Chapter 16: What's On Your Neck? (fluff and angst)

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» heads up «
- swearing o.O
- sensitive topic ;-;
- shortish ;-;-;-;-;-;-;

"George.." Clay muttered, slowly moving his hand towards George's neck. "What's that.. on your neck?" The tall boy took him thumb and rubbed circles on the older boy. George's neck had violent purple marks on it. Clay couldn't tell if they were bruises, or hickeys. "P-Pardon?" George smiled. Clay could tell the smile was fake, "George, what the hell did he do..?" Clay knelt down in front of George, grabbing both of his hands and squeezing them tightly. George stayed silent. Soon after, hot tears streamed down George's cheeks, he was biting his lip as well. "Georgie poo.. I'm so sorry." Clay got up and hugged George, stroking his fluffy hair. "I'm so, so sorry.." Clay repeated in a shaky voice. George collapsed in on Clay, sobbing loudly. "C-Clay.. H-He touched me i-in places I didn't want to be touched.." George whined. Clay lifted himself away from George's embrace. "He.. What..?" Clay wiped George's tears away with his thumb, moving over to George's neck. He was shell shocked, how could he not be? "George, what else did he do?" Clay mumbled in George's ear. George dried his own cheeks with the top of his wrist. "H-He threatened to kill you if I didn't g-give him money. Their f-friends beat me up and insulted me." George whispered, tearing up again. "They were so mean.." George weeped. "Shh.. It's ok, Georgie." Clay calmly led George to his chest. "Let's get you cleaned up." Clay said, relaxed. He picked George up, letting his thin legs hang down from his waist. George's hospital gown was flowing as Clay carried him out. George was well enough anyway, he just needed some rest. "Let's just tell the others where we'll be." Clay said without expression. He was blank, gone. Clay couldn't believe what the man did to his precious George.
The tall boy opened the door to his room, telling Nick where they were going. "Hey Nick, we're going back to your place. George needs to be cleaned up." Clay told Nick. Nick responded with a nod. He waved at the boys, giving them a warm smile. Clay and George started to head to Zak's room. As soon as the duo looked in the room, they saw Bad and Zak hugging each other, fast asleep in the hospital bed. Clay smiled, slowly closing the door behind them. "Cute."

Clay called an Uber to bring them home. Clay was still limping when he walked, but otherwise, he was managing. When the driver eventually got to them, Clay made sure he was cautious. He looked the man up and down, making sure he wasn't anyone they knew. Clay nodded and plopped George in the backseat of the black car, sitting next to him. "You doing alright..?" Clay quietly asked him. George didn't say anything, he was just staring blankly at the car's carpet floor. Clay sighed, pulling George closer to him. The blonde boy gave the driver their destination. They started driving steadily to Nick's house, making sure the ride was a gentle one. It took about 15 minutes to get there. Clay payed the driver, thanking him for a safe ride. He held George up like a toddler, peacefully bringing him inside. He had a spare key so he could get in. "Alright. Georgie.. Let's clean you up." Clay lightly smirked at George. He walked into the bathroom, slowly placing George down on the sink counter. "This should be good." Clay looked at the bath, putting his hand on his hip. He started running the water, making the temperature perfect. He added some bubble bath just for George, it smelt like vanilla ice cream. They chilled there for a bit, letting the water run. Finally, it was ready. "Come on, George." Clay started to slip off George's hospital gown, picking him up and placing him in the warm water. "T-Thanks, Clay." George spoke. "Don't mention it." Clay responded, "I'm just glad you're here with me.." George looked up at Clay, he noticed Clay starting to tear up. "D-Don't cry!" George frowned, standing up and waving his arms. "S-Sit back down, love.." Clay wiped his tears away. George exhaled, "Clay, I'm fine!" George smiled. "You're not fine! That bastard fucking touched you. Look at your neck, George! Tell me, are those bruises or hickeys!?" George went silent and sat back down. "I'm sorry, George.."

Clay walked up to George, his back was facing him. The tall, blonde boy grabbed a damp cloth and started softly rubbing it on George's neck. George stayed still, arching his back slightly. Clay tossed the cloth back in the water. "I'll give you some space, meet me in our room." Clay smiled, limping out of the bathroom.
It was quiet, too quiet for George. He started to study everything in the room. Soap, towels, cupboards, mirrors and tiles. Washing himself as he did so, of course. "Why would he do that..?" George asked himself. He thought for a bit, thinking deeply. He eventually got out, wrapping a towel around himself. The hazel eyed boy looked in the mirror. He noticed all of his cuts and bruises. "Ouch.." George began digging in a cupboard, looking for bandages and plasters. He found a red first aid kit at the back. George then wrapped himself in the bandages and stuck the plasters on. "This should last." He smirked. George opened the door and started to walk to the guest room, still holding the leftover bandages.

He opened the door to see Clay hiding his face in his hands, with his leg bouncing up and down, rapidly. "C-Clay..?" George whimpered, walking up to Clay, slowly. "George! I didn't see you there.." Clay shot up. "Clay! Look at you.." George grabbed Clay's arm and started wrapping a bandage around it. "Much better.." George smiled. Clay began to tear up, he was so happy George was with him. Clay gently pulled George in, he sat down and put George on his lap. Clay found himself kissing George, but it wasn't fierce, passionate or lustful. It was a soft, warm and gentle kiss. It made George feel fuzzy inside, it was.. different. "George.. I promise I'll always be here for you.. I'll be here to protect you, I'm so sorry.." Clay started to wail again, hyperventilating with it. "Shh.. Clay, it's ok! I'm fine.." George assured Clay, "Here, listen to my heartbeat. Just focus on that." George brought Clay to his chest. Clay started to breathe slowly, closing his eyes and holding George's hand tightly. "Hickeys or bruises, George..?" Clay whispered, opening his eyes once again. George stayed silent for a bit. "A mix of both, I guess.." George clenched his fist. Clay set off to gently kiss George again, "Georgie.. I'm so sorry." Clay muttered. "Stop apologising.." George whispered, pushing Clay on the bed. George lay on top of him, closing his eyes and smiling. Clay smirked and started to caress George. "I love you so much, Georgie.. I can't explain it with words.." Clay gripped on George. "I love you too, now, can I get dressed..?" George giggled slightly. "Oops! Sorry." Clay snickered.

"One more kiss, please..?" Clay pleaded.
"Of course, dummy.." George smiled, kissing Clay gently.

(1217 words- hello! sorry this one was short, I have been really busy lately [also haven't been feeling up to date q-q] I'll hopefully be posting more frequently, dnf and skephalo uwu anyway, have a great day/night my lovelies!)

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