Chapter 11: Flying Over (fluff)

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» heads up «
- lil bit of swearing
- short George u-u

George yawned, sitting up to see Clay wide awake. "Morning, Georgie." Clay said, it sounded like he had been up for awhile. "Morning, Clay.." George whispered, rubbing his eyes. "Did you sleep well?" Clay asked, smiling at George. "Mhm, you're so warm.." George smiled with his eyes closed. Clay blushed, sitting up and putting his arm around George. "Come on, let's go." Clay got out of the bed, picking George up in his arms. George was resting his eyes when he picked him up, he was still very sleepy. The younger boy set George on a chair, watching the boy closely. "You're so adorable.." Clay whispered. This made George wake up, "No you." he replied. Clay was a little startled. "Tsk, tsk, tsk.. If only you could see yourself through my eyes.." George started blushing, covering his face with his hands. Clay giggled, kissing his hand and walking to the kitchen. "You want anything?" Clay asked, turning on the kettle. "Nah, I'm good." George replied. Clay frowned. "You never eat.." he started walking towards George, kneeling down to his height. "I'm just never hungry." George shrugged, smiling at Clay. "George.. are you telling the truth..?" Clay put his hand on George's shoulder. "Mhm..!" George mumbled. Clay stayed silent, getting up and pouring the hot water into a cup, adding a teabag and a bit of sugar. "Here, George!" Clay smirked, handing the tea to George. "O-Oh, thanks, Clay!" He smiled, closing his eyes and sipping some of the tea. Clay started to stare at George, admiring the small boy. George quickly finished his tea, "Thank you, Dweam!" George got up and hugged Clay. Clay hugged back, picking up George. He slowly put him down after a few minutes.
"George.. try get on the counter." Clay tried holding in his laughter when saying this. "W-Why??" George stuttered. "Georgie!! Just do it!" Clay pleaded. "No!" George grunted, crossing his arms. "I won't give you kissies then, hmph!" Clay turned his back to George. "Wait, no!" George frowned, he turned to the counter. "Ugh.. fine." George groaned. Clay spun back around with a giant smile on his face. "You're actually so annoying.." George rolled his eyes. "But you still love me." Clay smirked.

George blushed, he tried lifting himself up the counter but he couldn't reach. "Come on!!" George said as he struggled. Clay was just laughing his ass off. "G-Georgie.. y-you're so s-s-short!!" Clay wheezed. "I'm not THAT short! Why're you so mean? Hmph!" Clay carried on wheezing from George's struggles. George grabbed the chair, stood on it and slid onto the counter. "Ha! Big brain time." George said smugly. Clay smirked, walking in between George's legs, they were hanging off the counter. "C-Clay..?" George blushed. Clay leaned in for a kiss, running his hand up George's shirt. George shivered, Clay's hand was cold. "George.." Clay mumbled, eyes closed. "Mm..?" Clay carried on kissing George, he gently held his neck. "George." Clay opened his eyes, looking straight into George's. "Y-Yeah..?" Clay slowly slipped his hand in George's pants. "Who's the top in this relationship..? Clay giggled, giggling soon turned into wheezing. "T-That's what you wanted to tell m-me?!" George covered his face, he was blushing a crimson red tone. "C-Come on? What's your answer??" Clay wheezed, stepping back to catch his breath. "You're such a dickhead." George replied, crossing his arms. "G-Georgie poo, that's not an answer, love.." Clay smiled, cupping George's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes. "Grr.." Clay blushed a cherry tone. "G-George.. that w-was adorable.." Clay covered his mouth.
Suddenly, both boys heard many beeps coming from Clay's phone. It was Nick.

Answer me right now you son of a bitch

"It's Nick?" Clay said, tapping on his phone. George tilted his head, "Wonder what he wants.."

Hi Nick, wussup

oh wow you replied
Hi, anyway, I was gonna ask if you gjys wanted to com for a little party thing at my place?
guys* come*

You're in Texas, aren't you...?


So we'll have to fly over??


Uh, I'll ask George..

Yeah yeah, you'll ask your boyfrienddd

Shut up, yes

Clay looked up at George, "Hey, Georgie. Nick was asking if we wanted to come over for a little party, would you like to go?" George was hesitant for a second. "Isn't he in Texas..?" George asked. "Yeah.. we would have to fly there." Clay walked back in between George's legs. George blushed, "W-Well.. it would be nice to get out of here.." "Is that a yes?" Clay asked. "Mmh!" George nodded, smiling. "Alrighty! We'll have to get packing. Let me just ask Nick when it is.."

He said sure. So when is this??

Sick, well I was thinking later today, there's just an hour in time differences. So, in Texas, you should be here at like.. 5:00PM
That would be good\

Alright, I guess we'll see you then??

Yeah, safe travels mamas <33

Kkk, bye bye Sappynappy

"Alright, Georgie, we only have to leave later. We should be there at 4:00PM." Clay smirked, placing his hand on George's thigh. George blushed, "A-Alrighty.. should we pack now?" he asked. "I don't see why not, should take about 1 hour. Since it's already 11:45AM." Clay smiled, leaning his head on George. "Yeah.. keep in mind, it's a long journey.. about 2 hours and 33 minutes." George said, pulling Clay closer. Both boys smiled at each other. They stayed there for a moment, just enjoying their time together. "Ok, let's get packing." Clay whispered. He walked to the bedroom, leaving George on the counter. "C-Clay?? Help.." George slightly screamed. "Oops!" Clay came running back to George. He picked him up and carried him to their bedrooms. Both started packing, they packed: toiletries, clothes, chargers, phones and other useful items.
An hour had past.
"Phew, all done!" Clay stretched. "I'll need to drop Patches off with our neighbour." George nodded. "You sure you're all packed? We're going to leave now, so that we're a little earlier!" Clay held Patches in his arms. "100% sure." George smiled at Clay. "Great, ok.. let's move. Tickets have been booked already." Clay held George's hand, while Patches was in the other. Clay turned off the lights, locked all the windows and made sure everything was off. The two slowly crept out, locking the door behind them. They went down to their neighbour, who was thrilled to take care of Patches. She was a nice, old lady, who had 6 other cats. As soon as she closed the door, George and Clay ran downstairs, suitcases in hand, calling an Uber and getting driven to the airport.

"George! We made it!!" Clay held George's hands. "Yeah!" George smiled. They still had to wait for their flight before getting on. In the waiting zone, they sat down on the chairs. Next to each other, of course. George leaned on Clay's shoulder. Clay gripped George's hand tighter, making sure he never left his side. Both heard a soft, squeaky voice from behind them, "Mommy.. what are those two men doing..?" "They're sinnin' honey.. don't look, it's disgusting." Clay was shocked, mortified at what the woman said. George just sat there, sinking further into Clay, slightly tearing up.
When their flight was ready to aboard, Clay got up, arm around George. He flipped off the woman, her eyes widened. Clay and George started laughing as they walked to the plane.
They were sat in the middle of the plane. They put their bags up in the compartment above them and sat down in their seats. "C-Clay.. would you mind holding my hand..? I don't really like flying.. I-It freaks me out." George whispered shyly. "No problem, Georgie poo.." Clay slipped his hand into George's, giving him a soft, calming smile. George smiled back, feeling a bit more relieved. As the plane started getting higher and higher in the sky, George clutched Clay tightly. Embracing him with a sense of fear. Clay wrapped his arm around George, stroking his hair with the other. "Shh.. it's ok Georgie.. it's ok." Clay whispered calmly. George squeezed tighter on to Clay. "Just sleep, I'll wake you up during the landing.. it'll take your mind off of this. You can even sit on me and sleep, how about that?" Clay whispered into George's ear. George nodded 5 times. "Ok, ok.. come on, sit on my lap." George quickly got up and sat on Clay's lap. George wrapped his arms around his neck, while Clay hugged George tightly. The brown haired boy fell asleep after a few minutes, the younger boy kissed George on the forehead, before putting on his headphones and listening to some music.

"Love you, George.." Clay whispered.

(hi lovelies :> I do apologise if there are any grammar mistakes- I'm really tired lol- anyway, have an amazing day/night <3)

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