Chapter 12: Arriving At Sapnap's (fluff and smut)

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» heads up «
- other ship incoming :o
- NSFW o-o
- small part of a sensitive subject ;-;

Clay looked out of the window, he didn't even realise how close to the ground they were. "Almost there.." he said to himself. Clay wasn't a fan of flights either, but he had to be strong for George. He stroked George's head slowly, quietly waking him up. George yawned, sleepily opening his eyes and looking up at Clay. "Pfft.. you're hair is so messy." Clay whispered. George's head collapsed back onto Clay's shoulder. "Come on, sleepy head.. it's almost landing time." Clay positioned George so that he was facing the window. Coincidentally, no one else sat next to them. It was a pretty empty flight, surprisingly. Clay kissed George's neck, that definitely woke him up. "C-Clay!" George blushed. "Ah, there we go. He's awake!" Clay groaned sarcastically. George smiled with him.
The plane finally started to thud onto the ground, the heavy wheels skidding across the hot tar. When the plane came to a stop, the two boys saw loads of groups slowly exiting the plane. "Let's wait till it's less crowded." Clay muttered. Luckily, it didn't take long for most to get out.

As they stepped out, the sun shone into their faces. It was a hot day in Texas, way different to Florida's weather. Clay held George's hand tightly, making sure not to lose him. "You ok, George?" Clay turned to him and stopped for a moment. "Mmh, perfectly fine!" George smiled, tightening his grip. "If you say so.." Clay murmured, taking out his phone and getting an Uber for them. "Alright, shouldn't take too long.. Yeah! 15 minutes until they get here." Clay slipped his phone into his back pocket, covering it with his hoodie. "What's with you and Ubers? You've called one like.. 4 times since I've gotten here!" George asked. "Ubers are cool. Other forms of transportation is boring." Clay smirked. George rolled his eyes and dragged Clay over to a bench. "Let's sit, these pants are really hard to move in.. Kinda hurting, if I have to be honest." Clay looked down at him, blushing. "George." Clay whispered steadily. "Yes? Why are you whispering..?" George asked turning to face Clay. "You still haven't answered my question." George was confused, "Question? What question?" Clay rolled his eyes and smiled. "Who's the top in this relationship?? That one." George's eyes widened, he turned away, crossing his arms. "I can't answer that." George groaned. Clay started laughing. "Maybe later.." Clay whispered. "What's that supposed to mean??!" George snapped, quickly turning to Clay. Clay just wheezed, his elbows were resting on his knees and his head was facing directly down at the floor. "Clay!" George shook Clay slightly. They then saw a grey vehicle pull-up close to them, it was their ride. "Come on, Georgie." Clay said, grabbing his suitcase and reaching for George's hand. George blushed, taking his suitcase in his left, and Clay's warm hand in the right. They walked over to the car and told the man their destination. Clay held George's hand the whole way, making sure he was alright and with him.
The driver kept glaring at them through the mirror. His deep, dim, shady eyes stared at them. Clay looked at him once or twice. He seemed.. off. Something about the man was.. familiar. Yet, he didn't think much of it.

When they were at their stop, aka Nick's house, Clay payed the man and took one last longing stare at the man. He looked awfully familiar. After he drove off, Clay slipped his hand back into George's. "Ready?" Clay asked, smiling at George. George smiled back at him, blushing a roseate colour, "I'm ready.." With that, they walked up to Nick's door and rang the doorbell. They let go of each other's tight grips, not wanting anyone else to know that they are together. Nick opened the door, a big, bright smile appeared on his face. "Hey guys!" Nick shrieked, "You made it! Come in, come in." Nick leaned against the door, signalling them to walk in. "Thanks, Nick!" George smiled. "You couldn't get enough of us." Clay giggled. Nick started to join in, "Guess I couldn't!" The three laughed happily. After a few minutes, Nick stated that Bad and Zak were already here. "Come say hi!" Nick walked them both towards them. It was in the living room. The TV was on, pillows were everywhere and there were a bunch of snacks on the table. "Here we are. Bad, Zak, say hi!"

dreamnotfound (• fluff and smut 👀 •)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن