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A fortnight passed since Mehek moved in with Shaurya. Until now, not even a single time Shaurya tried to get intimate with Mehek. He remained to be a good friend who supports her. Mehek also acted well covering her contempt. To make herself useful, she cooked for him and he loved the dishes she made. An afternoon when Shaurya was getting ready to visit his mother, Mehek came in with a plastic box. "I made some laddoos for your mother. Since you said she has a sweet tooth, I hope she likes it". Shaurya was glad by her gesture and took it. "Just tell her, it was made by your new cook. I don't want her to get any wrong ideas", Mehek added. Though she never met her, from whatever she heard from Shaurya, she admired Karuna Khanna and didn't want his mother to think low about her. 

"Mehek, my mother will be extremely happy if she knows I have a women in my life", Shaurya said immediately. "But I am not your woman. I am not your mistress or not even someone whom you had kept to f**k", Mehek snapped at him. At times she wondered why she couldn't contain her anger and keep up the act. Mayhap, him being constantly nice was getting on to her nerves. When she tried to walk away, he pulled her to him and caressed her face. His long fingers were working their magic on her, she felt like melting on to him. She had to admit, she missed his proximity. 

"Mehek, why is it hard for you to accept that you are much more than that? Do you realise the comfort I am bestowed with your presence? You are my angel", Shaurya's words touched her but it also made her remember the sugar coated lies he had fed her earlier. She quickly decided to make use of the situation to her advantage, "If I mean so much then will you take me to your mom and introduce me to her as you angel?". He was surprised by her demand yet he laughed out loud, "Certainly but hope you don't mind if I omit the ANGEL part. My mother is not so 'romantic' type. Get ready and meet me in 10 minutes ". "10? I need atleast 20 minutes", she pouted.

Almost an hour passed, Shaurya was still waiting for Mehek. Finally she came out, donning her signature Indian beauty look. "You are going to give her ideas", Shaurya joked. "Do you want me to change to something more casual?", she was anxious. "Hell No! I cannot wait for another hour for you. Come let's leave", he took her by her wrist. 

Mehek was excited and nervous to meet Karuna. 'Focus, Mehek. You are not going to meet your future mother-in-law. You are to use her for your advantage', she mentally slapped herself. As Shaurya parked his car and took her to apartment, he removed his mask and adjusted his hair. Mehek smiled at him . The thought that he was comfortable being himself, only to her and his mother made her glad.

A classy, beautiful and sophisticated middle aged woman opened the door. She embraced Shaurya at the door. "Ma, I got a friend with me to meet you". She was visibly surprised by Mehek's visit. Mehek folded her hands to greet her and Karuna's experienced eyes scrutinized her. Karuna understood Mehek was special, since Shaurya brought her to his mother. "Come in, my child", she invited her inside. Karuna made Mehek feel at home and talked to her. She didn't feel like hiding behind her alter ego, Shanaya. She freely introduced herself as Mehek. Shaurya too honestly explained most of the things to Karuna. He told his mother that Mehek is a friend who was going through a painful divorce and he is helping her by providing a job and place to stay. He carefully omitted the part on how they met and Karuna didn't bother to probe. She was glad to know Shaurya has a women in his life.

Post lunch, Mehek was helping Karuna in kitchen to settle everything. "Your face look so familiar, Mehek. I can't shake the feeling that I have seen you before. Tell me about your family", Karuna asked. "I am an orphan and was brought up in an orphanage", Mehek replied. Karuna sympathized and carefully got the name of the orphanage along with her age. "Don't ever call yourself an orphan again. Consider me as your mother", she told lovingly. Mehek eyes brimmed with tears as she never experienced such closeness with anyone. 

Karuna under pretext of showing her terrace garden , had taken Mehek away from Shaurya. When they were alone, Karuna asked her gravely, "How is he doing?". Mehek was unsure to handle her question. "He was supposed to be married and settled in his life now. If that accident hadn't occurred, he should have had her beside him", Karuna quickly realised her mistake and tried to cover. But Mehek pitched in, "I know about Shruthi. I mean, atleast the fact that they were engaged but now she is married to his cousin". Karuna sighed. "Did she breakup bcoz of the scar?", Mehek asked timidly. 

"Shruthi never knew about it. Shaurya was too insecure to reveal it to her. When his doctor declared that his face cannot be repaired, he decided to free her. He portraited himself as a playboy to break their engagement. Her parents were adamant and made her marry Vicky, my brother's son.", Karuna spoke sadly, " Poor girl, till the last moment she believed Shaurya will realise his mistake and come back to her. But he loved her so much to let her go", Karuna bit back a sob. Mehek didn't know how to react. She wanted to avenge Shaurya but at the same time she felt pity for his sad fate too. 

"Mehek", Karuna broke into her turmoil, "thanks for being there for him". "Please don't say that. It is Shaurya who is helping me", Mehek spoke the truth. "Maybe. Still I feel you are helping eachother. If he is comfortable with you without his mask then you have brought back some light to his life", Karuna told her. Mehek quickly averted her gaze from Karuna. She couldn't face an honest woman like Karuna while plotting to ruin her son.

By evening, Karuna served tea for Shaurya and gave a big glass of milkshake to Mehek. Shaurya raised his eyebrows and teased her for being partial. "Shaurya doesn't like anything sweet but I love making them. Atleast now I have someone to share it", she told while Mehek enjoyed the drink. Karuna looked at her lovingly and said, "More time I spend with you, the more I feel I know you before". "May be she is reincarnation of your old relations whom your tortured with your sweet dishes", Shaurya made fun of her causing them to laugh. 

At last it was time for Shaurya and Mehek to bid farewell. "Do come again Mehek. No need to wait for Shaurya to bring you here. Consider this as your own home", Karuna said and Mehek nodded. Once they left, Karuna carefully took straw which Mehek used and sealed it in a packet. She made a call, "I need you to run DNA test on the sample I am sending".

Once they reached back his villa, Shaurya pulled her near, "Thanks for the wonderful evening". "Pleasure is all mine. I am so happy to meet your mother", she was honest. "Mehek, while you were with Ma, I got call from my lawyer. He wanted to inform me that your divorce proceeding were done and you now free from burden of your marriage. You are now officially single", he told her. She was shaken yet felt at peace. Finally she was free from Ajay. With help of Shaurya, Mehek had slowly trapped Ajay. He had taken huge loans to buy out Mohit and his business had started in full swing. It's just matter of time when his business crumbles down to a pile of dust. "Are you okay?", he asked. "I need some time alone", she left him.

Mehek stood beneath the shower, when cold stream of water washed her she was relaxed. Before it was too late she has to strike on Shaurya. Her visit to Karuna Ma had put her in cross roads. She was unsure to proceed further. 'You are not avenging her but her wayward son. He may have many excuses but what he did was unpardonable. If he is left unpunished, he may move to another innocent. You have to make him pay', her dark self, convinced her. She turned off the shower and dried herself. She faced herself in mirror and mentally made a list related to him. Illegitimate, Mamma's boy, Insecure, Rich, Scar, Heartbroken, Shruti and Vicky. Finally she zeroed on her target - Shruthi.

Enslaved by Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें