Chapter 21: Well, Now That They Know. (fluff and smut)

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- NSFW O.o

George got up from his seat. Clay shot out his chair, forcing him to get immediately pulled back down into his lap. "You're not leaving yet, are you?.." Clay whispered solemnly. George got shivers up his spine. "W-Well. I gotta get my stuff? Don't I?" George nervously said, looking around the room. Clay cupped the boy's chin, making George face him. "We just got here. Let's.. 'Chill' for a bit. Shall we?" George stared into the boy's eyes, slowly wrapping his arms around Clay's neck. "Chill?" George queried. "Well, if you know what I mean?~" Clay bit his lip and lustfully winked at George. "H-Here?" George inquired. Clay slowly nodded. "If you want to?" Clay asked. George looked around the room for a few seconds, making a clear note of his surroundings, he turned back to Clay and just nodded. "You sure?" Clay asked one last time. "Oh, I'm sure." George moved around on Clay's lap, slowly making him start to form a tent. "George. You feel so good." Clay clenched on the chair, letting George move around willingly. "Clay~" George whimpered. Now, George's pants started to push outwards. Clay moved his right hand onto George, guiding him around his lap. "Where are we thinking? Bed, chair, wall? What do you think, Georgie?" Clay wrenched Georges's shirt, pulling the pale boy towards him. "Your choice," George whispered, still moving around. "We've never done 'chair' before.." Clay bit his lip, "Are you sure?" The blonde was concerned for George. "100% sure. Come at me, baby. I'm ready." George announced, lifting himself and settling his hands on the back of his head. "Confident, much?" Clay chuckled. The blonde slowly started slipping George's shirt off, delicately moving his finger down from George's chest to his V-line. As Clay was slipping George's pants slowly down, he started to softly kiss his stomach, sending chills down the older boy's spine. "Last chance. You sure?" Clay politely asked. "Clay!! You're taking too long. Just... I want you inside of me!" Clay was shocked for a second, he felt his face heating up. George stared into Clay's emerald eyes with determination. "Really?" Clay smirked. George rolled his eyes, held Clay's cheeks with one hand and tugged him into a long kiss.

It started escalating once George ripped the blonde's shirt off, then slowly, his pants. "Now we're getting started~" Clay smiled, biting his lip. "Come on, the pants," Clay smirked, as he stared at George's tent. The brown-haired boy smiled at him, quickly slipping his pants off and going back to kissing the young boy. Clay started to lean back onto the chair, making it go further and further downward. George's hands held onto Clay's shoulders, while Clay's messed around in George's fluffy hair. Both took long breathing breaks as they were kissing. Clay started to slip George's boxers down, sliding them to his ankles. Clay showed 3 fingers to George, "Suck~" Clay said with clarity. George gently started to suck Clay's fingers.

Once it was ready, Clay pulled his fingers out of George's mouth. He started to kiss the brown-haired boy as he slithered his fingers down to George's entrance. He slowly stuck them in one by one, getting a few winces out of George. As soon as all his fingers were in, he started to spread them out in a scissor sort of motion. Clay then tugged them in and out at a medium pace. "C-Clay.." George mumbled in between their make out. "Mmh?" Clay hummed back. "I can't w-wait to.." George paused, holding tighter onto his shoulders and burying his face deeper into Clay's chest. Clay giggled and stroked his head with his non occupied hand. "This should be good." Clay said, pulling his fingers fully out, causing George to let out a small moan, "Ngh~" Shortly after Clay let George catch his breath, he flipped George around, making George sit just above Clay's length. "Ready?" Clay smirked, George turned his head over his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm ready, daddy~" George bit his lip and started lifting himself onto Clay's length. "Daddy, hey?~" Clay teased. "Mmhm." George winked. George started sitting down on the blonde's length, going in deeper and deeper. "Awh~ Hah~" George started to roll his eyes back into his head, while Clay flung his head back, enjoying it. "Oh, George..~" Clay smirked, taking in a deep breath. George started to go up and down, going faster and faster each time. "Ah~~ Ngh~" George moaned. Clay started to help George, thrusting his lower torso upwards slightly. "Oh~ C-Clay!~ H-Harder~" George bit his lip, still bopping up and down quickly. Clay grabbed George's sides, pulling him down onto his chest. The blonde lifted up his legs, placing them on the chair, bending them to make their session easier. "Y-You.. Were going t-too slow.." Clay mumbled as he shoved faster into George. The brown haired just responded with squirms and moans. "C-Clay.. I'm getting c-close~" George silently moaned. "Are you now?" Clay smirked.

The blonde slowly started to pull out, giving George some time to get ahold of himself. Clay then got up, picking George up with him. As the younger boy placed George on the chair, he started to lift up the seat, letting George sit up straight. Clay got in between George's legs, kneeling down. "Spread your legs out some more~" Clay winked as he licked his lips lustfully. George gulped and slowly started to spread his legs out more. Clay scooted between George's inner thighs, softly clasping George's length and licking the tip of it. George started to flinch, placing his right hand in Clay's hair. Clay started to deep throat the older boy, making him close his legs. "Mmh- Georgie~" Clay mumbled. He wrapped his arms around George's legs and let his head do the work. "A-Ah~ Claayyyy~" George moaned out Clay's name. Clay picked up his pace, wrapping his tongue all around George's length. "C-Clay!!~ I'm.." Clay pulled the length out of his mouth, teasing George. "C-Clay??" George said confused, spreading out his legs. Clay looked up from George's legs, smiling. Clay then quickly shut his legs closed. "Clay?!" George said, full of confusion. George then felt something wet slide along his internal thigh. "C-Clay..?" George whispered, biting his finger. He felt a hand grip his length, feeling it go up and down. George could hear a short giggle, that made him blush. "Oh, Clay..~" George groaned, flinging his head back. "Mmh~ Georgie.." Clay said with a smutty tone. George leaned forward, planting his face in Clay's hair. Without another warning, George came on Clay. Clay turned his head to face George's length, wiping the white substance off his cheek and onto his hand. Clay licked it off his fingers, he then moved to George's length, cleaning it up. "Georgie.." Clay whispered. George sat up, opening his legs to expose Clay. Clay bounced up, leaning in on George, kissing him passionately. Clay stopped kissing George and moved to his neck. The blonde gave George a nice little hickey. "I love you, George." Clay smiled, turning away from George. "Hey, wait a minute." George raised an eyebrow. "Hm?" Clay hummed, looking back at George. "I haven't had a little.. taste." George said as he got up, pushing Clay against the wall. "Oh?~" Clay smirked. George knelt down to Clay's length, gripping it. George giggled before he started to lick the blonde's length. "Hah~ Georgie.." Clay sighed, flat against the wall. George could only handle half of the length. As he was taking in Clay's friend, he could hear Clay moaning. "Oh~ G-George!~~" Clay blushed, "Y-Yeah, I'm c-close~" The blonde warned. "I can hear that~," George said, muffled. Only a few minutes later, Clay came inside of George's mouth. Making him swallow. "Ah.. Georgie..~" Clay took a deep breath before kissing George one last time. "Let's get cleaned up.." Clay smiled. George nodded and smiled back.

The two boys got up and walked to the nearest bathroom. They turned on the shower and got in, washing themselves from top to bottom. "I can't believe we actually told them, straight up." George blushed. Clay wrapped his arms around George, letting the water run down on them. "Mm.. Kinda crazy to believe!" Clay whispered. "Well, on the bright side, now that they know.. We can do a lot more! Together!" George smiled, turning around and embracing Clay. "Yeah.. We can!" Clay kissed George's forehead. "Come on, let's pack," Clay said, climbing out the shower and picking up George. "Could we actually.." George paused, "Pack tomorrow morning? I'm really exhausted.." George yawned. "Alright! No problem baby." Clay smiled. They both dried themselves with the 2 white towels hanging up, grabbing their boxers and putting them back on. Clay picked George up and flung him into the bed. "Goodnight, Georgie! I love you so much.." Clay blushed, kissing him. "I love you too, Dweam.." George sleepily whispered, hugging him tightly. The two boys then quietly fell asleep in each other's warm hug.

(1520 words :> HELLOOO- its been some time- im sorry lol. ive been hella tired lately :') i hope you enjoyed this one o-o i'll try post another chapter soon :3 byebye lovely, have a great day/night! <3)

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