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Shaurya had gone to pick the bag that had Mehek's cloths. He had carefully hid it in boot of his car. When he came to the bedroom, he found her edgy. "Your clothes" he threw bag on the bed and was about to leave when she spoke, "It's a waste of time". "Excuse me?", he was perplexed. "All this act of loving and caring husband. I am not going to let myself betrayed again", she declared. 

Shaurya looked at her intently. What have I made of her?, he felt guilty. "You need help. I can understand the pain you have gone through when you were betrayed. It has affected your ability to comprehend right & wrong. You are looking at the world only from your own distorted  perspective, ", he advised earnestly. "You are the one who needs help, I mean professional help. Anyone in his sane mind would have repented. But you went further and got married to punish me", she was furious. "That's not why I made you my wife", he roared. "Then why? Why the hell did you get married to me ? ", she yelled. He grabbed her arms and shook her, "Bcoz I love you, dammit". 

Mehek was shocked by his confession. She still pulled away from him, "I don't trust you". "Neither could I. But it is the truth. I am in madly in love with a woman who is hell bent on destroying me. Unfortunately, I am helpless as my heart still loves my angel", he told her the truth. "You just wanted to punish me", she remained adamant. "I do. Because unless you realise your faults, you will commit further severe ones. I want my old Mehek. My angel who cared about everyone, even a demon with a scarred face", he declared. "She was killed long back. Thanks to the likes of you, I can never be her again. May be if I was allowed to live freely with my mother then it could have been. But you didn't. You got me tied into this meaningless relationship to retaliate at me", she was agonized. 

" Meaningless? Our relationship is as pure as our love", Shaurya tried to get closer but she pushed him away. "There is no Love. Only Lust", Mehek lashed at him. "If my aim was to just to get physical with you, then I could have done without marriage too. I didn't forced you to be my wh**e. I made you my wife. Why can't you still see intention behind it?", he sounded anguished. Mehek had no argument to counter him and looked away. "Stop being in denial , Mehek. You are in love with me as I am with you", he appealed. "I can never trust you again. You are planning to break my heart, to ravage me beyond repair. I won't fall for these tricks again", she was teary eyed but determined. "Fine. What shall I do to convince you?", he was desperate.

"Set me free", Mehek demanded. "Never. I will never let you leave me", he sounded as the devil again. "Then stop f**king me. If it's love you have for me then don't bed me further", she told in a fit of rage. "Till when?", he asked. Mehek was astonished that Shaurya agreed to an absurd condition. "An year", she told timidly. "Too long. How about a week?", he suggested. "Too short. A month then", she declared. "Agreed. I will not make love to you for a month to prove my feelings for you", he agreed. "You won't have s*xual relationship with me or anyone else for a month. If you fail then I will be set free", she said. "And if I win, then you will be mine, In heart, body and soul", he said. "Ok ,deal", she extended her hand. 

Shauyra took it and pulled Mehek closer to whisper near her ears, "It excludes situations where you seduce me. I know you are very cunning and may sought to any desperate measures to win", he mocked her. "In your dreams", she taunted him. "Actually , it is one of my favourite fantasies", he smirked. "Do you bruise me in your fantasies too?", she was scornful.

It's been just three days since their wedding and this short period has been eventful.Shaurya felt guilty. First he went all werewolf mode on their wedding night and then in her attempt to help him , she fell accidently on glass pieces. "Mehek, does your wounds hurt a lot", he kept his hand of her back. Her sudden hiss even on slight contact caught his attention. "Are you hurt ?", he asked but she didn't respond. He hurriedly pulled down the back zipper to find bruises all over her back. 

Shaurya cursed himself. In his passion, he failed to notice the abrasions. When he hurled Mehek against the stone pillar, Probably she too didn't consider it until they were doused in pleasure of the moment. She may be in great pain and unable to tend to it as it was on her rear . "I am sorry, Mehek", he quickly got the medicine and applied on her. "No need", she was adamant though touched by his care. "Grow up, Mehek", he ignored her protest and went on. 

When Shaurya blew on her wounds , it send a chill through her spine. She arched back clutching the satin cloth of her night dress. She bit her lips to prevent from moaning. To her surprise , Shaurya had no intention to get physical with her. He seemed to be genuinely concern about her well-being. "There. All good", he zipped her dress carefully waking her up from lustful thoughts. "Are you okay, Mehek?", he asked earnestly. She felt like being caught with her hand in cookie jar.

"Ofcourse, I am", Mehek replied hurriedly, "So a month starting from tomorrow". "Hmmm. 30 days to be specific", he gave a sigh. 'Damn! 30 days away from him. It's gonna be difficult, really difficult', her dirty mind poked her. "Yes. 30 days from tomorrow. Today is not considered as we already... you know", she fumbled. He just stood there confused, "Mehek are you okay? You are sweating a lot". He touched her forehead but she pushed it away, "I perfectly fine. Just want to be clear about the timelines. It all starts from tomorrow. I don't want any confusion later. Hmmm....Tonight is not included. Clear ??". "I got it , I got it", he raised his hands in bewilderment and turned away. As soon as his face was away from her, he smirked with satisfaction. Though he acted innocent, he had quickly caught her subtle suggestion. 'I love you, Mehek and soon you will realise it too', he mused.

"I am going to bed", Mehek told Shaurya after dinner who was surfing through TV channels. "Sure , go ahead", he casually wished her a good night. She felt an undefinable restlessness as he ignored her. She felt furious for being tormented rather than torturing him. If she was having a tough time being abstinent then she could imagine his plight yet he had put up a brave face to deal with it. Does it mean he is really in love with me?, she asked herself. She shook away those bizarre thoughts and headed for bed.

Mehek was half asleep when Shaurya crawled into his side of bed. He gently caressed her back. "Does it still hurt?", he asked with concern. "Hmmm", she replied sleepily. He unzipped the night wear and slowly kissed small of her back and moved upwards till her neck. She whispered his name, arching back giving him more access to herself. She turned to kiss him hungrily. "Mehek, you are hurt. May be we should...", he spoke breaking apart. "Stop spoiling that one thing we are good at", she rebuked him. He laughed, "You never fail to amaze me, Mehek. On one hand you restrain me and on other hand you tempt me. Remember, our bet excludes situations where you seduce me". 

"Don't get any ideas, Mr. Khanna. Consider it as a favour. An allowance to commend your daring to accept the challenge", Mehek boasted earning a sharp look from him. "I can understand if you don't want to. You may be tired and besides we have already done it today. Another fact to prove that what we feel is just desire of flesh ; nothing else", she turned away from him. He quickly pulled her to roll over and made her lie on top of him, "Don't you ever dare to mock my feeling , Mrs. Khanna. I love you. I love you a lot. I love you more each day. And I am confident that one day it will force you to realize your feelings too". 

Shaurya was just in his boxers and made her sit on his pelvis. Mehek sat on him in bewilderment with her dress spread around his legs. He slowly started to knead her hips and work his magic, "And being apprehensive about your token of appreciation was merely because I was concerned about your wounds". He slowly pulled her to him, "I guess it won't hurt you in this position". "Shaurya", she whispered timidly while feeling him hardened beneath her. It was hard to it through delicate barriers of their innerwear. "You should have thought about it before igniting the fire in me", he pulled her down for a burning kiss.

Shaurya was always an early riser. So despite their late night love making, he woke up early. He found Mehek sleeping peacefully in his arms. She looked extremely lovely as he always found her. With extra care not to wake her up, he placed her gently on pillow beside and left for his shower. As he stood before the mirror drying himself, he found taints of her vermillion lingering to his cheek and chest. He smiled touching them adorably and wiped it away. 

'I know, it's going to be difficult because Mehek is tougher now. But she doesn't know that once Shaurya Khanna is determined, there is not turning back. You wanted me to suffer, didn't you Mehek? You may have won by pushing me into this misery. But I will burn you in this fire with me. We are in this together, he smiled wickedly.

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