Chapter 24: Sorry! (fluff, some angst and smut)

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» heads up «
- smol bit of angst o-o
- NSFW o-o-o-o
- swearing o_o
- lazy ;-;

Eventually, Clay and George got home. The younger's phone was still on the ground, "Oopsie.." Clay mumbled, picking up his phone. The blonde haired boy gently placed George down on their bed, kissing his head and laying next to him. Clay scrolled through Twitter, waiting for George to 'wake up'. Meanwhile, George was thinking of a plan. How should I confront him about it? Do I just ask now..? George thought. The older decided to wait a bit before approaching Clay about it. While he was doing that, George started to think of any outcomes to it. As he was thinking, he got caught off when Clay cuddled next to him, wrapping his arm around George. Would this be the time?.. I'll just.. do it anyway. George thought. "Clay," George mumbled. "Oh! You're awake," Clay smiled brightly, "how're you darli-" "Let's cut to the chase.." George interrupted. "Excuse me?" Clay asked, confused. "You and Michelle.. Dating, huh??" George cried, sitting up and looking at Clay. "W-What?!" Clay shouted, "George, I have nothing to do with her!" Clay sat up as he stated it. "George, I wouldn't lie to you.." George started to tear up, "You always say that, but it doesn't seem true." George tightened his fists. "Georgie! It is true! I would never lie to you.." Clay assured, placing his hand on George's thigh. "No. Go ahead. Be with her, she's pretty, probably gets you more and you've liked her from the start." George crossed his arms and looked the other way. "George, I'm not with her, I'll NEVER be with her. To be honest, I absolutely hate her." Clay smirked lightly. "Prove it. Prove to me you hate her." George snapped turning back to Clay. "Very well," Clay smirked. Clay grabbed George's arms, pulling him in and kissing him. The blonde started slipping his dominant hand in George's pants, going under his boxers too. "C-Clay.." George mumbled in between breaths. A few saline tears rolled down the brown haired boy's cheeks. "Don't cry, Georgie.." Clay carried on kissing George, moving his hand around in George's pants. "Mmh.." George hummed, starting to get into it. Clay bit his lip, moving his left hand to George's neck. George closed his eyes, looked down, and let tears slowly roll down. "Stop it," Clay lifted George's head up, "look at me." Clay flintily said. "I love YOU, George. Michelle is a stranger to me. I know nothing about her.. George, you are my world. I love you and only you." Clay tugged George in, kissing him roughly. Shortly after, George stopped crying, he even started to get into the action.

The older boy wrapped his arms around Clay's neck, leaning his forehead on his chest. Still letting him play in his pants.  "H-Hah~ Clay~~" George moaned, "I haven't even started, Georgie. You're already moaning out my name?" Clay giggled. "S-Shut up," George growled, slipping his hand in Clay's pants. "Hm~?" Clay purred. George swathed his hand around Clay's length, gently operating it up and down. "Oh~ G-Georgie~" Clay groaned. "See! Y-You're moaning mine out!" George called out. "Just.. Shut up and kiss me." Clay rolled his eyes, smiling. George started to kiss Clay, but the blonde moved away, pushing George down and pinning him down on the bed. He started to bite the older boy's neck, giving him beautiful, red, bite marks. "Hgh~ Clay, pull down my p-pants and.. do me." George blushed with a flame red. "With pleasure, darling." Clay smiled at George, slipping down to his crotch. Clay hovered over George, slowly sliding his pants off, exposing his boxers. Clay bit his lip, gazing down at George's tent. George grabbed the sheets from above his head, gripping on firmly. The blonde started to slip both of their underwear down, "Ooh.. Georgie~" Clay gasped. "Hm?~" George blushed. "I have something special to use.. Give me a second~" Clay winked, getting off of George and walking to his closet. George lay down impatiently, eagerly waiting for Clay to get back. "Clay!! Hurry!" George groaned. "Coming, coming." Clay rolled his eyes and smiled, digging around at the back of the closet. "That's what I'm supposed to be doing," George smirked. "Hah, cute~" Clay blushed. The younger boy took out a black collar with a thin, long chain attached to it. "Ooh." George blushed, closing his eyes. Clay jumped back onto the bed, crawling on top of George. As Clay started to tighten the collar around George's neck, the brown haired held Clay's length lightly. "Ready, Georgie?~" Clay asked. George flipped himself over, positioning himself, "Choke me~" George lowered himself closer to Clay's length. Clay smiled and started to tug the lead, pulling George's head upward. "Hah~" George huffed.
Clay held George's side, placing himself properly behind George. "This may hurt a bit," Clay warned George. Clay started to insert his length in George's entrance, slowly pushing it in and out. "Ah~~" George moaned. Clay started to get into motion, "Hmf~ G-George.." Clay groaned. "Ah~ Ahah~~ Faster!~" George moaned louder. Clay bit on the lead, holding it with his shiny teeth. The blonde placed both hands on the sides of George, feeling George's smooth skin against his fingertips. "AH~~ C-C-Clayyy!~" George practically shouted. Clay hauled the lead by flinging his head back a little. "I-I'm c-close~~ Ngh!~" George stated, leaning on his elbows. "Mnh~ Alright, Georgie.." Clay whispered. Clay took off the collar, throwing it aside. The younger flipped the older over onto their back. Clay started to lean down on George's chest, still pushing into George. "A-Ah~! Ahah~~!" George moaned piercingly, shortly after, he came. Letting the white substance squirt out. "Hah~ Clay.." George whispered lustfully. Clay got off of George, letting him breathe. After a few seconds, George sat up, taking a look at Clay's exposed length. The older boy smirked, getting down to Clay's crotch. George started to lick his tip, slowly starting to deep throat him. "G-Georgie.." Clay bit his lip. George started to bop his head up and down, going faster each time. "A-Ah~ G-Georgie!!" Clay moaned. All of a sudden, the door slammed open. "George, Clay?!" cried Nick. "N-N-NICK!!" George screamed, stopping and covering up. "NICK, WHAT THE FUCK!?" Clay shouted, shielding himself with the covers. "OH GOD! SORRY!!" Nick covered his eyes and stumbled out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Clay panicked, "Come on, Georgie!" Clay jumped out of the bed, putting on his boxers. George did the same, running over to Clay and cowering behind him.

The two boys ran out to see a scarred Sapnap. "Nick, what the hell?! Haven't you heard of knocking??" Clay blushed. "Y'all were screaming! I thought you guys were in trouble." Nick replied. "S-Still! Could've knocked.." George mumbled, turning red. "Eh.. Doesn't really matter. Plus, nice dick." Nick smirked. George and Clay looked at him blankly. "What are you doing here anyway..?" Clay facepalmed. "Oh, remember? I said I'd be back in 3-4 days." Nick pouted. "Oh yeah! Sorry, by the way.." George apologised. "S'all good, don't worry." Nick smiled, "It's life, ya know?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I guess." George thought aloud. "Ok, George and I will get cleaned up. You just watch TV or something." Clay said, waving his hand at Nick. "K." Nick turned around and walked to the couch. "Let's go, Georgie." Clay smiled, holding George's hand gently. "O-Ok.." George mumbled. The two walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. "That was so embarrassing!" George blushed, covering his face. "Yeah.. But it's his fault! He should've knocked!" Clay rolled his eyes. George giggled at him, making the blonde smile. The mood suddenly changed once George spoke again. "Clay.. I'm sorry.." George whispered, looking down. "W-What? Why?" Clay asked, kneeling down to his level. "T-The whole Michelle thing.. I should've believed you from the start.. I'm such a wreck." George teared up a bit. "No no, Georgie! It's okay, really! Mistakes happen." Clay lifted George up, holding him and wiping his tears away. "I love you.. You're not a wreck, you're my little idiot." Clay smiled, booping George. "Hmph.. Love you too, dummy." George dug his face in Clay's chest, blushing a velvet color. "Come now, let's shower." Clay insisted.

Once the duo finished showering, they got out and dried themselves, changing into suitable, clean clothes. "Alright! Let's head to Nick." Clay smiled, picking up George. The taller started to walk out of the bathroom and bedroom, into the living room. "Nick! We're done." Clay called out. "Oh my god, finally. You two took forever." Nick turned to face them, widening his eyes. "Come sit." Nick tapped on the couch, signalling them to sit down. Clay flung George onto the couch, "AAAA-" George's scream got cut off as he him it. "Pffftt!!" Nick started to laugh. "Ouch! That looked like it hurt." Nick ridiculed. "Nah, he's done it took many times for it not to hurt," Clay answered, walking over to them. "Oh really now?" Nick chuckled. "Mhm." Clay hummed. George was still laying down, flat on his face. "George?" Nick whispered. "Mmm?" George lazily replied. Nick giggled, "You sound tired. Maybe from Clay railing you." Nick smirked. "Oh, shut up!" Clay punched Nick jokingly. "Haha, it's true though!" Nick laughed hysterically.
George ended up falling asleep during Clay and Nick's boring conversation about how Nick got into the apartment. Nick then thought of an idea, "Hm.. What if we all go out? Like, properly. Go to the theme park or something?" Nick suggested. Clay raised both his eyebrows, "That sounds like a plan. But we'll have to be careful, there's this lady named Michelle that has been following George and I." Clay frowned. "Ew. Sounds like a brat or some shit. Don't worry, I'll protect you guys." Nick confidently stated. "Pfft. You can try." Clay joked.

"Oh, I'll try, alright." Nick smiled.
"Good luck with that," Clay smirked back.

(1682 words- hiiiiiii- here's another chapter. this one was quite boring and sloppy- so sorry for that :') anyway, enjoy the rest of your day/night!)

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