Chapter 23: Georgie, Darling.. (fluff and a lil angst)

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» heads up «
- some swearing o-o
- smol bit of angst o - o (fooken michelle D:<)

George woke up, his eyes were puffy and his lips were dry. "W-What happened..?" George mumbled quietly, slowly sitting up and ruffling in the bed. George noticed his phone fall from his chest. It was at 14%, he was still on the call with Clay. The younger wasn't mute, but his camera was on. George stared at the screen for a bit, the camera was facing the ceiling. "How long.. 12 hours?!" George slightly screamed. The brown haired ended the call, grabbed a charger from the bag, and plugged his phone in. He suddenly heard a single 'bang' on the door, followed by a sigh. He is awake? George thought to himself. How long am I planning to sit here? Should I talk to him? George stood up, wobbling. He walked over to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and washed off a bit. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he gazed at the door for a few seconds. The older boy walked over and sat down beside it. He could hear Clay was still there. "Clay.." George whispered. There was no reply. "I-I'm opening the door.." George called out. With that, George stood up and opened the door. He stepped out to see Clay sleeping against the wall. "You.. Stayed.." George whispered, slightly tearing up. "This is no place to sleep. Idiot." George said, grabbing Clay's legs and dragging him into the bedroom. George struggled to get him into the bed, but eventually, did. Surprisingly, Clay didn't wake up. George pulled the blankets over him. He sat next to the other, noticing his tear marks on his cheeks. "Why would he kiss her..? Right in front of me." George contemplated. "I-I loved him.. I.. Love him." George cried. It was quite early in the morning, just enough for light to shine through their blinds. "Am I being stupid..?" George questioned, "She looked so.. Happy with him. Is he in a secret relationship?!" George muttered. George felt his salty tears fall down, he tightened his hands into fists. The brown haired boy shot up and grabbed his phone. He sat down on the far side of the bed, grabbing his bag and taking out a pair of earphones. He plugged them into his phone and started to listen to some music. "I'll just.. Wait till he wakes up." George sniffled. "I trusted him."

A couple of hours later, George felt movement from behind him. "G-George..?" Clay mumbled. George took out his earphones and placed them down on the bed. "Hi, Clay," George muttered, looking down at the ground. "George can we-" George cut him off, finishing his sentence. "Talk?! Yes, why don't we 'talk'!" George flung up and looked at Clay, tears started to form in his eyes again. Clay took a big exhale and jumped out of the bed from the side. George headed towards Clay and looked him in the eyes. "Let's talk, shall we?!" George shouted. "George.. It's not what you think." Clay calmly spoke, reaching for George's hand. George pulled his hand away, crossing his arms. "Ooh! Michelle, my GIRLFRIEND!" George angrily bawled. "G-Girlfriend? No!" Clay assured. "Oh! I love Michelle!" George imitated. "Why, Clay?! WHY?" George screamed, letting tears hit the floor. "I-I love her!! I love her s-so much!" George cried, punching Clay in the stomach, weakly. "G-George..!" Clay shrieked. George stopped and froze in place. He could see Clay slightly shaking. "I don't like her! I-I'm not with her..!" Clay cried, tears streamed down his hot cheeks. "She fucking kissed me!!" Clay sobbed. The blonde fell to his knees, hugging George's waist. "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!" Clay wailed. "I only love.. y-you." George looked down at Clay, it generally looked like he was upset. "I-" George paused. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. So, so sorry.." George apologized, still crying. "I-I'm sorry.." Clay said, still shaking. George lifted up his head to make eye contact. Clay's tears sped downward as his shiny emerald eyes looked at George. The hazel eyed, burst back into tears. He fell down and forced a hug from Clay. "G-George, I'm sorry.." Clay muttered. "No! I'm sorry, Clay!" George replied back, "I've been such an idiot, I'm sorry!" George wiped his tears away and looked straight into Clay's eyes. "Come on, get up.." George sternly said, grabbing Clay's hand. Clay took George's hand, then covered his eyes with his other arm. George sat Clay down on the bed, quickly sitting on his lap and facing him. George put his hands on his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. "It's okay.." George softly whispered. George rested his chin on Clay's shoulder, rubbing circles on his back. "I-It's okay, Clay.." George whispered faintly. George could feel Clay's shaking calm down. His breath went slower and he started to hug George tighter. Clay fell back, still hugging George. "Georgie, darling.." Clay whispered, "I love you so much, I always will.. You know I'll never do something like this to you.." George sat up, sitting on Clay. "It's just.. What's your r-relationship with her..?" George softly spoke. Clay sighed, "Well. To be brutally honest, I used to have a crush on her in high school. But right now, she's a stranger to me. I have someone 100 billion, zillion times better!" George giggled, but started to tear up again. "G-Georgie..? What's wrong??" Clay asked, worried. "N-No.. I'm just so happy.."

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