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This is a huge mistake, no it's a grave Sin. Mehek's mind screamed. She is selling herself for money. In few minutes, her honour will be shredded to pieces in a stranger's bed. 'Do a favour on yourself and leave him', 'They came again and threatened to kill Ajay. Do something', 'Will your honour pay for your needs', 'I really wanted to make you my queen but I failed'. Many voices echoed inside her head. She was determined, there is no turning back. She has to do it to save her husband, her family, her love. This sin is justifiable if done to save a life, many lives.

"Hmmm Shanaya. Nice name. What does it mean?", he asked. "Errr. It means..."Mehek fumbled. "Don't worry. I just asked. It's a good name though fake", he chuckled. She hugged herself as chill ran through her body, partially due to fear and partially due to her wet clothes. "Leave you bag here and follow me to my bedroom", he commanded. She left her bag and walked behind him. "Hope Mishra told you about my preferences. I like it rough. I don't do foreplay or cuddling. No need to try to please me as I have my ways to extract pleasure. Just go with the flow, without whining. Clear?", he asked her while closing the door behind her. She nodded.

The bedroom was darker without any light except from the fire place. She felt like been trapped in wild lair. Lightning stuck suddenly and for a second she saw his face clearly. His silky long hair covered his left face yet the scar that ran till his chin was visible. She shivered and looked away in horror. "Strip yourself", he told casually while taking off his clothes. She turned away unable to bring herself to expose her modesty before a complete stranger. He was already in his boxers when he came behind her and pulled her roughly into his arms, "Is anything wrong ?", he studied her ,"You aren't a virgin, are you. I don't pay for virgins. You can leave if so". "I am not", yet she held to her dupatta closely and crossed her arms across her chest. " You are in deep trouble if you are", he warned. "I said I am not. I am married for more than an year", she blurted out. "Wow, that is a refreshing thought. Does your husband pimps you around?", he asked sarcastically. "Shut up, he doesn't even know I am here", she was on verge of tears. "Oh! Poor man cannot earn enough to meet your expensive tastes so you decided to earn some pocket money for yourself", he mocked her again. 

Tears fell on her cheeks which she wiped off quickly. Shaurya studied the specimen standing infront of him. His eyes always adjusted to darkness and he was able to see through her. A habit acquired owing to exile life. Mishra might have picked her straight from her college or workplace, her casual attire can be explained only by that. "Am I your first customer?", he asked curiously with a tint of pity. He cursed when she nodded. She might be desperate to agree to come to a client like him on her first venture. Though he enjoyed pain, he wanted his women to be willing. "You can leave if you want. I may be psycho but not a rapist. I don't enjoy forcing women in bed", he told her. 'Last chance, Mehek. Escape ', her heart told her but she shook her head.

He was relieved when she disagreed to leave. He desperately needed to be with someone tonight. Thought that his Shruthi could be spending the night in his cousin's arms, scorched his skin. It was unbearable to think eventhough he had actually pushed her to Vicky. He needed to forget it all and spend the night away in madness. Though she agreed, she still turned her back to him. He came near her and made her face him. "Shanaya. Let's try to make it easier for both of us. Let's try a role play. Imagine we both are two strangers who wedded today under convenience of arranged alliance. Shanaya weds Shaurya. Hmm sounds good, doesn't it?Tonight is our wedding night. We are going to consummate our marriage. Do you understand?", he asked. She nodded. "You can speak. I prefer women who make sound", he told her. "I understood. But no kissing on my lips. It's too personal", Mehek said firmly. "Fair enough. I will let my lips wander on other parts of your body", he agreed wickedly.

He slowly pulled her shawl and covered her face, "Now you look like a bride". He gently removed her veil and kissed her forehead. If fate was merciful, he would have been spent the night with Shruthi. Their wedding night, a night they yearned for long. His innocent Shruthi would have nervously anticipated to consummate their love. She would have trembled at his touch and he would have promised her to be gentle. He kissed her eyes, her cheeks and softly whispered, "I love you, Shruthi" and proceed to capture her lips. But the women before him turned away and told him bluntly, "I am Shanaya and don't try to kiss my lips". 

Her refusal brought his back to reality. He slapped her so hard that she fell on the floor. Mehek was shocked by impact and sobbed, "It hurts". "Don't you feel like giving back to me. Now get up and hit me hard", he ordered. "C'mon. I don't have much time to waste", he got angry. Mehek felt furious and she wanted to get even. She jumped back and hit his jaw with all her might. Blood oozed from his lips, shocking Mehek but his words startled her more, "Perfect . I am loving it". He grabbed her neck and tried to rip off her clothes. "Please don't. I am sorry. I am really sorry. Let's go back to our role play", she begged. He shook his head as he was irritated. Although he suggested it, he knew eventually he needs pain to get aroused. However he couldn't bring himself to reject her pleas. 

"Fine. Then take off your clothes. I don't have the sanity to do it without ripping them", he was getting impatient. With trembling hands, she unzipped her kurta and pulled it away. She was appeased that the fire had cracked down and the room was much darker yet he could feel his hungry eyes evading her through darkness. She undid her pants and it pooled to her legs. Her hands unsurely went to unclasp her bra but he swept her into his arms in bridal style. "I will take it up from here", he said while moving towards his bed.

He dropped her on bed and came over her. Her body shivered feeling his weight. She tried to cover her with her hands but he pulled them apart and pinned them on her pillow. His well-built chest crashed hard against her soft and supple bosom. He bit her neck and she hissed in pain but moaned when his tongue soothed her broken skin. He moved down and bit her again on her collar bone. She cried but not out of pain but pleasure. Her body dismayed her. She was supposed to feel disgusted by his touch however she was enjoying. 

It's been long since she had got physically intimate with her husband. His business problems, her double shift jobs and many more reasons kept her away from Ajay. Still they loved each other and she felt ashamed to relish another man's touch. Yet her body already became pliant to him. Sensing her response, he freed her hands. She arched back when he gently drew a circle on her belly with back of his hand. "Touch me, honey", he said softly. Her hands slowly explored his chest and went around his neck. Her fingers sifted through his silky hair, pulling him closer. She closed her eyes and moaned craving for his erotic treatment. 

Shaurya never cared about pleasure of his paid partner. He was always keen on his gratification. But she was different. She ignited him as her desires ignited him. He wanted to delight her in bed. He moved down pressing wet wild kisses on her chest and cleavage. Mehek became restless. She left his hair and swiftly removed her bra herself. She pushed his head, forcing him to suck her n***le. She sighed when he complied. 

Shaurya wondered what this mere chit did to him. He never turned on unless he got hurt or gave pain. But she was arousing him without much effort. The tables were turned and she was using him to satiate herself. He didn't mind because he was enjoying every bit of it. "Baby, you are so wet", he felt her womanhood while removing last piece of clothing from her. She helped him remove his boxers. "Make love to me", she implored him. "With pleasure", he smiled at her longing. She cried out when he thrust into her after wearing protection. They picked up the rhythm and drove each other to their fulfillment. 

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