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Mehek was happy to be back in her kurta and pajamas. She was cooking when Shaurya hugged her from behind. She was surprised although comfortable. He kept his chin on her shoulders and said, "What are cooking?". "Nothing special, just the usual", she replied. "Smells so good", he nudged his nose onto her nape and whiffed her scent, tickling her. He slowly started to nibbled her ear. "Shaurya, what are you doing?', she pushed him away, "are you drunk or suffering from partial amnesia?". "Neither. What's wrong with you? Why are you shying away from me?", he asked nuaghtily. "Have you forgotten our challenge?  or is it that you are ready to let me go?", she asked vehemently. "The bet was to refrain from making love to you. I never agreed to stay away from you", he told plainly. "What do you mean?", she was anxious. "Means I can close to you", he moved to her, "closer to you", he came further near, "extremely close to you". While she tried to make sense, he pecked her lips and she jumped in shock. 

"This is not what I meant? Stay away from me", Mehek raised her voice. "No way. Deal with it, Baby",Shaurya toyed with her. When she was getting uncomfortable, he withdrew. "Leave it all. Let's sit and talk properly like newlyweds", he pulled her away from the kitchen. "You tell me something about yourself and I will tell something about myself", he suggested while making her sit on couch. "You know everything about me and I am not interested to know anything further about you", she retorted and remained angry. "Why ? No longer interested to know about my weak spots", he smirked making her conscious. 

Shaurya took lead, "Tell me this, if you were allowed to go back and change something in your past what would you do?". Eventhough she was acting to be least interested, Mehek was thoughtful. She said in low voice, "Leaving college. I always regret quitting my studies". Shaurya quickly changed the topic, "Now your turn". She shrugged ,  but thought and shot her question, "Do you have any artistic talents like your mother ?". "I used to paint when I was in college. Just a little, nothing great. Over the period of time, somehow lost track of it", he was earnest. Their conversation went on for some time. They shared most silly , funny and honest facts of eachother. "Tell me about your father?", Mehek asked him in the flow. She quickly regretted sensing his tension. "I...I am sorry. It came out....Let's skip it, I will ask another question", she tried to cover it. "No need. You are my wife and have the right to know about me. Besides, I am not ashamed of my father", he said confidently.

"He was my mother's professor. An artist . A genius. Also an activist. A man much older than her. Like many others, my mother looked up to him or shall I say hero worshipped him. At some point her admiration crossed over to love. He never knew about her true feelings. He was a widower, lived in the memories of his late wife whom he had lost an younger age. For him , she was his best student. They used to spend a lot of time together coz he wanted her to be his protege. In an unbalanced moment, they fell prey to temptation and consummated their relationship. Afterwards he felt extremely guilty and fell in his own eyes considering he took advantage of his student who was of the age of his daughter. Before my mother could talk to him, he left everything and disappeared. Till now, nobody knows where he had gone. But considering his age, I believe he is not alive. For mother, I am the final gift bestowed by him. She treasured me coz I kept him alive in her heart", he said thoughtfully. 

"He never knew about you", Mehek asked. Shaurya shook his head. "He sounds like a good man. He wouldn't have left if he knew that a child was conceived", she suggested to comfort him. "May be. Nevertheless he left me with a strong mother who took care of me against all odds. My childhood wasn't easy, Mehek. My grandparents didn't accept and Ma was asked to leave their home. Many years later they accepted us but till then I had learned to be a strong boy " he concluded . Despite her anger and confusion, she felt bad for him. Being an orphan was tough but being a bast**d was tougher. 

Mehek held his hand tightly. "It's okay, Mehek. All is well now. I got you", he ruffled her hair. "My turn. Tell me your darkest fantasies", he tried to lighten the mood. She jerked away, "I don't have any". "Oh. Come one, Mehek. You can tell me. I can help you to get it fulfilled", his eyes gleamed with mischief. "Won't you ever change? Always on one track mind", she rebuked him still a slight smile lingered on her. "Still it's the best track, Love", he mocked her. 

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