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When Mehek met Shaurya next morning, she appeared to be composed and balanced. "Are you fine, Mehek?", he asked skeptically. He understood her dilemma on receiving the news about her divorce and gave her space to deal with it. "I am good, Shaurya. Infact never felt better. It is not easy but I will manage", she kept her hand on his, "Thank you for everything". He smiled to acknowledge her. 

"Shaurya, if you permit I want to tell you something", Mehek slowly played her card. When he gave green signal, she carefully continued, "Everyone needs a closure to move ahead. Whether it is Me , you or... Shruthi". The mere mention of Shruthi tensed him. "Relax Shaurya and please let me finish. You had valid reasons to push her away. But you still care a lot for her, so does she. As a women I know it will be really difficult for her to start afresh with remnants for her past. You need to be honest with her and help her to move on in her life. You owe her an explanation. Your fear to face her may ruin her future", Mehek told him. She came near him and pecked his scared cheek, "Think about it , Shaurya". 

A WEEK LATER. Shruthi was moving around admiring the art pieces. She wanted to see Karuna Aunty's collection and hence proceeded to her section in art exhibition. "Shruthi, How are you, Dear?", she turned to greet Karuna. "I am fine Ma... I mean Auntyji", she corrected. Karuna gave an embarrassed smile. She knew Shruthi's mother-in-law Svetlana, was pretty strict on social etiquettes. Shruthi is a sweet girl and Karuna knew she may be having a tough time living with Svetlana. 

Shruthi was checking Karuna's paintings when Vicky came near them. "Aunty, congrats on another fabulous exhibition. I heard from organizers that you are one of the most sought out artist here", he said hugging Karuna. Vicky was dear to Karuna. Vicky and Shaurya grew under her care as Svetlana was always busy with her modelling career. Karuna just prayed that Shurthi and Vicky will be able to lead a happy married life. Karuna spotted Mehek among the crowd and waved at her.

Mehek was modestly dressed up in a white shirt and blue jeans. Shruthi studied her intently, trying to recall her. Karuna introduced her to Vicky and Shruthi, "This is Mehek. She is..". Before she could complete Mehek filled in, "I work for Shaurya, as his physiotherapist". Shruthi quickly identified Mehek and soon contempt filled in her eyes. "So Mehek, do you like it here?", Karuna asked. Mehek nodded. "Do you even understand any of these? I guess you are thoroughly bored since you seemed to be habituated to mere portraits and caricatures", Shruthi taunted her. Karuna and Vicky were surprised by her rude comment. Vicky quickly covered, "I hope you are coz that's the same with me. My wife and Bua are the genius women in my life who help me to understand these complicated stuffs". Mehek smiled at him. "Well that's a million dollar smile", Vicky tried to lighten the mood. 

"Mehek, are you busy today? If not, wait for me and we can leave together". "Sure", Mehek replied. "I will be done here in an hour. May be you can wait in the snack bar on ground floor. I heard their milk shakes are worth trying", Karuna tried to cheer up Mehek much to Shruthi's dismay. "Don't worry Aunty. I will keep her company. Anyways Vicky has a meeting and I have to wait for him", Shruthi told her.

Vicky bid farewell to Shruthi once both ladies were settled in their table. Mehek noticed the awkwardness between the newlyweds and understood the lack of comfort between them. Vicky seemed like a nice guy but again Mehek knew she was really bad at judging people. "Mehek rt? I bet I heard another name that night.", Shruthi mocked her. Mehek was expecting it. Poor girl thinks she met me by coincidence but she doesn't know it was well planned, Mehek mused. For almost a week, Mehek kept tabs on Shruthi. Her social networking profiles were helpful and additionally Karuna supported unknowingly. 

"I was called Shanaya then. Part of Shaurya's cruel jokes", Mehek sighed. Shruthi laughed with tell-me-about-it expression, "So you are his employee to outer world. But I am interested to know the truth. What you are for him ?". "I am his wh**e. He pays me to f**k him", Mehek told bluntly causing Shruthi to spit her drink. Shruthi was shocked, when did the handsome, charming and rich Shaurya Khanna need to pay to get laid. Mehek handed her a tissue , " Don't be shocked. Sleeping with him is an extremely difficult task. It's not meant for faint hearted".

 Shruthi was puzzled and Mehek proceeded as practiced, "Shruthi, there are many things you are not aware of. I am not at liberty to reveal more but just know that you are lucky to escape him. I could only wish that one day I will also be free from his clutches". Shruthi was now desperate to know the truth. When Mehek tried to walk away, she held her, "Mehek, please sit. I am sorry for my rudeness. I need to know everything. I assure that you won't be harmed. Infact, I will pay you well". Desperate, Mehek smiled inwardly. "I don't need your money. Shaurya pays me well. Just don't tell anyone that I told you. You seem like a nice lady with a caring husband. Don't lose your marriage for a man like Shaurya. He isn't worth it", Mehek told honestly. 

"I have heard how good and kind Shaurya was before his accident. However it's just a mirage. His ugliness doesn't limit to his face and body but also his personality. He is a sicko in bed. My helplessness forces me to stay with him but each time he f**ks me I have to go through hell", Mehek acted to dab her eyes. "What are you talking about?", Shruthi was aghast. "He was severely injured after the accident. Part of his face and body is maimed beyond repair. It affects his male ego and to overcome, he becomes violent during s*x", Mehek finished it with a sob. Shruthi remained shocked. 

Few moments passed in silence. "Yet I would say he loved you truly. Atleast he had heart to let you go", Mehek completed her act. She wanted Shruthi to be torn between love for her ex-lover and dilemma to trust the rumours. Mehek expected Shruthi to soon approach Shaurya. He will reveal his hidden wounded face to her and Shruthi will believe the cooked up story she just served her. The result will be disastrous for Mr. Shaurya Khanna.

Karuna drove Mehek to outskirts of the city. "Where are we going?", Mehek asked. "A charitable nursing home. I sponsor treatment and well-being of few patients there. Actually Shaurya is one of trustees, his company plays as a major contributor for running it", she replied. Mehek nodded. They parked the car and waited in the garden. Karuna wanted to speak to Mehek before entering. Karuna said, "You reminded me of an old friend Mehek. I had a college mate, a close friend named Meera. She was from a middle class family, a vibrant and smart girl. She fell in love with a man who was not acceptable to her family. So they went against family and got married. Things were fine for few months until he was killed in an motor accident. Meera was carrying his child. Her family took her back but they were anxious about their daughter's future. So when the child was born, her father gave away her baby to an orphanage and lied to Meera that baby was dead". Mehek felt sad hearing the sad story. 

"Meera was inconsolable but she managed to come back to life. She never married again and ran a small restaurant of her own. Many years later, her father revealed the truth to her on his death bed . She tried to locate the orphanage but due to lack of funding it was closed and kids were all send to different charitable organizations. Without proper name or date it was difficult to find the kid but Meera never gave up. Many years back, she came to me. She wanted to check few orphanages around this city. It was her last ray of hope. May be her anxiety and stress took a toll on her health and she suffered stroke a day later we met. Doctors were able to save her but she ended up in coma", Karuna told her. Finally she brought Mehek to a woman who laid lifeless on a hospital bed surrounded with tubes and machines. "Mehek, I want you to meet your mother, Meera", Karuna told her. Mehek froze gazing at the sleeping figure of Meera.

Shaurya was working in his study, when his phone buzzed. He attended without noticing the caller's name. "Shaurya. It's me Shruthi. Please don't disconnect the call. I need to meet you. I am waiting for you at our favourite restaurant near your office. Don't refuse me, you owe it to me. I won't leave unless you come here", she disconnected the call. Shaurya thought about Mehek's words. 'Shruthi needs a closure. I should overcome my fear for her happiness', he decided to meet her.

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