sure." Clay smirked. Clay slipped on George's boxers, then his own. Clay stood in between George's legs and began to kiss him like he requested.

After a while of that, their door suddenly opened. "Hey guys, are you-" Bad was stunned in the doorway. Clay and George looked over at him. "FUCK- BAD!" Clay screamed. George covered himself up with the sheets, blushing. Clay ran up to the door and slammed it closed.
"I-I think that's enough for today, Georgie poo.." Clay muttered. "No! Kissies!" George smiled. Clay frowned, but shrugged it off. He locked the door and smiled as he walked back to George. Clay began kissing him again. "You're so cute." Clay smirked. "I know." George smiled and Clay wheezed. "Why're you so demanding today?" Clay joked. "Cause I love you, bitch." George grinned. "Wow, okay. I love you too my little teddy bear." Clay rolled his eyes and smiled, giving George one more kiss. "Alright, let's go apologise to Bad, he's probably scarred." Clay chuckled. "Yeah.." George agreed with Clay. Clay put one of George's hoodies on, while George put on Clay's.

They opened the door to see Bad sitting on the couch with Zak. "Hey, guys.." Clay smiled awkwardly. Bad turned to look at them. "What were you two muffins doing..?" Bad asked calmly. "Well.. I was just giving him kisses and cuddles.. Yeah!" Clay responded. "Oh, that's not bad.. I'll just ignore the fact that both of you were only wearing boxers. Yeah, I'll just ignore that." Bad said sarcastically. "Sorry.." George whispered. "It's okay.." Bad smiled. Zak was confused. "What? Sorry, I was zoning out." Zak questioned. "I'll tell you later, muffin." Bad blushed.
"When are you guys getting together??" George said, crossing his arms. "U-Uhh.. Excuse me? Hehheh.." Zak giggled. "When are you guys getting together?!" Clay repeated from George. Zak gulped, "Bad, come with me, please.." Zak grabbed Bad's hand and tugged him to their room. "Okay..?" Bad responded. "Ooh LaLaaa~" George sang. "You're so silly. I love that." Clay picked George up and hugged him close. Nick then came in the living room. "Oh, hey guys. I was about to check on you." Nick smirked. "That's sweet of you.. Question. Would you knock??" George interrogated. "Well, duh. I don't want to walk in on you guys giving each other blowjobs." Nick joked. George blushed. "That's a good answer." Clay nodded at Nick. "Yeah, okay. I'm going to bed, I'm really burned out. Night y'all!" Nick waved as he walked upstairs to his room. "Night, Nick!" George and Clay said at the same time. "We should head to bed as well." Clay whispered in George's ear. "Good idea.." George yawned.

The duo walked back in their room, slumping down on the bed and crawling under the covers.
"Night, Georgie poo.. I love you." Clay smiled, hugging George.
"Goodnight, Dweam. I love you more!" George chuckled.
"I love you more, times infinity!" Clay wheezed.
"W-Well.. Same with you!" George smiled.
"Just.. One thing Clay. When I'm feeling better, I will show no mercy on you. I'll be the top."  George said confidently.
"Haha.. You're cute.." Clay mumbled, smiling.

(1830 words :b sorry, this one was quite lazy, since I'm writing late at night :') I don't have much to say- so- have a great day/night :3)

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