Chapter 15: Floor 46. (fluff and angst)

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» heads up «
- mild swearing o-o
- angst ;-; (sensitive?)
- other ship :0

"Clay, we should call the police.. It looks like a struggle happened. You can't do this on your own." Nick knelt down next to Clay, putting his arm around the sobbing boy. "I want to look for him. I want to save my beloved George." Clay sniffed. "Clay, you're being ridiculous! This is fucking serious!" Nick screamed, "I'm sorry Clay, but we need to get help." Nick stood up and took his phone out of his back pocket. Dialling 911. Clay couldn't stop himself crying, he felt lost without George in his arms. It felt like the whole world was crumbling at that moment, he couldn't imagine where George was, what he was doing, how he is. It felt like torcher, his head was pounding, his hands were sweaty and his breath was short. He screamed out of distress, letting his hot tears stream down his red, warm cheeks. Nick started tearing up as well, he was overwhelmed by all of this. When he got off the phone with the police, he texted Bad and Zak to come to the hotel. "Come, Clay.. Sit down." Nick lifted up the crushed boy, starting to cry as well. Just a quick glance at Clay made him want to crawl into a ball and have a meltdown. Nick felt horrible. The blond boy hugged Nick tightly, sobbing over his shoulder, "I-I need G-George!" Clay weeped. "W-We all do.. Don't w-worry, he'll be okay.. I'm sure of it." Nick stuttered, holding back most of his tears.

Zak and Bad burst through the door, "What's the- Oh my goodness!!" Bad screamed after he noticed Clay and Nick crying. Both boys ran up to them, worried. "What happened?!" Bad knelt down, staring at Clay. Zak looked around. "What happened here..? Where's George..?" Clay started weeping louder. "I-It's my fault! I left him by h-himself! I should've waited.." Clay clenched onto Nick's shirt firmly. "It's not your fault! Shut up!" Nick screamed in an angry expression. Bad started to hyperventilate. "No no no! Bad, it's okay!" Zak hugged Bad closely, patting his back and looking into his eyes. At this point, everyone had tears in their eyes.
Alas, the police came. They searched the building, looking for clues. Clay had calmed down a bit, still whimpering though. Bad and Zak held each other close, Zak was telling Bad everything will be ok. Nick kept trying to call George. Calling and calling, but there was no answer. The police couldn't find anymore evidence apart from the hoodie and some more spread out clothes. They wouldn't be able to find the right fingerprints either, so they decided to get back to the station and do some research. Clay had enough, he wanted to look for George himself. "Clay! You can't!" Nick yelled. "Nick! I have to look for George, I need him. I'm NOTHING without him." Clay shrieked back, grabbing his phone and calling George. "Clay, calling George's number won't help, Nick already tried several times." Bad squeaked quietly. "ARGH!!" Clay yelled in frustration as he kept trying to call George.

"Clay. It's not going to-" Zak got cut off when Clay's eyes widened. "C-Clay?" Zak stuttered. Clay walked up to the window, looking out in the distance. The rest looked at him confused. "No.. No, you can't.." Clay whispered. "Fine. Where..?" Zak let go of Bad's grasp and slowly walked up to the young boy. He stopped when Clay tugged his phone down. Clay turned around quickly and threw his phone across the room, making Nick dodge it. "What the fuck!?" Nick wailed. "Language!" Bad screamed, lightly punching Nick. Clay's phone shattered and slit apart. Clay fell to the ground, crying once again. He didn't look sad, but you could clearly see his tears gushing down. Bad ran up to him, kneeling down. "What's wrong? What happened..?" Clay didn't blink. He looked at Bad, smiling. Bad was scared, he shot up and stepped back. "C-Clay..?" Bad said, concerned. "I know where he is.." Clay muttered. He crouched up, before running out the door. "After him!" Zak screamed, pointing towards Clay. Everyone started running after the fast blonde. Nick caught up with him, grabbing his arm and pulling him in. "Clay!" Nick yelped, "Where are you going?!" Clay turned around to face Nick, Clay was crying as he crumpled onto Nicks chest. "I-I just w-want t-to get G-George.." Clay panted. "I k-know where he is! T-They told me!" Nick thought for a moment, Zak and Bad were huffing from behind them. "Guys, get in the car." Clay wiped his eyes and smiled. "W-What? Where are we going?" Zak asked, confused.
"Just.. Get in." Zak was about to get in the drivers seat, when, Nick opened the door and collapsed inside. "Get in the fucking back!" Nick shrieked. "Language, Nick!! My goodness!" Bad squealed with an angry tone. Zak rolled his eyes and got in the back, followed by Bad. Clay sat in the front with Nick, catching his breath. "Where to, Clay?" Nick asked. Bad was scared and confused. "W-What's going on?" Bad twiddled with his fingers. "We're getting George." Nick responded, starting up the car. "B-B-But.." Zak put his hand over Bad's mouth. "Let's trust them, they hopefully know what they're doing." Zak gave Bad a comforting smile as he hugged him. Bad blushed slightly. Clay thought for a moment, "H-He said.. he.." Clay gulped. "It's okay, Clay.. Calm down. Breathe." Nick pet his back, assuring him it would be alright. Clay took a deep breath in, "He didn't g-give me an exact location, instead.. He gave us a hint. 'Dark, tall, grey, cracked, 46.' T-That's all he gave me." Nick thought for a moment, placing his hands on the steering wheel.

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