Chapter 4: The Thunderstorm (fluff)

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» heads up «
- lil bit of swearing o.o
- one tiny part of a 'wet dream' O-O

George and Clay eventually got out of the shower, both had towels wrapped around their torsos. Clay ruffled George's hair. "Messy hair." Clay smiled. "Well now it's messy, dumb dumb." George pouted. Clay wheezed, grabbing a t-shirt and boxers. As Clay was reaching for his hoodie, George snatched it away and slipped it on. "Hehe." George giggled, quickly slipping on his boxers. "Oh-ho-ho.. you wanna play like that eh?" Clay said, looking George up and down. George froze for a moment. "Yes." He finally said. Clay stepped towards George. Shit- I'm in trouble.. George thought to himself. Clay tackled him to the ground, tickling him. "NO- C-CLAY! S-STOP!" George was bursting out with laughter. "Give me my hoodie back!!" Clay wheezed. "F-FIN-FINE!!" George chocked. Clay stopped tickling him, sitting on top of George. George caught his breath and took off Clay's hoodie. Clay blushed a bit, since George was bare underneath. "Why are you so mean.." George pouted, turning his head away from Clay. Clay just sat there giggling. "It's not funny!" George said. "What ever you say darling~." Clay muttered, getting off of George.

"We should head to bed. It's been a long day.." Clay mumbled. "Oh.. ok." George whispered with a sad tone in his voice. "You alright?" Clay asked worried. George looked up at Clay, "Yeah, I'm ok!" Clay looked a little confused. "Alright.. I'll see you in the morning, I'll be up at 9." "Ok, good night Drea- Clay." George said, smiling. "Good night Georgie poo, I love you.." George blushed and walked to the guest room. He didn't say it back :( Clay thought to himself. George collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He got flashbacks of what they did a few minutes ago.. he immediately started blushing, thinking.

w-we just did that..
i dont know how, or why..
i was into it.

i like my best friend..

George rubbed his eyes. "Might as well get some sleep.." George said to himself, grabbing the blanket and turning over to his side.


There was a loud crash outside, George sprung up sweating. He looked around and sighed. "Oh no.." He said to himself. Right after, he heard another roar of thunder, there was a bright flash of light by his window. "AAH!" George hid under the covers, shivering. George doesn't like thunderstorms, the loud noises scare him. After another jump scare of lightning, he decided to head to Clay for comfort. George quietly got up, taking a pillow with him. Tears were sliding down his hot cheeks. He slowly creaked open the door and walked over to Clay's room. George covered his ears with the pillow, blocking out any noise. When he got into Clay's room, he was fast asleep. George tiptoed to Clay and knelt down at the side of his bed. "C-Clay.." he whispered. George gently shook Clay, but he didn't budge. Another loud roar of thunder crashed near. George flinched and started to whimper. "C-Clay!.." George half whispered, shaking Clay. Clay woke up, ".. hmm?." George had a sigh of relief. "S-Sorry to wake y-you up Clay.. b-but-" George got cut off by the sudden strike of lighting. He cowered, trying to get low. "Oh.. you're scared?" Clay asked, in a husky voice. "... mhm" George mumbled. "Alright, jump in." Clay lifted up the blanket, showing his body, waiting for George to climb in. Clay ended up taking off his t-shirt in the night. George stood up and crawled in, it was really warm. The brown haired boy cuddled up right by the blonde, smiling and blushing. Clay wrapped his arms around George. "It's ok, Georgie.. Don't cry, love.." Clay whispered in his ear. George smiled and held Clay's hand. Clay then kissed George's neck, George flinched, but enjoyed it. The brown haired boy turned over, digging his face into Clay's warm chest. The blonde boy put his chin on George's head, smelling his sweet aroma. "You smell like flowers!" Clay whispered. George blushed, right before falling asleep. Clay looked at the passed out boy, he kissed his forehead and fell asleep.


George yawned, waking up. His eyes squinted, opening them slowly. He looked at Clays alarm clock. "5:35AM? Oh.. thought it would be later.." George lay there for awhile, glancing at the younger boy several times. Noticing all of his perfect details. George eventually fell back into a deep slumber, having a dream about the boy sleeping right beside him.

Clay's Perspective:

"just give it to me.."
"y-you sure?.."
"daddy dream~"
"s-shit.. Clay.."

I woke up, quickly sitting up, I was breathing heavily, sweating all over. A wet dream? About.. G-George.. I rubbed my eyes and turned to see George, fast asleep. He was holding on my arm.. I smiled, maybe it wouldn't be too bad if I just.. kissed him. He wouldn't notice. Right?

3rd Person Perspective:

Clay kissed George on the lips, leaving their lips connected for a few minutes. Clay let go, still looking down on George, when suddenly.. George took his hands, his eyes still closed, put them on the sides of Clay's head and pulled him in for a longer kiss. Clay was startled at first, but gave in. George pulled away. "Morning baby." He said with a modulated voice. Clay started to blush. "You're so cute.." George grabbed Clay by the waist and pulled the blonde boy on top of him. George smiled and hugged Clay. Clay hugged back, blushing a cherry red colour. Their hands intertwined together. They kissed passionately, before Clay fell to the side of George, holding his hand. "George.." "Mhm?" George mumbled back. "What's the time?" George glanced over at the alarm clock. "5:57AM" He said, turning his head to face Clay. "Ok.. good, wanna cuddle..?" Clay looked flustered. George blushed a maroon colour, smiling and nodding. George got really close to Clay. George loved being right by Clay's side. It made him feel safe. Clay put his arm around George, his hand on his stomach. "Love you, Clay.." George spoke. Clay was silent. "... love you too, Georgie." Clay said with a happy tone.


Both of the boys woke up, still in each other's arms. "Hi Clay.." "Hi Georgie poo." Clay smiled. "I thought of a bunch of stuff to do together!" said George.

"Really? Like what?" Clay asked.

"I'll tell you later, Clay."

(1100 words- sorry this one was a bit short- and quite boring -_-" the next one will hopefully be better ;3; catch ya later <3)

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