Chapter 14: The Bar (fluff, smut and angst)

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» heads up «
- NSFW o_o
- other ship u-u
- lil but of swearing u-u
- some angst ;-;

Zak wiggled his eyebrows at Clay and George. They turned over to see that, "Zak. Stop." George rolled his eyes, smiling. "Fine, fine." Zak laughed, "Let's get packing!" They all split to their rooms, grabbing their backpacks and packing whatever would entertain them. They packed the regular stuff you would bring, pencils, sketch books, phones, chargers, headphones, some snacks and other little things. Once the boys packed, they all met up back in the living room. "You all packed?" Clay asked everyone. "Yup!" Bad nodded vigorously, "One question, who's driving?" Nick raised his hand. "Uh, can you even drive?" Bad asked concerned. "Just got my license." Nick smirked and Bad frowned. "I'll drive, it's ok!" Bad smiled, putting his bag on his back. "No, I'll drive." Nick squinted. "Nick, I'll drive. It'll be much safer too.." Bad crossed his arms and tilted his head. "I'll drive!" Nick slightly shouted. "Guys stop! I'll just drive!" Zak butted in. "T-That's a good idea! Zak's safe." Bad smiled. Clay and George tried avoiding the argument by standing there, embracing each other, whispering sweet nothings. "Georgie.." Clay whispered in George's ear. "Hm?" George hummed, holding Clay's hand lightly. "George, I love you so much.. I can't explain it, I'm so happy to have you in my life.." George stood there shell shocked. "I-I.. S-Same applies to you, I l-love you.." George whispered, going on his tippy-toes to kiss Clay on the cheek. Clay smiled, picking up George. George wrapped his legs around Clay, while his arms were around his neck. They suddenly heard Nick say: "Well, we're going in my car. It has a lot of space." They smiled at each other, heading to Nick's car. "Might as well wait in here~" Clay smiled.

George smiled at Clay, looking into his emerald eyes. They were about to connect their lips like a magnet, when suddenly, the doors flung open. They heard Bad and Nick still complaining, Zak trying to calm them down. George and Clay immediately got off each other, acting like nothing was going on. Nick scooted next to Clay, so that he was in the middle. Zak got in the drivers seat, while Bad called shotgun. "There, I'm already the driver, no more complaining." Zak rolled his eyes. Nick crossed his arms and grunted. George and Clay tried holding in their laughter, it was difficult, but they managed to do it. "Alrighty, here are the directions." Nick opened Zak's phone in Google Maps, getting the directions for him. "An hour and 37 minutes.. not bad." Zak started driving out of the driveway. They were off. Nick started digging in his bag, he took out his phone and started scrolling through Reddit. Zak and Bad were having a conversation about the newest Minecraft update. That left George and Clay, wondering what to do. They made eye contact a few times, but quickly looked away every time. George started to smirk. "Hey, Clay?" George tapped on his shoulder. Clay was looking out the window, watching the clouds fly by. "Mmh?" Clay mumbled, still looking out in the distance. "Clay, I want eye contact." George smiled. "Well you're not getting eye contact." Clay giggled, resting his head on the window. George scowled, leaning on Clay. "Please!!" George pleaded, looking up at Clay. "Noo.." Clay teased, wheezing. "Give me eye contact!" George moaned. "No!" Clay laughed. "I'm gonna cry.." George whispered crossing his arms. Clay felt a little bad, so he decided to cheer George up. He swiped George from where he was sitting, placing him on his lap. He wrapped the seatbelt around them, making sure George couldn't escape. "Clay!!" George squealed. Clay just kissed his forehead, smiling. "C-Clay.." George murmured. "Georgie.." Clay smirked. They eventually made eye contact, that made George really happy. "I love your eyes!" George smiled, putting his chin on Clay's shoulder. "Your eyes are so pretty George, a beautiful hazel!" The two boys giggled. Nick glanced over, their foreheads were touching each other, their faces were inches apart. Nick snapped a quick selfie. "Pfft.." Nick smirked. He airdropped the image to Bad. Bad's eyes widened as he was smiling. When there was a red light, Bad showed Zak. "Aww.." Zak whispered softly, "They're adorable.."

Clay took off the seatbelt, letting George move freely. He had an option to get off Clay, but he didn't. That's when Clay started forming a tent.. a really wrong time to. Crap, why now?.. Clay thought to himself. George felt the poke soon enough. Both boys started blushing, not knowing what to do about it. George bit his lip and started to adjust himself on Clay's lap. Clay covered his mouth, making sure not to let out any noises. Even if he did slip a moan out, it would be muffled by his hand. "Clay~" George whispered. "Sh, Georgie.." Clay whimpered quietly, "We'll get caught.. We can later." Clay winked at George. George smirked at Clay, still adjusting himself. "Mgh.." Clay grunted. George finally decided on a position, smiling, he held Clay's hand. "Are you muffins doing okay?" Bad called from the front. "Doing fine here, just.. these two love birds are being gross.." Nick chuckled. "It's cute though." Bad giggled, while Clay and George sat there, rolling their eyes. "Oh shut up, Nick. You just want some kissies too." George chuckled. "Yeah!! I want a kiss." Nick glared. "Well, too bad." George giggled, grabbing the door handle. Nick growled at George, "Gee whizz, thanks George!" Zak pouted, still keeping an eye on the road. "How about we blast some tunes?" Bad gasped, his mouth opened wide. "Yes!!" Bad squealed. "I brought a speaker," Zak muttered, "I brought some songs!" Bad shrieked, holding his phone up in the air. Nick sat up, looking out the window, waiting for the music. Bad started the playlist, everyone started singing and moving to the music. George was zoning out, looking outside. He watched all the birds slowly fly by, he kept track of all the cars that past them and he gazed at the clouds, picturing shapes in his head. George put his hand on the window, like it was a sentimental part in a movie. Clay glanced at the brown haired boy, he stared for awhile before speaking up. "It's like you're in a sad music video." Clay wheezed. George looked up at Clay, his eyes sparkling. "Pfft.. I guess." George beamed. They gazed in each other's eyes. "You're the rainbow to my cloud." Clay said smoothly. George blushed, leaning his head on Clay's shoulder. "Stop being so damn cute.." George whispered.

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