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Shaurya was unable to sleep and was pacing across his room waiting for the sun to rise. However he eventually dozed off and woke up late. He quickly freshened and dashed to meet Mehek. While he was exiting the hall, his maid came across and handed him an envelope. He was about to throw it on table but the familiar handwriting on it caught his attention. He dismissed the maid who had informed him that it came by morning. 

Shaurya looked at it carefully, 'Yes, it is Shurthi's handwriting. He got anxious, 'She might have send it before she tried to kill herself. Is it a suicide note?'. He moved to his study to open it. Nothing prepared him for the shock given by its contents.

Few hours later, Karuna answered Shaurya's call in an extremely irritated voice, "Where were you? I tried reaching you many times. It's past midday and you didn't care to grace us with your presence or even a call". "Ma, is Mehek there with you?", he asked calmly. "How long could I stall her here? Finally I had to let her go. She left a couple of hours back and may have reached your villa by now". But she didn't reach till now, Shaurya calculated. "Did you tell her about Shruthi?", he asked. "I did. When I came back from hospital, she was awake and was waiting for me", Karuna replied. So she is trying to escape , he smiled wickedly. "Ma, I need to tell you something", he spoke to his mother.

Mehek reached the nursing home by afternoon. She wanted to run away as far as possible from Shaurya. She didn't know where to go or whom to reach out. Yet she knew anywhere will be better than here. All she needs is her mother. "Hi, I am Meera Sharma's daughter. I am here to get my mother", she informed receptionist. "Meera Sharma? She was discharged and taken away an hour back", receptionist replied. "Taken away ? By whom?", Mehek was astonished. "Well, she was under care of Karuna Khanna. And today she & Mr. Shauyra Khanna made all arrangements to move her to a better facility", she replied. "Do you know where they took her?", Mehek asked but receptionist shook her head. 'Relax, Mehek. May be Karuna Ma moved her to get a better hospital. There is little chance Shaurya knows about my betrayal . Shruthi is yet to gain conscious. Until & unless she reveals anything, you are safe. Act quickly , get back to Shaurya and know your mother's whereabouts', Mehek decided.

It was late evening when Mehek reached his villa. She went inside her room and turned on the lights only to be startled by his presence inside the room. "Hope I didn't scare you", Shaurya smirked sitting majestically . "A bit. I didn't know someone was inside", she said as she had locked the room. "I am sorry, I used spare keys to open it. Where were you? Ma told you left early", he asked casually. Mehek instincts warned her that something was odd about his behaviour. Stop being paranoid, she rebuked herself. "I went to visit my mother. They told you have moved her", she sounded nervous. He nodded. "Where?", she asked. "Before telling that I need to ask you something. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?", Shaurya stood up and gave her last chance. "Nothing", she feigned ignorance. 

 "Well , then let it be", Shaurya pushed Mehek into the same chair where he was sitting and knelt beside her. He extended a small box and asked her to open it. She found a beautiful solitaire platinum ring. "Will you marry me, Mehek?", he proposed. She was astonished and scared. "C'mon Mehek. Smile and say YES", he told her. She looked at him in bewilderment. The lover boy expressions on him slowly gave way to the look of predator which Mehek was familiar with. She was almost sure of her fate, he knows. She smiled wickedly to him, "Never. Not even if you are the last man standing on earth". "Wow, that was a fair comeback", he stood up laughing crazily. 

"Why Mehek? Why being so cruel to me? What have I done?", Shaurya acted out the victim card . "WHY? What have you DONE? That night, I heard everything you told your friend , Rajeev", she fumed, " You betrayed me, Shaurya. Just like Ajay". He grabbed her arms, dipping his fingers into her flesh. "I am nothing like him", he sneered. "Keep telling that to yourself, Shaurya. But the truth is that you all are the same. You are just like him. You are just like your father who betrayed your mother", she spewed at him. In a fit of rage, he slapped her hard and causing her to fall down. "I am not like them", he yelled, "I am much worse, Mehek. They would have left you out of pity by the end but don't expect it from me. I am going to bound you to me forever and cripple your soul". "Dream on, Shaurya", she stood up still recovering from the slap, "I have no regrets. The broken look on your face after being rejected by Shruthi is enough for me to rejoice for rest of my life". 

"Do you even realise that an innocent woman almost died?", Shaurya asked earnestly. "Wow! If anything happens to your lovely Shruthi then it's unfair. Other mere mortals doesn't count in your books. You slowly killed my soul. Pretending as a friend, gaining my confidence and savouring my flesh. You used me.", Mehek was on verge of tears. "Yes, I did. I am at fault. But what about you, Mehek? You used me, my mother and Shruthi to get back at me. In your desperate attempt to destroy me, you have turned into something worse than me. Atleast be apologetic for bringing them into your dirty game", he shot back at her. 

Mehek was shaken but didn't want to lose before him, "I am immune to your tricks, Mr. Khanna. Collateral damages are expected in our fight. I don't feel guilty of anything". "Good. I am happy to hear it. Now I too can use your mother without feeling guilty", Shaurya countered. "You cannot hide her from me. I am her blood, her daughter. I will ask your mother. I will go to media , court or human rights commission to get back my mother", she fought back. "Ofcourse you can, Sweetheart. However are you sure she will be alive till then. A call from me and my people will pull the plug", he played his trump card.

 "You won't", Mehek was startled. Finally, I am able to pierce through her armour, Shaurya's mind congratulated. "Don't even dream that my mother will help you. Once she knows about your deceit, do you think she will even consider aiding you? There is an extremely ruthless side of my mother which you haven't seen yet , Mehek. You will witness it in me soon, coz I have inherited it from her", he made himself clear. Mehek sank to floor being defeated. 

"So have we reached an agreement?", Shaurya asked. "Do I have a choice?", Mehek mocked him. "No, you don't. We are getting married tomorrow", his words stunned her, "Shall we seal the deal with a kiss?". Mehek turned her face in anger but he grabbed her neck and kissed her brutally. It had neither love nor passion but raw power. He wanted to prove her that he had the upper hand. She punched his shoulder and chest yet he didn't break it. Finally she bit his lips, making him hiss and retreat. 

Shaurya dabbed his bleeding lip and said, "Sleep tight, Love. From tomorrow onwards, you won't be able to get a wink at night. You are still not familiar with my brutal side. I will show you how gore I could act with you". "F**k you", Mehek screamed at him. "That's the idea, honey. But after marriage. Be patient" , he laughed madly while walking away, "Just wait for another night".

Mehek sat numb before holy fire while Shaurya filled her hair line with vermillion and donned her with mangalsutra. Except for Karuna Ma and Vicky, no one else were present to witness their simple wedding ceremony. Mehek still couldn't believe she got married to Shaurya. 

Karuna gave her blessings to them, "This is not the way I wanted you both to get married, Mehek. But I know the situation. Shaurya told me your ex-husband is trying to harm you so this is the best way". Mehek understood how Shaurya managed to convince Karuna Ma. "It's okay. Anyways it is not the first time I am getting married", she tried to irritate Shauyra. She knew hit him hard coz he squeezed her palm, causing her grimace in pain. "But it will be your last marriage, I promise", he whispered to her. 

"I wish to see my mother", Mehek asked Karuna. "Don't worry, Mehek. She is under best care. Ma will visit her regularly .It's better for her safety if you don't visit her", Shaurya interrupted. Karuna looked at him confusedly. "Her ex-husband may try to harm Meera Aunty to hurt Mehek", he explained. "Shaurya may be it's better you both visit her before leaving", Karuna suggested. 'Leaving? Where?', Mehek was startled. He ignored Mehek. "Ma, in best interest of Meera Aunty and Mehek's security, it's better we leave at the earliest. I don't want to take any risk when it comes to anything related to Mehek", he acted adamant. 

"Where are we going?", Mehek asked Shaurya again. "It's a surprise, Biwi", he smirked at her. "Congrats Bhai and Mehek Bhabhi", Vicky wished them. Shaurya gave him a bro hug, "Thanks Vicky. I know you need to be in hospital near Shruthi. It means a lot to me that you came for my wedding". "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, Bhai", Vicky said.

Shaurya's driver handed over keys of his black sedan and he sat expecting Mehek to be near him. Mehek looked at Karuna and Vicky, who waved at her cheerfully. With a heavy heart, she gave a fake smile and got onto the passenger seat. "Welcome to hell, honey", Shaurya wished her. "Don't' forget we are in this together", she gave back with vigour. "But I am the devil who rules in hell", he mocked her. "Then as your bride, I am the Queen. I won't go down without a fight, Shaurya", she told confidently. "I am looking forward to it", he rubbed his lip where she had bitten him last night. She looked away to avoid his lustful eyes.

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