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"What about trust, Shaurya?", Mehek asked him vehemently. "We always lacked trust between us". Shaurya agreed, "I am to be blamed for it. My obsession and madness always blinded me. I hurt the only person whom I loved the most. I abused you physically & emotionally and broke your heart. But trust me, giving you pain caused me immense agony too. Yet like an adamant demon I didn't amend my ways. I accept my sins and you should punish me everyday for the rest of my life. However I have suffered enough to realise that Love is not a bondage but togetherness. It doesn't spread insecurity but gives freedom. I have learned to trust in our Love and I need your help me nurture it". 

He held her closely, "I want you to trust me too, Mehek". She nodded and embraced him, "I love you, Shaurya". "You are my angel. I love you the most and will never love anyone else", he paused when she squeezed him, "Of course, in future there could be exceptions....". She quickly pulled back, looking at him in bewilderment, "Exceptions? What do you mean? ". "I may love my daughter more", he softly rubbed her baby bump. Mehek was relieved and pushed him away playfully. "It's a boy, Shaurya", she told firmly. He threw his hands in air, "It could be, Love. But don't forget that Shaurya Khanna is seldom wrong". "Let's see", she challenged him. He pulled her back to his arms.

"I wonder how it went for Vicky?", Mehek asked suddenly. "Let's find out", Shaurya picked his phone and dialed Vicky. "Good morning, Bhai. What time is it?", he was greeted by sleepy voice of Vicky. "I hope all went fine and you had a wonderful night", Shaurya teased him. Mehek could hear his giggle through speaker of phone. "Except that she broke most of the things in the room and remaining things were thrown at me, it ended up well. I have a slight bulge on my forehead but she made it up to me later when we were alone", Vicky informed Shaurya. 

"You guys are so shameless", Mehek reprimanded them.  "I hope your husband let you rest. I want to remind you both take good care of little life inside you", Vicky told them strictly. "I am happy for you, Vicky. And thanks for everything. I feel blessed to have a brother like you", Shaurya shared emotionally. "The feeling is mutual. Well, I may be taking a break from work for few days. We are planning to withdraw our divorce petition today itself and go for a short trip", Vicky told him before ending their call in happy note.

Shaurya quickly picked up Mehek while she looked at him astonished. "You need to rest, Love. You had a tiring night and I selfishly kept you awake", he covered her with warm duvet and pecked her forehead, "Sleep now. I will make some healthy breakfast. I cannot keep my child's mother hungry", he told lovingly. But she held his hand, "Stay with me. Atleast till I fall asleep". "I am not going anywhere, Mehek. We will be together. It's finally time for our happily ever after", he promised while lying beside her and lulling her to sleep.


"Wake up, sleeping beauty. Look who is here to meet you", Shaurya tried to wake Mehek from her slumber. She slowly opened her eyes. She didn't remember much after the final push, just faint memory of Bulbul congratulating her. She smiled when he felt his lips on her forehead. "Mummy's is awake, Sweet heart", she heard him speak. She looked at the tiny bundle of joy he was holding. "Congrats, Mehek. It's a girl", she recalled Bulbul's words before she had passed out. Mehek held out her hands and Shaurya placed their daughter into them. She couldn't help but cry when she felt soft skin of her child against her. 

"I heard she gave you a tough time", Shaurya spoke to her. "You have absolutely no idea", Mehek said strongly.He grimaced hearing it and pecked her lips, "I love you, Mehek. Thank you for bringing this joy to my life". "Are you happy now? You got your daughter, didn't you?", she nuzzled into his neck. "On top of the world. But don't worry,I am always ready to try again", he humoured. "No way. I am not going to go through it ever again", she shook her head vehemently making him laugh. "Neither me", they were surprised by Vicky's voice who walked in carrying a bunch of 'It's a girl' pink balloons. "You have no idea the torture I have gone through with this husband of yours when you were in labour", he spoked to her, earning a soft smack from his brother. 

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