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Wakanda, 6 years ago...

The door to the quinjet opened. Steve and Natasha were the first ones to step down, and everyone else followed.

Rose stayed inside as she tried pulling her thoughts together. She still was having a hard time wrapping her mind around this all.

Eventually she composed herself and made her way out. She notices Steve and Nat were having a conversation with a man and woman. She looked at her surroundings and she instantly fell in love with it.

This place is beautiful, she thought.

"How's it going?" Nat says.

"You have my Kingsgard, two other tribes and..." the man points at another individual.

"A semi-stable 100-year old man," the man jokes.

Steve embraces that man into a brotherly hug.

"How you been Buck?"

"Uh, not bad for the end of the world," he jokes.

His attention immediately goes to the woman who is looking at her surroundings. Natasha notices his attention went else where, she turns around and sees Rose.

She looks back to see he's still looking at Rose. A smirk makes its way to Natasha's face.

"Who's that?" Bucky asks intrigued at the new person.

"That's Rose. She helped out Bruce and Tony back in New York when Thano's minions attacked," Nat answers.

"Rose!" Steve shouts and waves her over and she makes her way over to them.

"Rose this is T'Challa, king of Wakanda."

"Hello," Rose shakes his hand.

"And this is Sargent James Buchanan Barnes, also known as the winter soldier," Natasha says amused.

When she makes eye contact with Bucky, she is mesmerized with his crystal blue eyes. His eyes were extremely gorgeous.

Now he is the definition of gorgeous, Rose thought.

"Rose. It's nice to meet y-you," she shyly says.

"Please, call me Bucky," he says as he smiles at her.

Rose notices that Bucky breaks eye contact and looks down her body, making her shiver. Bucky notices and instantly smirks.

"Alright then. Now that introductions are out of the way let's get going," Steve says breaking the silence.

Everyone began to follow Steve, Nat and T'Challa. Rose stays a few feet behind, still taking in her surroundings. The more she passed through the more intrigued she was.

But she knew she had to stay focus, they had bigger things to deal with. So she continued and followed everyone. They discussed the plan and what had to be done so they can have a chance.

Wanda had to destroy the power stone once it was safely detached from Vision. But worse comes to worse she had to destroy the stone and kill Vision in the process.

Rose felt for Wanda. Nobody should lose someone they love, let alone at their hands. When everyone knew what had to be done, it was now a waiting game. To wait for Thanos to appear or to successfully destroyed the stone.

Days have passed, as they continued to work on Vision. It was a lot longer and difficult situation then they had thought. They were nowhere near finished.

Rose had been hanging out with Natasha, Bucky and Sam for the past couple days. But today she felt uneasy, she couldn't explain it. Something was off, she didn't know what it was but she needed to be alone.

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