Chapter 25: So, This 'Michelle' Girl? (fluff and angst)

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« heads up »
- swearing o-o
-   m i c h e l l e .   g r r .   >:(
- angst  ; - ;

"So.. Should we go to an amusement park or something?" Nick asked, twiddling his fingers. "You really wanna go out don't you?" Clay raised an eyebrow. "Pshh.. Nahhh." Nick turned away and pouted. "Yeah, I'm right." Clay smirked, "Where do you wanna go?" Clay rolled his eyes, still smiling. Nick's face lit up, he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his photos. "Theres these two really cool places!" Nick exclaimed, still scrolling. The excited boy eventually tapped on a photo, he turned the phone to Clay and let him look. "This sick amusement park and this fun-looking roller skating park!" Nick smiled brightly. "Hm.." Clay hummed. "PLEASE!" Nick begged, "I don't want to be alone!!" Clay stared for a moment, then turned to George. "Only if Georgie wants to." Clay smiled lightly. "ARGGH!!" Nick grunted angrily. Clay giggled and gently started to shake George. "Just wake him up already!" Nick screamed. "I'm gently waking him up," Clay smirked, knowing he was making Nick frustrated. Nick frowned and pushed Clay out the way, he started to vigorously shake George from side to side, eventually waking him up. "N-Nick!" George muttered, getting a fright. "Are you finally awake?!" Nick shouted. George moved to Clay, huddling in his arms. "Oh my god. GEORGE!" Nick shrieked, heated. "Georgie poo, would you like to go out?" Clay asked calmly. George smiled softly, nodding his head. "SEE," Clay turned to face Nick, "you ask politely! Then they'll respond, bitch!!" Clay feistily smiled. "You're so annoying." Nick slouched in on the couch. "Okay, let's get ready, George." Clay smiled, picking the boy up. "Mmh.." George sleepily mumbled. As Clay entered the bedroom, he silently closed the door and plopped George on the bed. Clay leaned down on him, giving George a small peck. George wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him more. "Are you awake now?" Clay asked. "Yeah.." George whispered. "Okay! Come on, let's get ready." Clay led George into the bathroom, letting the shower run for a bit before getting in and cleaning themselves. Once they were all clean, they got dressed into some comfortable, yet fashionable clothes. George wore shorts, a t-shirt, a hoodie, socks, and a pair of closed shoes. Clay wore almost the exact same, but with some black jeans. They brushed their teeth and headed back to Nick. "We're ready!" Clay slightly shouted, holding George's hand and opening the door. "Took you long enough." Nick rolled his eyes, "Come on, let's go!" Nick started to jump towards the apartment door. "Hold on, where are we going first?" Clay asked, slowly walking with George. "Amusement park! Come, we're going in the car." Nick opened the door and walked out. "Car?" George questioned. "Yeah, I rented a car, George." Nick crossed his arms. The couple eventually waltzed out the door, locking it behind them. They all travelled down the stairs and headed to "Nick's"car. Nick got into the driver's seat while Clay and George sat in the back. "Nick, you're a reckless driver, I could drive us there?" Clay raised an eyebrow, leaning between the two front seats. "No, I'm driving us." Nick confidently stated. "Okay then." Clay shrugged, pulling himself back to George.

"Ready y'all?" Nick smiled. "No." The two said. "Great! Let's go!" Nick started to drive to the amusement park, following the directions from his phone. "Nick is a scary driver.." George whispered in Clay's ear, loud enough for Nick to hear. "I'm not!" Nick rolled his eyes, almost crashing into a bird. "Wow." Clay blankly said. George giggled and Clay started to giggle as well. The brown haired took out his phone and scrolled through Pinterest. Clay rested his head on his shoulder, looking down at George's phone. "Love you, George.." Clay smiled, closing his eyes. "Love you too, Clay.." George whispered back. Eventually, the trio got to their destination. The amusement park. "Finally!!" Nick screamed with joy. They all got out of the car and started to head in. Clay ended up paying for everyone, each ticket was $65. "$195.. This better be worth it, Nick." Clay pouted. "Oh, it will be. Let's go!" Nick flung his arms in the air and ran towards a ride. "Might as well follow him?" Clay looked down at George. George shrugged, "Mhm, why not. Can you pick me up?" George asked. "Sure thing, Georgie." Clay smiled, picking George up. The brown haired smiled and kissed him on the cheek. The couple got to Nick, who was standing in a line. "This is a pretty long line.." George muttered. "Yeah.." Clay frowned. "Be patient! This ride is incredible." Nick bounced up and down. "We'll take your word for it." Clay shrugged. As the line started to build up, with the ride getting closer and closer, George couldn't help but notice something in the corner of his eye. Curious, George turned his head in that direction. "Huh? Weird.." George mumbled. "Excuse me?" Clay asked. "Oh.. No, I just thought I saw someone." George muttered silently, fidgeting. "Oh, alright." Clay pet George on the back.
"WE'RE SO CLOSE!!" Nick screamed with excitement. "What's so special about this ride??" Clay questioned Nick. "Oh! I used to come here all the time with my family." Nick smiled. As the two friends were talking, George started to look around. I swear I saw her. She was RIGHT THERE. Wasn't she? Maybe I'm just imagining things. George thought to himself. All of a sudden, the young boy looked behind them, seeing Michelle just a few people away. George's eyes widened as he made eye contact for a few seconds. "Clay! Clay!!" George whispered, slightly screaming. "Hm?" Clay started walking into the roller coaster, following Nick. "I-I-" George stuttered, holding on tightly. "Oh, are you scared of the ride? Don't worry, I'll hold onto you tightly.." Clay sweetly smiled, placing George into the seat and sitting next to him. Clay smiled at George, closing his eyes. George saw Michelle entering the ride, sitting in the back. "No- Clay!" George frantically muttered. The roller coaster started to ride upwards, going up the tall bump. Nick flung his arms up, enjoying the moment. "Clay.." George said, squeezing Clay's hand. They got to the top, waiting for the drop. "Mmh?" Clay tilted his head.

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