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Mehek stood before Shaurya's villa. She recalled her first visit on that fateful night. A night when her fate was sealed. A night when she fell for a demon in her desperate attempt to save a wolf. However she is clear now, she is going avenge both of them. She will use Shaurya to destroy Ajay. Shaurya will create enough problems for Ajay, making him lose his money, business and peace of mind. Meanwhile she will slowly ruin Shaurya being his friend, lover or wh*re. She knew Ajay too well to meticulously plan for his downfall. However Shaurya was a mystery. She need to learn about him , know about his weakness & strength and then strikeaptly to break him beyond repair. With her new found determination and courage, she entered Shaurya's home.

"Welcome, Mehek", Shaurya greeted her, "you can move into the room upstairs , the one adjacent to mine". She smirked, "Nice move. Keeping me closer to ravish me without losing time". His cheerful expression quickly vanished and she couldn't read him for a moment. "Mehek, please stop being like this. This is not at all you. I prefer my old Mehek", he told her. 'You played a major role in killing her, Shaurya. Now time to face the consequences', she thought. "I am sorry, Shaurya. It's just that I feel free. I am not bound to a meaningless relationship anymore. I want to taste forbidden fruit which is no longer forbidden for me. We are so good in bed and I don't see anything wrong in indulging in s*x with you", she acted out her part.

"God! Mehek, listen to yourself", Shaurya was exaperated, "Are you the same woman, who even in her most passionate & vulnerable moment had asked me to make love to you. Terms like 'Good in bed' and 'indulging in s*x' sounds so repelling from you", Shaurya told her, surprising himself. " Make love or S*x, what difference does it make? Stop preaching me when you are the one who always drew me to your bed ", she controlled herself before blurting further. He threw his hands on air as a gesture of defeat, "Let's make this very clear, Mehek. I am not helping with any ill intention  You are my friend, a very close friend and that's the only reason I am supporting you. Now, no more argument here. Move you luggage, get comfortable and have lunch", he left her. 'What's your game, Shaurya? Why don't you want to get physical with me anymore? You are neither bored nor desiring me. Are you suspicious ? I need to be extremely careful since you are too shrewd', she made a mental note.

"Where is Shaurya?', Mehek asked the maid who served her food. "He went out, Ma'am", she replied. Mehek contemplated where he could have gone at this hour of day. She had lunch, explored the house and took an afternoon nap. When she came down in the evening, she found him in the kitchen. "I was making tea", he asked cheerfully, "Do you want some?". She smiled and nodded. She looked around but found none. "Staff just stay till afternoon. I prefer to be alone", he told her. 'For obvious reasons', she mused. 

"Where were you? I missed you at lunch", Mehek tried to balance her act. "I went to meet my mother. We tried to catch up every week at her studio. She is an artist", Shaurya explained. "Does she live in that mansion?", she asked sipping her tea. "Oh, no. That one belonged to my Maternal grandmother. She passed it to me after her death. My mom lives in an apartment near her studio", Shaurya was cheerful sharing it. "Who else are there in your family? Is your dad a business man or an artist?", she asked casually. He kept his cup down and took a deep breath, "There is no Dad".

Mehek was about to utter word 'Sorry' but Shaurya filled in, "My mother never married. It is just me and my mother". 'So he is illegitimate, born to a unwed mother', she thought . She still couldn't help to admire that woman's courage who dared to give birth to her son without being married. It was not her fault that her son turned out to be an a**h**e. "Your mother sounds like a great woman", she suggested. "She is, indeed she is. She is the best. Unfortunately she gave birth to a jerk", he tried to be cheerful. Mehek giggled realising they both thought in same lines.

"My material grandfather was a business man. Once I finished college he handed me half of his properties and I build my business empire on top of it", Shaurya explained. 'Single child with a loving family from mother's side. No siblings, then why did that woman address him as brother-in-law. Perhaps a cousin or an adopted brother?', Mehek thought. "Who was that lady whom we met....", she couldn't complete. He threw his cup into the sink and sneered at her, "None of your bloody business".

Mehek was shocked but she already had a plan up her sleeve to deal with his outburst. It was her tears. Weeping on random cue was difficult but not impossible. All she had to do was think about his deception. So she wept and ran to her room. She waited there patiently. He will come to pacify me. To wipe my tears and finally lead me to bed, she calculated. She heard a soft knock and Shaurya entered. "Mehek, I am sorry", he apologized. She turned her face away from him and said feebly, "It's okay. I shouldn't have. You are being benevolent to me but I shouldn't forget my limits". Shaurya was worried for her.

"Mehek, please don't do this to me. Ever since the party, you are behaving weird. I know Ajay's betrayal had shaken you but you need get a grip on yourself. I am really worried for you", Shaurya shared his concern. So he is suspicious, her brain warned. "I don't know, Shaurya. I lost my family, my home, my love in a night and ended up staying in a stranger's house. I feel indebted to you. Still I am not sure how to repay you. You keep on insisting us being friends but when I try to be your friend, you are angered ", she sobbed. "I am sorry. You are my friend and my healer. I find solace in you", he touched her shoulder. 

Mehek looked at him with hope. For a minute she wished it was all true however she recalled his statements to Rajeev. 'I won't fall for your traps anymore', she promised herself. She quickly ran to his arms and asked, "If your words are true then tell me who is she?". Shaurya was trapped to share the truth. "She ... she is Shruthi", he sighed, "She  was my fiancée. But now she is my sister-in-law", he let it out of his chest. "You have a brother?", Mehek probed. "A cousin, Vicky. He is more than a brother to me', he explained. "Then why did she ...", she left if unfinished when his hands wound around her tightly. "Please don't ask me anything more, Mehek. I beg you", he appealed. She lifted her face from his chest and tip toed to reach his lips. He dipped his head, reaching her midway. They kissed gently. 

Shaurya was lulled by her kiss still broke it before deepening it. Somehow he didn't feel right to exploit Mehek further. He felt some strange emotions for her which was beyond lust or obsession. Unless he could decode himself, he couldn't take it forward with Mehek. "Shaurya, will you promise to confide in me when you are ready. If you really consider me as your healer, I need to know depth of your wounds", she told him. Then I will use it as weapon to harm you further, she planned inwardly. He nodded and was about to leave when she called him again,"Shaurya, wait". She came near him and combed his hair with her fingers. She moved the curtain of his luscious black hair which he had deliberately allowed to fall onto his face to cover his scar. "Never hide yourself from me. Remember I am not repelled by it. I want you to be confident beside me being unmasked", she said caressing his maimed face. He pulled her soft fingers from his face and kissed it before leaving her.

LATER Shaurya was working in his study when she knocked. "Dinner?", she asked. "You go ahead and have it. I need to finish it", he turned his neck indicating tiredness. "You seem to be tired. Take a break, Shaurya. Let me massage your shoulders", without waiting for his consent, her experienced hands helped him to relax. "Hmmm, that feels good. You are my precious princess", he hummed. "Then who are you? A Demon? Or Prince Charming? ", she mocked him. "I am your guardian devil", he smiled at her. Suits you, she mused and gave a genuine smile to him.

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