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Mehek would have crashed onto the floor if not for those strong arms which caught her on time. She was delirious ,still she could identify Shaurya's voice, "Mehek, I am here. No need to worry, I am beside you". She wept against his chest and pointed her finger to the guy in the room. "Relax Mehek", he consoled and carried her to the bed. He sat beside her , wiped her tears and caressed her face . He patted her hands until she fell asleep. 

Shaurya got up and covered Mehek with duvet. He turned and punched the man but he blocked it skillfully. "Shaurya, I took your blow yesterday coz I was at fault. I won't bear it again", he said. "You Ba****d", Shaurya roared and charged again but the man ducked on time. "Shaurya, I just came with your coffee and found her awake. I thought you might have explained everything to her but she was petrified seeing me", he explained. 

Shaurya slowly started to see his point and kicked nearby divan to vent his anger. He was awake whole night taking care of Mehek. By morning , he was tired, sleepy and hungry. He snatched coffee cup and gulped it. "She was sleeping peacefully when I went to freshen up", Shaurya was worried, " I am an idiot to leave her alone". "Cool down, Buddy. She will wake in an hour or so. Be at her side so she won't panic again", he advised and left them alone.

AFTER SOME TIME. "Mehek, wake up?", Shaurya tried to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him. "Where am I?", she asked softly. He helped her to sit and gave her a glass of water. "At a house of my friend. You hurt your head and fainted. His house was nearby so I brought you here. We had to spent the night here", he tried to explain as much as possible in few words. Sedatives given to her had taken toll on her senses but she was recovering. 

Mehek suddenly got alarmed, "Him! The guy at party. He was trying to ....". She was shocked to see him behind Shaurya. He quickly filled in, "He is Dr. Purab Mehra. A friend of mine". "Doctor just for namesake. I am Shaurya's business partner and a close friend", Purab introduced himself quickly. Her eyes shone with fresh tears and before they could make sense, she slapped Shaurya with all her might. "When will you be done with your sick games, Shaurya? First Rajeev and now him. Who else will you send next to play with me ? To test me ? ", she moved away from him,"I hate you, more than ever". 

Mehek dashed out of the room, wiping her tears. The house was alien to her so she walked into a nearby room and cried her heart out. The room clearly belonged to a girl, painted in pink and filled with soft toys. Mehek found a cute Olaf (character from movie Frozen) among them and held it closely to her chest while weeping. After some time, he heard a soft knock and yelled, "leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again". But Purab peeped in and asked timidly, "Can we talk?. Please?".

Mehek straightened up and pulled her dress properly. She still held Olaf closely and nodded. "This is my sister's room. She too was fond of Olaf", Purab started awkwardly. "I am sorry to intrude into her room", she kept it back after ensuring it is not tainted. "It's okay. She would have consoled you if she was here", he informed. Mehek nodded and looked around to find many snaps of a young girl with Purab and their parents. "I guess , I should leave before she comes back", Mehek stood up and was about to leave. "She is not with us anymore", his words stalled her, "she succumbed to cancer few years back". 

Mehek was taken aback. She felt sorry for him. "It was a hard time for me. It was unjust and unfair on my doll, a gentle soul. I was angry at everything and everyone. My friends, Shaurya , Vicky , Rajeev, ..... they all helped me to recover", he told her. "Me and Shaurya we were close buddies. He wouldn't have allowed his wife to dance with me otherwise", he explained but Mehek was not convinced. "He had isolated himself after his accident. We hardly met, just talked few times over phone. Then out of the blue, news came of his marriage. I was angry and concerned. I thought you were a gold digger who used his weakness to your advantage. So I misbehaved with you in the party. Shaurya knew nothing about it ", Purab explained. 

"When I saw you later, I came to help you but you panicked and got hurt", Purab paused recalling how Shaurya came in the nick of time and they decided to bring her to his home. "I am sorry, Mehek. I jumped to conclusion without knowing you. Please don't punish Shaurya for it", he apologized . After witnessing Shaurya's care and concern for Mehek, Purab was forced to reevaluate his judgement.

Mehek joined them for breakfast. She and Shaurya were stealing glances but avoiding eye contact. Purab tried to lighten the mood. "Eat well, Mehek. Though I am not in practice, I am a qualified doctor. You look weak and anemic", he suggested and turned to Shaurya, "May be you should take her for a health check-up". "No need. I am perfectly fine. It's just that past few days were hectic", Mehek protested. "She seems strong enough to me", Shaurya murmured rubbing his cheek where she had slapped. "Still, I would recommened a check-up. You can go my collegemate , Dr. Bulbul Arora. I will text address of her clinic", Purab suggested. 

After spending some time after breakfast, Mehek and Shaurya bid farewell to Purab. Before Mehek got into the car, he handed over Olaf to Mehek. She was about to refuse but he insisted, " I have a feeling my doll would be happier if you have it ". Mehek smiled and accepted it.

"Shaurya, I am sorry", Mehek apologized to him as soon as they they reached privacy of their room. Both were exceptionally quiet during their drive back to Khanna Mansion. "For what?", he asked casually without giving attention to her however she could feel the heat. He pulled out his shirt and went to wardrobe to take a new one. "For slapping you", she told nervously, "I over reacted". "So shouldn't you be punished in return?", he slowly turned to face her and fear crept into her . While he stepped towards her, she moved backwards until she hit the door. 

"You can slap me back, to get even", Mehek suggested nervously. She knew it will be painful but was ready to serve her sentence. Shaurya snaked his arm behind her to lock the door. "Not interested", he told firmly. "Then? What do you prefer?", she was lost to his nearness, feeling skin on his bare chest. "Seduce me", he whispered into her ear almost nibbling her ear. 

"What??", Mehek jumped. "You heard it"Shaurya said looking deeper into his eyes, "If you need my forgiveness then do it else don't bother", he walked back without care. "I don't know how to... ", she fumbled. He sat on their bed, "That's not my problem". You can do it, Mehek. Just remember how he is used to work his charm on you, her mind encouraged her. She came near him and undid her pony tail. She carefully removed his mask though her hands were trembling. She tenderly brushed back his hair. Somehow she found an odd pleasure that his scares were shared only with her. His blemishes belonged to her. It gave her confidence that he was never uneasy to reveal his wounded self to her. 

Mehek softly kissed his forehead, eyes,  scarred side of his face and came to his lips. They kissed softly. Shaurya wasn't sure whether she would take the bait when he proposed her punishment. Nevertheless he was happy at her novice action. The kiss could have progressed to a passionate one but Mehek pulled away abruptly. She held her palm over her mouth and ran to bathroom to throw up. 

"Mehek, are you fine?", Shaurya asked anxiously while rubbing her back. He held her hair away from her face. She nodded but puked again. He helped her to clean up and made her sit. He called Purab and scolded him for treating her last night. He cursed himself for not taking Mehek to a proper hospital. "Shaurya , don't fret. She will be fine. Let her have some rest", Purab advised.

Mehek took a quick shower and changed to comfortable clothes. Shaurya waited anxiously at the door until she came out. He was afraid that she may pass out in shower. She was extremely tired so when Shaurya helped her to bed, she easily complied. He crawled beside and hugged her from behind. "I am scared", she sobbed. "Of what?", he asked. She closed her eyes and acted to be asleep after shaking her head but didnt voice out her fear. 'Afraid of our future, Shaurya.' , she told inwardly before falling asleep. Though she didn't say it aloud he understood her. "I am afraid too, Mehek. Of losing you", he pulled her sleeping figure closer and tried to get some sleep.

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