Chapter 3: What Are You Doing? (fluff and smut)

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- Swearing
- Clay = Top . George = Bottom (rip)
o-o (first time writing this- so sorry if its bad q-q)

Clay broke the silence, "George.." George turned his head to face Clay. "Y-Yeah..?" Clay looked at the ground and sighed. "What the hell did we do..?" George scooted closer to Clay. "We- We kissed." it was silent, the atmosphere as thick. Clay looked at George. He caught him staring. George blushed and quickly turned his head away. Clay gave him a little smirk, placing his hand on George's shoulder. Clay stood up and walked in front of George. He knelt down and reached for the brown haired boys hand. Of course, George took it, blushing a scarlet red. Clay dragged George to the couch and placed him down gently.

"Let's get our minds off of this," Clay smiled "let's watch a movie." George nodded. Clay opened up Netflix and went to the 'Horror Section'. Clay knew George hated horror movies. "Clay!" George screamed, "You know I hate horror movies!" He said, covering his head with a blanket. "You'll be fine, Georgie." Clay smirked. "I'll go make us some popcorn."
"Don't leave! Clay!!" Clay was wheezing when he walked over to the kitchen. He took out a pack of popcorn and stuck it in the microwave. By then, the movie had started. George was hiding under the soft, grey blanket. While the popcorn was popping, Clay started to daydream..

oh George..
if only you knew.. what i wanted to do with you.
i want to kiss you..
i want to watch as you steal my hoodies..
i want to sleep with you..
big spoon and little spoon style..
ill be holding you in my arms, stroking your hair..
i know you probably aren't ready..
not even sure if you like me..
as much as i do..
so, ill never get the chance.

Clay bit his lip thinking about George. The microwave eventually beeped, out came some delicious, fluffy popcorn. Clay poured it in a large bowl. He walked over, back to the couch to see George shivering under the blanket. Clay smiled and sat next to him. Clay pulled George onto his chest. George blushed and closed his eyes. Clay smiled, stroking George's silky hair.
Clay flinched at one jump scare. "Wow.." Clay said. "You saw that George?" He soon realised, George was fast asleep.. Clay stared at his chest going up and down in amazement. He fell asleep on me! Clay blushed. 5 more minutes into the movie, something unexpected happened.. Clay wriggled to get into another comfy position.. George slipped down from his chest, close to Clay's forming 'tent'.. Clay blushed a crimson colour. His jaw flung open. The movie finished.. leaving Clay shellshocked. He smiled for a second, staring at George. Clay grabbed his headphones off of the coffee table and connected them to his phone. George was set as his background. He pulled up iTunes and listened to his favourite song 'Heat Waves' by Glass Animals.

After 10 minutes, George woke up, groaning as he did. This set Clay off. Clay blushed, looking at George. "Hey Clay.." George said with a husky voice. George closed his eyes, but felt a slight poke by his cheek. He squinted his eyes slightly open, sat up and looked at Clay. Clay looked flushed, like he saw a ghost.. but he wasn't pale, he was red.. George looked at the spot he was sleeping on, noticing Clay's tent. George immediately went red. Soon after, he started to develop a tent. Both boys were looking at each other in shock. "I- I-" George stuttered. Clay's mouth went slightly open, just enough to see his 2 top teeth. George then asked, "w-what's with t-that look?!" Clay inched closer to George. George crawled away slowly, still on the couch. What am I doing?!? He thought to himself. Clay was on top of him at this point. "George." George just stayed silent. "You need to be kissed. So hard that you can't remember you're name." George sat still, blushing a ruby red tone. Clay leaned in further and kissed George. George slowly closed his eyes. The boy pulled away to catch a bit of breath. Clay slipped his tongue in, searching every inch of George's mouth. Clay pulled away for a moment, a long string of saliva followed off. Both looked at each other with heavy eyes. "Let's go somewhere more.. comfortable.." Clay said, biting his lip. George nodded vigorously. They both got up and kicked off their shoes. Clay then dragged George to the bedroom.

Clay burst through the door, followed by George. Clay pushed George onto the bed, grabbed his LED strip light remote, setting the colour to magenta. Clay turned to George, his legs were spread out slightly. Clay took off his shirt and lay on George, kissing him and grinding on him. Clay put his right hand on George's cheek and the other on George's stomach. George had his left hand on Clay's cheek and the right on his thigh.

After about 3 minutes, Clay got up, taking off George's hoodie and shirt.. He started giving him luscious red marks on his neck, travelling down to his collar bone. George let out a few quiet moans. He sounded so.. I can't find the words. I just want him now.. Clay thought to himself. Clay stood up, and put his fingers in George's boxers, only the tips of his fingers. He was asking for George's consent. Of course, George nodded with lust in his eyes. Clay bit his lip and ripped off George's boxers, exposing George's length. George was blushing, preparing himself. He could see what Clay was about to do. "You sure about this?" Clay asked. "Clay! Just fuck me already~" Clay looked shook, but shortly after, smirked. He started licking George's tip, George moaned. Clay licked around George's length, before deep throating him. George was sensitive there, he let out several moans, calling out Clay's name. "ah~ C-Clay!~" Clay bobbed his head up and down, taking George's full length. "Clay!~ mmh!~" George threw his head back, jerking every time Clay touched his sensitive parts. George rolled his eyes back once Clay took it out his mouth. Clay slips off his boxers, he pins George to the bed and gave him fingers to suck. "suck it." George put Clay's fingers into his mouth, he got saliva all over them. Clay pulled it out and slowly inserted it into his hole. "ahh!~" George moaned. At first it was painful, but the pain quickly turned into pleasure. Clay pulled them out and slowly but surely, set his tip in George's entrance. George was moaning loudly. Clay inserted more and more of his length in, George's moans got louder and louder. Clay starting pulling in and out, it started getting faster and harder. "huhp, mmh~" George was grabbing the bedsheets tightly, he flung his head to the side, breathing heavily. Clay was grunting, he kept getting faster and faster. "ah~ G-George, y-your so ti-tight.. huh~" "h-harder!~ s-slam me C-Clay!~~ faster!!"

After 4 minutes or so, they both came. Leaving the white, sticky substance everywhere. Clay licked it off George's chest, and ended their session off with a kiss on the lips. Clay fell next to George, both catching their breath. "H-How long..?" George asked, still out of breath. "13,2." Clay replied with a big sigh. George blushed. "Hah.. that was inside of me~" George whispered. "W-We should get cleaned up" Clay insisted. Clay got up, but George was struggling. "C-Clay.." George said. Clay started wheezing, picking him up and taking him to the bathroom.

"I'm going first!!" George screamed. Clay rolled his eyes. "Fiineee.." George stumbled into the shower and let the water run down his back. Clay thought of a mischievous plan. "Ya know George.." "Mm?" Clay went silent. "Yes?" George said. "... Clay" there was no response. George pulled the curtain out of his way to look for Clay. As soon as he made eye contact with him, he jumped on him, pinning him against the shower wall. The hot, steamy water flowing on them. Clay smirked, "Let's shower together?~" George blushed once again. "I love you, idiot." George spoke.

"I love you too, Georgie."

(1388 wORDS- holy shizz.. sorry this isn't too good, it's my first time writing smut o-o next one will be better! <3)

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