Chapter 8: Let's Stay In Today.. (fluff and smut)

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» heads up «
- NSFW o-o
- lil swearing

George eventually woke up. It was around 12:30 in the afternoon. George sat up, he had forgotten everything that happened yesterday. He looked at the clock, shocked at the time. "I slept late!" George whispered. He turned his head to see Clay in the bed, fast asleep. George blushed, Clay was shirtless after all. "M-Maybe just.. a little longer." George said to himself, slowly huddling up next to Clay, feeling his warm body next to his. That's when he noticed the bandages and plasters on him. What's this?.. Why do I have so many bandaids on me..? George thought to himself. "I'll just ask Clay w-when he wakes up.." George whispered quietly. He softly tugged Clay's arm onto his stomach, making Clay forcefully hold him in his arms. Being embraced by Clay made him warm inside. George sighed, his soft, rosey cheeks turned red as he scooted further into Clay. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, slowly closing his eyes and drifting asleep once again. He was really tired after what happened to him.

Another few hours passed by. Clay woke up, staring down at George, smiling as he gently stroked his fluffy, flowing hair, he pulled George a little closer to him, wanting to feel more. He slowly moved his hand to George's chest, tracing circles on it. George shivered, drowsily opening his eyes and steadily turned over to face Clay. His eyes were a sliver open, the sun's rays were beaming through the white blinds. "Morning Clay.." George whispered in a deep voice. "Morning sunshine.." Clay replied, smiling at the older boy. George got shy and dug his head into Clay's chest. Clay moved his hand a little lower from where it was before. George jerked slightly, Clay's gentle touch sent shivers up his spine. Clay's other hand cupped George's chin and lifted his head up, forcing him to look into his eyes. Clay started kissing George, George's chest bloomed with tenderness. He slowly started kissing back, George moved his hands up to Clay's head, holding it in his hands. They both pulled away, smiling. "Hey uh, Clay.." George whimpered, his smile slowly turned into a frown. "Yeah, cupcake?" Clay responded, staring at George worried. "W-Why.. why do I have so m-many bandages on me.." Clay went silent, thinking for a moment. "Could I rather tell you later..? Now's not the time, Georgie.." Clay finally replied. "O-Oh.. is it bad?.." George whined. "I- Let me tell you later Georgie." Clay said, giving George a soft peck.

Clay and George slowly got up. Clay quickly put on a shirt. George was struggling to stand up, Clay rushed over to help him. "Are you ok?" Clay asked. "Y-Yeah.. I think so.. can't stand properly." Clay smiled, picking up George like a baby. George's head was resting on Clay's shoulder and his arms were wrapped under his arms. Clay kissed George's head. "I love you George." George took some time to process what he said, so he ended up saying nothing. Clay smirked, opening the door and walking out of his bedroom. He dropped George off on the couch, wrapping him in a blanket. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Clay walked over to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. Clay took out a cup and dropped a teabag in, followed by 2 spoons of sugar.
The kettle finished boiling, he poured the water into the cup, poured in some milk and stirred. He slowly walked back to George, trying not to spill anything. "Georgie, I made you some tea!" Clay smiled. "Oh! You didn't have to, Clay.." George replied back. "Well I wanted to." Clay giggled and George joined in. "Well, thank you.." Clay set the cup down. George signalled Clay to sit next to him. Clay cuddled next to George, kissing his cheek and placing his hand on his.

Clay and George were cuddling each other, just humming songs together. George then finished his tea, he slowly wobbled up, holding the cup tightly. Clay got up, guiding George to the kitchen. George could walk normally now. He was walking back to the couch, slowly. "Hey Clay, wanna go out today? Get some fresh air, ya know?" George turned his head to Clay. Clay went pale, remembering what happened yesterday. He walked to George, forcing him to get pinned against the wall.

"George.. Let's stay in today."

This made George confused. "U-Uh.. ok.. why?" George felt Clay slowly reaching under George's shirt. He shivered, starting to form a tent. "I- L-Let's go b-back on the couch!" George slipped out of Clay's grasp, trying to avoid getting his tent seen by Clay. George sat down on the couch grabbing a pillow and setting it on his lap. Clay smirked. "Alright then.. I'll be out, just quickly getting something from the store." "Ooh! Can I come??" George pleaded. "... no, listen, George.." Clay walked over to George, sitting next to him and putting his hand on his inner thigh. "Yesterday.. you got badly hurt by a drunk man, that's why you have all those bandages. I can't afford for you to get hurt again, it broke me.. my heart shattered into a million pieces, seeing you in that hospital bed.." Clay grabbed George's hand, grasping it tightly. "I can't let you get hurt.. not again. So, maybe another time, baby.." Clay's grip loosened. George was left shell shocked. Clay smirked, "Ok.. I won't be long, just out to get 'something'. I'll be 15 minutes." Clay kissed George. George kissed back, holding onto Clay's hand tightly. With that, Clay left. This gave some time for George to remember what really happened. He's right.. I got dragged in by that man.. he grabbed me by my collar and started.. no, I shouldn't think about this. George thought to himself. George removed the pillow, revealing his tent. "Oh my god. Why now.." George said to himself. "Ooh, I have an idea, just to get my mind off of this.." George got up slowly, grabbing the LED strip light remote. He started playing with the colours, but eventually settled on magenta. "Perfect." After that, he placed the pillow back on his tent.

18 minutes had past. "Clay.. where are you.." George groaned. Right after that, the door knob started jiggling. "Hey babe, I'm back. Sorry I took long.." Clay smirked, closing the door with his leg. "Clay!!" George jumped up and hugged Clay. George noticed something, Clay was holding 2 bags. One black and one red. "What's in the bags?" George asked innocently. "Oh you'll find out, Georgie poo~" Clay winked. "W-What's that supposed to mean?" Clay bit his lip, looking George up and down. That's when he noticed George's forming tent. "Oh, what's this?~" George quickly grabbed a pillow, covering it up. But it was too late, Clay started walking closer to George. George started walking backwards, dropping the pillow and ending up at a dead end. He was leaning against the wall, watching Clay walk closer and closer every second. Clay pinned George to the wall, moving his head close to his ear. "Let's try this again.. shall we?~" Clay started slipping his cold hand up George's shirt, tracing circles. George blushed, "C-Clay.." "Mm?" Clay mumbled. "I-I love you.." George whimpered. "I love you too.." Clay stopped for a second. "But George.." Clay started moving his hand down, "you know what would I would adore right now?" Clay's hand was by George's v-line. George shook his head shakily. "I would love to see your clothes on the floor, you on the bed.. in handcuffs." George blushed, looking down at Clay's tent. George gulped, dragging his hand up Clay's shirt. Clay smiled. "Would you like to?" He asked politely. George didn't answer, he grabbed Clay's hand and the two bags, dragging them to the bedroom.

George climbed on the bed, Clay went in between George's legs. Clay took off both of their shirts, he started running a line down George's chest and stomach with his finger. Clay stood there, admiring the boys soft, pale body. Suddenly, George pulled Clay in for a kiss. They both kissed passionately, slipping their tongues in. Exploring each other's mouths. They pulled away for breath, before quickly going back in. George's eyes rolled back. Clay stood up straight, grabbing the bag and taking out two pairs of handcuffs. Clay smirked, looking George up and down. Clay started handcuffing George to the bed, spreading him out like a starfish. "Hm.. let's see here~" Clay murmured. Clay was looking straight at George's tent. "May I?" George nodded vigorously. Clay nodded, slipping off George's pants, then slowly, his boxers. Clay licked his lips. He started licking the tip of George's length. "mm!~" Clay mumbled. George's chest was rising up and down quite fast. Clay didn't hesitate to deep throat George. George moaned and he threw his head back. "a-ah.. f-fuck.." George whimpered, tensing up. Clay started bopping his head up and down, faster every second. "A-Ah!~ C-Clay!~" George moaned, smiling. "I-I-I'm c-clo-se.." Clay pulled George's length out of his mouth. He started crawling up to George, removing his own pants and boxers. "I'm going to try something new.. next round of this, you'll be able to try it~"

George bit his lip. Clay slowly started to sit on George's length, going up and down. He moaned out of pain, but the pain turned into pleasure. George started moaning at the feel of it. Clay started going faster on him, moaning out his name. "Oh~ G-G-George!~ Ah!~" Clay's eyes rolled back, he was biting his lip. George started helping him a bit, pushing his length further into Clay. "C-Clay.. I'm g-gonna c-" George came inside of Clay, the rest of their thrusts were sloppy. "Mmm!~~" Clay moaned. Clay got off, catching his breath, same with George. Clay licked all of the excess up. "Would you like to try?~" Clay asked. "S-Sure.. daddy." Clay immediately blushed, laughing at what George called him. Clay took the handcuffs off of George. George then attached the handcuffs to Clay, then to the bed. He slowly started sitting on Clays length. He could barely get half way. George started slowly bouncing up and down, moaning due to the pain. "A-Ahh~ C-Clay.. w-why is it s-so big.." Clay wheezed. George started bouncing faster and faster. Clay threw his head back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. The pain turned into pleasure, as George was bouncing on Clay's length. "Ahh~ F-Fuck!~~" Clay suddenly came without a warning, he couldn't help it. George stopped, getting off of Clay and licking all the excess cum. He unlocked the handcuffs and fell beside Clay. Both were trying to catch their breaths. "T-That was nice.." George said.

"M-Mhm.. we need to do it again.." Clay whispered.
George giggled.

(1837 words.. my longest one :o i dont have much to say here- so- enjoy the rest of your day/night :'))

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