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Mehek changed into her home cloths and waited for Ajay. She was tired and soon dozed off. She was startled when woken up by banging of the door. Ajay walked in and looked angrily at her. "Ajay, you are back!", she tried to go near him. "Yea I am back. What did you think? I will be gone forever?", he asked sarcastically. She was confused at changed behaviour of Ajay. "You left me there to suffer. When I was struggling in lockup, you were sleeping peacefully. I can only thank God that the misunderstanding were cleared and owner withdrew his case. Else you would have left me to rot in jail", he fumed. 

"Ajay, you are being unfair. I always supported you. I stood by your side every time. Yesterday also....", Mehek paused. "Supporting me is your duty; not a favour. As my wife, it is your responsibility to aid me", he countered. "What about your responsibility ? Your promises to protect me,  to cherish and love me", she was furious. "I gave you a family, dammit! You were a nobody. Just an orphan. For God sake, I married someone like you. Even your own mother never cared about you else she wouldn't have abandoned you", he spat on her.

"Ajay!!!", Mehek screamed and grabbed his collars in anger. But he held her hand and pushed her away. She fell on ground and wept. "Get out of my house, you bi**h. Take your unlucky presence away from my life", Ajay screamed at her. Mehek was hurt but not broken. She took courage to stand and face him, "Scr** you". She took her bag and stormed out of the house.

Shaurya watched her from his car as she walked through the streets. Occasionally she wiped her tears beneath her goggles but still kept her head high. He knew his plan will work. Ajay will not feel indebted to her this time as Mehek's name was carefully omitted from everywhere.  He knew her moron husband will react and hurt her. All he needed was a slight crack in the chain of fidelity and loyalty which bound Mehek to her spouse. Time to strike again, he decided. 

Mehek picked attended his call. "Shaurya, I told you not to call me again", she complained. "I know Mehek. I needed to know whether you are fine. Did Ajay reach home safely?", he faked concern. She wanted to weep but held herself. "Hmmm", she managed to answer. "Mehek, what is it? Tell me. From your voice I can tell that something is wrong", he probed. "Nothing. Just leave me alone", she wanted to end the call. "I am coming to your home now", he made her panic. Finally she gave in and agreed to meet him at a coffee shop nearby.

Mehek was nervous yet glad to meet Shaurya. Slowly he had become her friend. She told him about Ajay's recent outburst. "Mehek, I am sorry. I thought keeping your name out of all this would have been the best. But it backfired. Do you want me or my lawyer to talk to Ajay?", he asked though he was sure that she will refuse. "No need, Shaurya. It will complicate further. I know Ajay very well. He is angry now but will come to his senses and apologize soon", she said. 

Shaurya gripped his coffee mug. He felt furious realizing she still wanted to be with Ajay. He controlled himself and took a calculative risk, "Mehek, I am not a relationship expert. But if you allow me, I want to advice that you both need a break". Mehek gave him an astonished look. "Don't get me wrong. I am sure he loves you but he is taking you for granted. He expects you to be his support yet forgets to appreciate you", Shaurya explained and she saw his point. "I can't stay away. I don't have anywhere to go", she sighed. "I have a proposal. You can stay at my villa as my personal physiotherapist", he said. 

Mehek was shocked again but he explained, "See I have a physical condition", he indicated to his masked side of face, "so I prefer to have my own therapist for health issues". Mehek thought about it. It was a good job proposal still she felt like taking advantage of his good will. "Thanks Shaurya. But I think it is too soon to take such hasty decisions", she told him. 'I know you won't agree so easily Mehek. I am enjoying this game the most as you are not an easy catch', he thought. She got a text from Ajay and she stood up. She said bye and was about to leave when he held her wrist. She became conscious of surrounding but still let him hold her. "Mehek, call me whenever you need to talk to a friend. Trust me you need it", he said. She nodded and left.

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