Chapter 39: Who's There? (fluff and smut)

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« heads up »
- nsfw to cure horniness
- swearing ofc
- little continuation of angst 
- mistakes??

As everyone heard a beep from their phones, they all followed Bad's instructions and headed for the hospital. It took about several minutes for everyone to get there. Once Zak and Bad burst through the door, everyone gazed at them with a concerned look. "Guys!" Zak screamed, hastily walking to everyone. "Yes?? Is everything okay?" Karl murmured confused. "No! Bad and I were out in the park, when we saw.. Michelle. She was wearing the exact things from that night, she was covered in blood too!" Zak deciphered. George stood up from the bed, "Did you call the police!?" Zak was silent for a bit. "W-Well.. It was instinct to run!" Zak reddened, embarrassed. "Great.. Now she could be anywhere." George said in a hushed tone. "I doubt she would strike this soon. I don't think we'll have to worry. Plus, we completely obliterated her partner in crime, why can't we do the same with her?" Nick snickered. The room went silent, only being able to hear the beeping monitor of Clay's heart rate. "We need a break from these people.." Karl confided softly, enough for everyone to hear. "Alright," Clay commented, trying to sit up, "let's rather not talk about this. Sure, Michelle is still out there, but let's not worry about it right now, as Nick said. We all need a break from this." Clay gleamed softly with heavy eyes. George slumped back down, holding the blonde's hand. "Sounds like a plan." George smiled, looking at the others.

A week and a half flew by, letting Clay almost fully recover. Only leaving him with a few minor broken ribs, cuts, and some bruises needing to heal.

A doctor stepped in, Clay was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. "Good news, Clay. You can be checked out of here!" Clay began to beam. "Someone by the name of.. George, is waiting to pick you up." The doctor put a backpack next to the young boy. "Your bag was packed from.. who was is.. Nick, I'm pretty sure. It has some clothes and other necessities. Take your time getting ready." The doctor smiled at Clay before walking out. Clay let out a small high pitched squeal. He promptly took off the hospital gown, replacing it with a hoodie, sweatpants, and shoes. The blonde eagerly hurried to the door, taking the bag with him. He walked down the flights of stairs until he reached the front desk. Clay checked out and started looking around, hoping to find George. Suddenly, he felt someone tap his shoulder. He spun around and was immediately hugged by George, who had tears streaming down his cheeks. "Hey, hey.. Don't cry, Georgie.." Clay smiled softly, kissing George's head. He held his lover close, not squeezing him, but just relaxing his arms around him. "Georgie.." Clay smiled, lifting George's chin and wiping his hot tears away. George was smiling wide, glad for Clay to finally be let out. "Let's go home!!" George giggled, yanking Clay's hand and jogging out. The brown haired had already phoned an Uber, letting them both get in hastily, and arriving at their apartment fast. Clay picked up George once he unlocked the door. "Listen, George," Clay said, closing the door and standing stationary. "Hmm?" George hummed. "Remember what I said I'd do to you when I'm back." George looked confused, raising his eyebrow and slanting his head to the right. Before George could ask what he was talking about, Clay immediately started to kiss George, going slow, then rough. "Aah~ Clay.. You just got out of the hospital!" George tittered as Clay was kissing his neck. "I can't resist you, baby.." Clay mumbled in his ear. "Hm.. Then go on, let's see how well you do~" George then started to kiss him, giving the other butterflies. Clay started shuffling to the bedroom, George in his arms. He locked the door and placed George on the bed.

The brown haired started to slowly spread out his legs, exposing his bulged tent. "Oh, how I missed your pretty little dick~" Clay smirked, biting his lip with his sharp teeth. Clay took off George's shirt, then unhurriedly, his own. Clay got on top of George, kissing him firmly and with passion. Clay's hand moved down to George's pants and boxers, he slipped them down slightly, revealing his boxers. Clay held onto George's length, rubbing it up and down. "Mmh!~" George moaned out. Clay started shifting off of him, still stroking his length. The blonde knelt down in between George's thighs. He stopped for a moment, moving George's length to his mouth. George sat up and was breathing heavily. Clay smiled before turning to taste George's length, slowly bobbing his head. "Clay- CLAY!~" George moaned, gripping onto the sheets tightly. Clay moved faster, causing the older boy to whimper with enjoyment. George gripped onto Clay's hair, guiding him along his length. "Mmmgh~" George whimpered, "G-Go faster!~" Clay did as his lover said, stroking and sucking on his length. Beginning to start fondling with his own, Clay popped George's out his mouth, leaving a long string of saliva. "Clayyyy.." George groaned. Clay then stood up in front of the older boy. "Prepare yourself, this may be quite a long ride~" Clay smirked, gently lowering himself near George's crotch. Teasing him, Clay started to move his hips a bit, giving the slightest bit of friction to George's friend. "Are you d-doing this on purpose..?!" George asked, flushed. "Duh, what gave you that idea, smartass?" Clay rolled his eyes sarcastically. He began to lower himself onto George's length, making the brunette claw onto his lover's thigh. He started to bounce up and down, urging George to bite his finger. "B-Babe~" George giggled. Clay started to move faster, his bouncing more intense. "Ahaah~~" Clay moaned. George guided Clay, motioning his hips carefully. The blonde slowed down, lifted himself up, and took a little break. George was lying down, also breathing heavily. "Fuck this." Clay exhaled. He grabbed George's waist forcefully, gripping onto his wrists and roughly pinning him against the wall. They both began kissing again, biting and sucking too. Clay used his dominant hand to clench both of George's wrists, making sure he goes nowhere. With his left hand, he placed three fingers in his mouth, glazing them with a thick, sticky layer of saliva. He stuck it into George's entrance, twisting and turning, making him wince. "Put it in me already~!" George moaned loudly. The blonde moved his head closer to George's ear. "Beg." Clay replied. George was quiet for a moment. "Please, I want it.. I want it now!! I want you to just fucking penetrate me!" George pleaded. "Whoa.. Uh.." Clay blushed. With heavy eyes, George just began kissing him again, waiting for Clay. He started to slide his length in, going in fairly easily due to the spit. "AH~!" George wailed out, shocked. The blonde started to move slowly, picking up his pace. "God, Georgie. You're.. Nrgh~ tight." George just ignored him, turning his entire body around, so his eyes were facing the wall, for simpler access. "Try not to move as much." Clay whispered in George's right ear. Without any other warning, Clay began thrusting faster and faster. The claps almost sounding like an audience. "FFF-Fucking h-h-hell~~!" George shrieked, tears physically streaming down his face. The older then came, his jizz spurting out and hitting the wall. With Clay's left hand, he started stroking George off, getting the rest out, as he carried on thrusting in as far as he could. "Ohh yeah~ Y-You said you- Mghh~ wanted it, G-Georgie. F-Fuck I missed this.." George started struggling with Clay's grip, but he was a bit too strong. "Fuck~ I love you~~" Clay moaned. "I-I love y-you too, Clay!~~" George muttered back, his voice shaky. Finally, Clay came inside of George, the claps becoming sloppy as he slowed down. "Holy fucking shit.." George exhaled deeply, feeling weak in the legs. Cum started dripping out of the two of them. Standing there for a moment, Clay rested his chin on George's shoulder. The blonde gave George one final love bite, before picking him up and taking him to the bed. Each put their clothes back on. Clay cleaned the mess while George was attempting to put on his clothes. "Did I go too rough?" Clay inquired, sitting down next to him, only in boxers. "D-Don't worry. I loved it. I just can't seem t-to walk now.." George muttered. Clay smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's been so long." "It has, hasn't it?" George smiled, pushing Clay down and lying on top of him.

"Mmh.. I missed you so much, my love." Clay muttered, kissing George. "Me too.. I can't believe how long it has been without you." George whined. "George. You stayed with me day and night. The whole time I was the-" "I can't believe how long it has been without you!" George giggled. "Oh my god.. I love you, George. Let's get some rest." Clay chuckled, turning to his side, holding George. "Mmh. I love you too," whispered George, still trying to catch his breath.
A few minutes later, Bad and Zak entered the apartment with cleaning supplies. "Alright, I'll start with the kitchen, you start with the living room." Bad grinned, entering the kitchen. "Geez, can't wait for Clay to be fully healed, we've been doing this three times a week." Zak groaned loudly. "Geppy! We're doing them a favour. Otherwise, there would be dust everywhe-" "Ah-choo!!" Zak sneezed. "Bless you," Bad said with no emotion, proving his point. "Three times is a lot, but I guess you're right." Without further ado, the two began cleaning up the house. Wiping counters and tables, mopping the floor, and dusting up a couple of cobwebs. "Mmh, looks clean! Okay, you do the main room, I'll do the guest." Bad muttered, passing Zak and walking into the guest room. Zak sighed and jerked on the doorknob, though, it didn't seem to budge. He started twisting it profusely, only realising a few seconds later that it was locked. "Oh shit," Zak whispered, backing up a bit before darting into the guest room. He closed the door and latched it behind him. "Zak?" Bad turned his head, confused. "Someones in the main bedroom," Zak whispered, walking to Bad. "What!?" Bad whispered back. "Maybe George is in there? Took a break from visiting Clay?" Bad suggested. "No, George said he wasn't leaving, he seemed pretty committed." Zak pondered. "We could knock?" the brunette proposed. "No, I have a better idea," Zak smirked, grabbing his phone and unlocking the door. He got down on all fours and slipped his phone under the door, on camera so he could record what it sees. "Move it around a bit.." Zak thought out loud. Bad stood behind Zak, blushing. The black haired then gently pulled his phone out, standing up and leaning his head on Bad's shoulder. He played the video to see two people sleeping in the bed. "Blonde hair.. Brown hair.. Oh fuck! Clay's probably out of the hospital, and in there with George." Zak glowed. "Oooh!! Language, by the way." Bad crossed his arms, happy, but frustrated that Zak swore. "Oh shut up with your 'language'." Zak smirked, kissing Bad on the cheek. Bad's cheeks flushed, he grabbed Zak's hand and hauled him in for another kiss. Zak hugged him and played with his fluffy hair.

"I love you, Bad." Zak smiled.
"I love you too!" Bad squealed back, hugging a little bit tighter.

(2000 words :D helloooooooo! hope you enjoyed this smut filled chapter u-u i dont reallllyyyy have much to say- soooo, i hope you have an amazing day/night! remember to drink water and eat! take care of yourself, darling <3 ily!)

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