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"Wake up, Love", Shaurya kissed her eyes waking her up. Mehek slowly moved her eyelids and saw his cheerful face. "Good morning", he wished her. A week had passed since Shaurya was discharged from hospital. His injury was yet to heal completely so still had his dressing around his forehead. Mehek became closer to Shaurya during these seven days. She took care of him , kept him company and was eager to get him well soon. He was glad to have his old Mehek back, caring & loving. Though she never conveyed accepting her feelings for him, he was hopeful about their future. 

Mehek smiled and wished lazily, "Good morning" and purred close to Shaurya. Having her near made it difficult for him to remain abstain but he restrained to win the challenge. "Happy one month anniversary, Wifey", he wished surprising her with a red rose. She was pleasantly dazed and held it closer to face. "Thanks for the gift", she said shyly. "The real gift is waiting for you in the outhouse. Freshen up and come to get it", he said.

Mehek was excited while walking to the outhouse. She remembered her previous visit to it when Shaurya tried to trap her pretending as a spa customer. A lot had changed since then, she thought while intertwining her fingers into him. He pulled them to his lips. He opened the door and led her to first room. She was shell shocked to find the room turned into a hospital ward with all necessary equipment and two trained medical staffs in it. She found Meera amidst them. "I brought your mother home", he told her before leading her beside Meera. 

"Hope you like the surprise", Karuna came to the scene, "Meera is doing fine. I personally ensured that she is well taken care here", she informed her. Mehek couldn't contain herself and broke down on her shoulder while hugging her. Shaurya left them alone. He walked till end of the corridor enjoying his beautiful garden. For past few days, Shaurya realised that he had been constantly demanding Mehek to trust him but he himself failed to trust her. He didn't want to use Meera Aunty as a leverage to keep her bound to him. He trusted Mehek enough to know she won't leave him. Bringing her mother to Khanna mansion was his attempt to show Mehek that he trusted her. He wanted to get over the fear of losing her. 

Shaurya felt her soft hands holding his chest from behind. "Thank you", Mehek spoke, resting her head on his back. "I have asked Ma to move in with us here, in Khanna Mansion. She said she will think about it and I hope she agrees", he told holding her hands over his chest. "We will be one big happy family. Finally", he sighed. Mehek realised that just like her, he too never had a normal childhood and longed for it. "Yes, we will be", she agreed and held him tighter. "Don't worry we will now and then go to my villa for our romantic escapades", he teased her. 

Shaurya's phone buzzed reminding his busy day. "Got to go , Love. But be ready in the evening evening. We will go out for dinner tonight to celebrate our one month anniverssary", he informed her. She simple nodded but before he can leave, she pulled him and kissed his lips. He was startled but yielded and kissed her back ardently. Words no more had any significance between them, her action conveyed she was in love with him. He loved that feeling. They abruptly parted when Karuna meaningfully cleared her throat. 

"I was just leaving", Shaurya embarrassingly fled the scene leaving behind a blushing Mehek. When Karuna came near her, she touched her feet to seek her blessings. She pulled her into a hug and blessed her. "This is for you, Mehek", Karuan handed over an envelope, "all legal formalities were done and you are officially Meera's heir. Her bank accounts and properties are transferred to you". Mehek shook her head to refuse but Karuna stopped her, "I know you never wanted it but it belongs to you. Consider it as a gift from your mother". 

"Mehek, you hardly touched your plate", Shaurya complained. He had booked entire restaurant to have private dinner with his one month old wife. "I am sorry Shaurya but I didn't like the taste", she apologized. Shaurya wondered her criticism of food . He had chosen the restaurant considering her food preferences and he found it satisfactory. "Nevertheless it's not about dining but spending time with you that matters", she tried to cheer him. She looks so weak. May be Purab was right ,she needs a complete check-up, he made a mental note. 

Enslaved by LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora