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Mehek sat near her mother's bed. Tears made their way to her cheeks, channeling her joy and sorrow. She was glad to find her mother and to know that she had never abandoned her. Yet her heart broke by the pitiful condition of her mother. Mehek held Meera's hands and kissed it. "You look and behave a lot like her, Mehek. I had my doubts when I met you. To be sure, I checked details with your orphanage too", Karuna spoke omitting about the DNA test she ran on Mehek and Meera. "Will Ma ever wake up?", Mehek asked Karuna. "Let's be hopeful. I believe she can sense it all. Having her daughter beside, whom she had searched forever, is definitely going to help her", Karuna gave her hope. Having her mother beside her, though in comatose state, gave Mehek also a new purpose in life.

Shruthi was waiting impatiently for Shaurya. She got a table in corner, away from crowd so that they can talk in private. This was one of their favourite places. Many memories flooded her mind while sitting there. She was still unsure whether he will come to meet her. Mehek's words had stirred a storm in her mind. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Shaurya's presence until he cleared his throat. He had carefully hidden his masked side of face behind his hair and hoodie. He was happy as the table was in a lone corner with less light. He sat opposite to her. 

Few minutes passed in silence and finally Shaurya asked, "All good at home?". Shruthi smirked, "All good. Apart that I am total misfit there". She paused to restrain her emotions, "What happened to us, Shaurie? We were so much in love. What happened in few days when I left to London? And please just the truth, nothing else". Shaurya sat back and gazed away. He needed a moment. "On my way after I dropped you at airport, I met with an accident . I was lucky to escape but was wounded severely. My was severely injured. It's left Is... disfigured permanently". He slowly pulled away his hoodie and removed his mask. As she watched, he brushed back his hair. 

Shruthi gasped and fell back thoroughly disturbed. "Oh No! this is not real. This can't be happening", she ranted. Shaurya painfully read the fear and disgust reflecting in her face and above all the horror. Shruthi was trembling and Mehek's words echoed in her mind.'Part of his face and body is maimed beyond repair' 'His ugliness doesn't limit to his face and body but also his personality'  'He is a sicko in bed.'.   Shaurya's heart ached seeing her condition. "Shruthi", he extended his hand to console her but she shrank into her seat to avoid his touch. "Please don't touch me. Please, I beg you", she requested him. "I will never hurt you. I always wanted you to be happy", he tried to explain but she slapped his hand away and ran out. 

Shruthi lost her footing and fell on ground. Shaurya rushed to help her but she screamed pulling attention of many. They had been frequent visitors and most of the staff were familiar with them. Some came forward to help her. Many guests and staff gasped at Shaurya's scared face. "Isn't that Shaurya Khanna? What happened to him?", they murmured. Some took his photo in mobile, few pitied him and many avoided his face. Shruthi was still shivering and weeping. Shaurya was shattered by the turn of events. He quickly covered his face and left.

Mehek was having coffee with Karuna at her apartment. "Mehek, I know it was a shock to you but trust me I didn't know how else to break this news to you. I thought the sooner you are near Meera, the better she will feel", Karuna told her. "You have given the world to me today. Now I know my mother never abandoned me. Today I am aware that I am not an orphan. Thanks for it and for taking care of my mother", Mehek felt indebted. Karuna smiled and reassured her, "Your mother had left her savings for you. Though it is not huge but it will be enough for you live a comfortable life. Besides; Shaurya and I will always be there for you. You will never have to live a harsh life". 

Mehek nodded and took the cups to kitchen. While she was in kitchen, she heard someone dashing in, followed by anxious voice of Karuna, "Shaurie!!! What happened beta?". Mehek came out quickly to find a broken Shaurya crying bitterly on his mother's lap. "I am torn, Ma. I tried to face my fear for her but it in turn engulfed me. I feel worthless. I am finished", he wept. Karuna tried her best to pacify him while Mehek stood there frozen. The burden of guilt was crushing her her and she spoke the truth, "It's all my fault". Her words made them realise her presence. He was taken aback to know that Mehek had witnessed it all but he didn't want her to carry an unfair liability. His innocent angel always managed to make herself responsible for his wrong doing. "No Mehek. It isn't your fault. You just wanted good for me", he told her between his tears. Mehek felt dizzy and lost her balance. Shaurya rushed to her and caught her before fell on the floor.

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