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"Can you help me?", Mehek asked timidly. "I don't know. May be I could. But what will I get in return ?", he toyed with her. Mehek looked down as she had no answer. It was still not acceptable to strike a deal with Shaurya to save Ajay. "Relax, Mehek. I was just teasing. I will see what I can do", he told her and asked her more details about Ajay's case. 

"Are you hungry?", he asked and she shook her head. "Have this", he gave her an energy bar from his pocket. While she munched it, he made few calls and came beside her. "I talked to my lawyer. He will see what could be done. It will take time and I am afraid you husband has to spend tonight in lockup. Nothing can be done at this hour", he shrugged his shoulders. "It's really late. Better you spend night here. You can use the guest room. I will see if I can get some clothes for you to change", he told her. When she nodded, Shaurya felt happy when she didn't refuse his hospitality. Mehek went to the room and sat on the bed lost in thoughts.

Shaurya came in with a jersey shirt and cargo shorts, "I am sorry, I could only find these. Hope it fits you". He had already changed to his night suit but still wore his mask. She turned the shirt which had his name and a number on it. When she looked at him, he answered, "They belong to my college days. I was part of the football team. College days were one of the best era of my life". Mehek softly laughed. "I guess it's the same for all. For me it was freedom and fun, first time being away from rules & regulations of orphanage and its wardens", she spoke to him freely. They conversed like friends. 

"I was just an average student but sport always helped me", he told. "I was among top five always. Since I was good at studies, orphanage trust sponsored my college education. One more year and I would have been a professional physiotherapist like Sonal", she was sad. "What happened ?", he probed. "Love happened", she smirked, "I met Ajay and we fell in love. His parent were against our relationship and fixed another alliance for him. He left everything and came to me. He proposed marriage and I accepted", Mehek paused. She always wondered whether it was right thing to do. Ajay was so adamant to wed her quickly. He wanted to show his parents that he made right choice and she loved him more than anything. 

Mehek was afraid to lose him. He was only family she ever had. The orphanage stopped their monitory support for her education once she was married and she had to quit studies. Ajay's father never accepted them and stopped his allowances. They had to find odd jobs to meet the ends. Reality and hardships of life hit them hard but she felt their love was strong enough to withstand it. Six months later, Ajay's father passed away. He donated most of his wealth to charity leaving a small share for Ajay and his mother. 

Ajay tried to use his share & loans to set up business, but he always ended up as a loser. He bought Pammi Aunty to their home and borrowed money from her too. Still none of his ventures became fruitful. Mehek had to overwork and bear his unreasonable mother yet she felt she could survive with his love and support. Ajay was always her anchor, still slowly they drifted away. Their day today struggles to keep afloat and never ending monitory issues, pulled them apart even though they loved one another. She bared her turmoil to Shaurya and felt light hearted.

"Mehek, I can only wish that all will be fine. I will help to get your husband out of trouble. In return, can you promise me that you will never sell yourself again. You will stay away from clutches of Mishra and his likes", Shaurya asked her. Mehek looked at his face intently. He was a stranger, a man who had bought her for few hours. However he protected her and still trying to save her from being a wh*re. Whereas Ajay, though unknowingly had pushed her to desperation and made her an escort. She felt shattered and couldn't control her emotions. She broke into tears and wept vigorously. "Mehek, please don't", he tried to pacify her but she was inconsolable. He cupped her face and made her look into his eyes, "Mehek, I said STOP. I cannot see you in tears". She still cried. He gave up on words and slammed his lips on her.

Mehek was shocked when his mouth captured hers. She tried to push him but he was strong. She knew it was wrong and resisted but her body ached for it. He softly sucked her lips, he was warm and comforting. Her weak self was no match to him. She soon stopped resisting and yielded to him. He deepened the kiss sensing her submission. She was kissing him back now and his heart warmed by her response. When his tongue sought contact, she obliged and let him in. She tasted like honey and wine. 

Mehek's hands moved to his neck pulling him to her. Without leaving her lips, he carefully pulled down the zipper of her top. He pushed it down and baring her shoulders and chest. Mehek felt she has never been kissed like this before. Mehek was lost in the bliss of his kiss and was drowning in pleasure. His fingers got busy fondling her bosom and she arched to him. She slowly fell into the bed taking him along. It started to rain outside while they were lost in their passion.

COUPLE OF HOURS LATER. Shaurya was awake, listening to the rhythm of rain. He gazed at the sleeping figure of Mehek near him and smirked with satisfaction. He checked his phone when it buzzed. He quickly wore his night robe and left the room. He carefully closed the door without waking Mehek and went to his study. He attended the call.

 "Hi Bro. Hope all is well", a voice spoke from other side. Shaurya pulled out his decanter and poured a shot of his expensive whisky. He was unable to enjoy alcohol from the day Mehek left him high & dry. But tonight he knew earned it. "Thanks Rajeev. You played your part to perfection", Shaurya expressed his gratitude. "Anything for you Bro. After all what are friends for. Night is still young, hope you enjoy it to the core", Rajeev wished him before ending the call.

Poor, helpless, innocent and above all gullible Mehek. You were quick to identify that it was me who staged everything but I am smarter. I could have brought you straight to me but you would have resented me and acted cold. So I made my friend Rajeev play the villain so I can be your knight in shining armour. I got your where I wanted you and most importantly the way I wanted you. Willing and warm, he smiled wickedly.

 "Cheers to you, Shaurya", he raised a toast for himself. Mehek you are my intoxication and addiction. Until I am bored and done with you, I will always draw you to me, by hook or by crook, he told himself. He finished his drink and closed his eyes. Night is still young, Rajeev's words replayed in his mind. He walked back to the room where he knew Mehek slept peacefully.

NEXT MORNING . Shaurya opened the curtains and let sunrays graze her skin. Mehek blinked her eyes while adjusting to light and woke up. He was dressed up in blue jeans and white shirt. She realised her condition and pulled the sheets to cover her naked body. Shaurya pretended to look away, " Freshen up and come for breakfast". Once he left she looked for her clothes but was unable to find them. 

After taking shower , she wore the shirt and shorts he gave last night . She was extremely nervous and embarrassed. She again fell prey to temptations. They made love last night; twice. His actions to pacify her, ended up in their ardent union. Later during wee hours of night, she felt him near her; teasing her body to ache with need. She was too vulnerable to resist his caress and charms. She acceded to his advances and gave in again. It was a battle where she was losing repeatedly.

"Mehek, what happened last night was not your fault, neither mine. Circumstances are to be blamed", he told her. She looked at him sadly. Good. She is trusting me again, he cheered himself. "Let's forget it and considered it never happened", he suggested and she agreed. 'You won't forget it Mehek. I will ensure you won't and crave for more', he promised himself. "My lawyer has taken care of everything and Ajay will be at home soon. Let me drop you home before he comes back", he offered her. "My clothes", she asked timidly. "Hmmm...I had send it to wash. It should be back by now. Let me check", he explained.

Shaurya stopped his car few stops away from her apartment. Mehek thanked him and was about to get down. "Mehek, they would have helped Ajay like a neutral third party without taking any names. I did it thinking it was best option. Else it would have raised unnecessary questions and suspicions, adding to your difficulties", he told her. She nodded and thanked him again for being thoughtful. 

"I hope you remember your promise. If you are in trouble, please call me. I have stored my number in your phone", Shaurya informed her. "I won't break my promise, Shaurya. However I will not contact you either", Mehek stated to him, "It's better that I don't trouble you again". "Maybe you are right. But always remember, you have a friend to reach out for help", he squeezed her hand. 

Shaurya reached his home. He specifically asked his staff not to touch anything in guest room. He sniffed the clothes that Mehek had worn and touched the sheet which covered her. He fell on the bed and relished her fragrance like a possessed man.

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