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Mehek pushed open the door and went inside the house. The  same house where she had dwelled with Ajay for more than year, now seemed so strange to her. She confidently moved into the bedroom where Ajay rested. He laid helpless on the bed, beaten and bruised. A momentary shock adorned his face but he scoffed. "So you came to laugh at my plight. Are you happy now?", he asked sarcastically. She smirked while pulling few bundles of money from her bag . She threw it at him. "Take it and leave with your lovebird to escape from loan sharks. I believe it will be enough. Consider it as my last charity", words were spit on him. 

"Are you serious?", Ajay couldn't believe. Mehek spoke firmly "Your betrayal hurt me really bad that I stooped so low. While running hungry for revenge, I have hurt innocent people. May be this way, universe will forgive some of my wrong doings", she paused and sighed, "Besides you don't deserve even my hatred. I have zilch feelings for you in my heart. We are done". "Mehek!", he called out while she turned to leave, "Thanks for the help . And Sorry for everything". She stopped but didn't bother to face him, "Learn to value love and relationships, Ajay. Else you will be left with nothing".  Once she came out of the house, she hailed a taxi for railway station.

Mehek was waiting for her train. She had minimum luggage as she just packed few of her cloths. She didn't take any jewellery or credit cards which Shaurya got her. He still loves Shruthi while she is a craze. Hence being bound to him for whatever reason seemed meaningless to her. She was afraid of his anger and more of his obsession . So the best options was to run away without leaving behind any traces. Once his anger subsides, she expected him to get back with Shruthi. She held her bag closer, it had remaining money she had withdrawn from her account. Atlast it was her mother's savings which came to her aid. 

"Excuse me, Ma'am", Mehek turned hearing a deep voice from a tall guy dressed up in black suit. Soon she realised they were many of them. They escorted her forcefully. Her protests were drowned by their deep commands and no one in the deserted station cared about her confusion. She was pushed into a big vehicle while they stood outside securing it. "Going somewhere, Love", Shaurya voice froze her. He pulled her bag and checked money in it. He opened the window and handed it to his men guarding outside. 

"It's mine. I didn't take any of yours", Mehek shouted trying to grab it. "Trust me. You don't need it anymore", Shaurya spoke before tapping the door. Driver came in as if waiting for the cue and they were driven in full speed. "Shaurya , leave me. I don't want to stay with you anymore", she was adamant. Her words pierced him, he balled his fist to control his rage. He smiled wickedly, "I don't care what you want. You can never leave me". They were taken back to his villa. He pulled out a petrified Mehek and dragged her in to it.  She tried to protest, kicking and hitting but he didn't yield. Once inside his villa, he threw her on the couch and locked the door. 

"Did he play the victim and begged your forgiveness so the benevolent Mehek decided to return? Or Is he so good in bed that you keep on crawling back to him? , Shaurya didn't waste another minute to taunt Mehek. She looked at him with disgust and raised her hand to slap him. He grabbed her hand before it could fall on his cheek. He tried to kiss her forcefully but she pushed him away. "Enough!! Yes, I want to be with Ajay. He makes me feel so good. You still love Shurthi and went back to her. Then why can't I?", in her anger she didn't know what she was speaking. Her intention was to hurt him. Unfortunately she succeeded. The pain drove him mad.

Shaurya slapped Mehek hard. "I was atoning for your sins. Shurthi was ruined by your wicked deeds. She was on verge of losing herself. To save her, Vicky and doctors asked me to pretend until she turns stable. I was just helping my brother and my friend to get back their lives", he roared shocking her, "A wh*re like you will never understand". She held her cheeks, trying to muffle her sobs. "But I wish I was in love with Shruthi or anyone else rather than an ungrateful bi**h like you", he slapped her harder again making her head spin. "I loved you, I cared for you and I kept you like my queen. But you don't want it. You longed to be trampled under feet. Then guess what? I am granting your wish", he dragged her through stairs to his room. She was unable to clarify herself, her pleas and words were silenced by his monstrosity.

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