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Shaurya held the door, allowing Mehek to come inside. He had kept his room neat and clean.'So typical of him', she mused. He nervously placed grocery in kitchen and asked her, "Coffee?". She shook his head, denying his offer. She sat near the dining table while he gave her a glass of water to drink.

" I knew you would come. I guess your men would have already informed", Mehek spoke calmly sipping the water. "Excuse-me?", Shaurya was puzzled, "I withdrew them long back once you reached your Aunt's house safely. Never knew you were here until Purab told me". 'He doesn't know yet. Still he came for me. Why?', Mehek was surprised. "Why were you stalking me rather coming straight", she asked abruptly giving away her emotions. He found it difficult to answer her question so just gave an uncomfortable shrug. Mehek composed herself, "Anyways , now that you are here let me get over with this. I am pregnant with your child". 

Shaurya was shell shocked. It soon gave way to confusion, followed by realisation. He recalled their passionate night, the same fateful she had left him. However before his emotions could reach joy, she interrupted, "We can go for a DNA test if you have doubts about this child's paternity", she told casually. She misunderstood his astonishment as suspicion. "Mehek!", he raised his voice but refrained his anger, "I know the baby is mine". Mehek was at ease knowing his trust on her. Still she kept herself distant and unattached. 

"Good. Saves money and time", she drummed her fingers on the tabletop, "I am kicked me out of my hostel. They asked me to move out when they knew about my pregnancy. So I need a place to stay. I will get my luggage and move in here", Mehek said and was about to leave. Shaurya was dazed yet happy at her decision. Unfortunately, it was short lived. On reaching the door she turned , "Don't worry Shaurya. I will never intrude back to your life or ruin your happiness. I will give your son back and will be out of your life forever".

Mehek rushed to the crowded streets. In few steps, she gasped for breath. It was extremely difficult for her to face Shaurya while acting indifferent. All she wanted was to rush to his arms while break into tears to unburden her sorrows. She admired her courage on restraining her emotions. She will not let her heart to get over her reasoning. She kept her chin up in pride.

Shaurya swiftly came running behind, caught up with Mehek. "What?", she shot at him. "I am coming with you. You may need help with your luggage", he said. She didn't protest and kept walking. He added, "Besides you can tell them you are married and have a husband", "We are no longer in a relationship so you are not my husband", she retorted. "Then who am I, Mehek?", he pulled her to halt. She looked away blinking her tears but spoke firmly, "You are the father of the child I am carrying. Nothing more and nothing less". "I will keep that in mind", he replied. I deserve this punishment, he thought. 

The hostel warden was less hostile when Shaurya introduced himself as father of the child. The middle aged woman always considered Mehek a bit strange still finding her pregnant was shock. She regretted her decision to expel Mehek. She apologised to Mehek but she brushed it aside with a wry smile. Once formalities were done, they left hostel with a small suitcase. "Only this", he asked and she nodded. They sat before a coffee house near to her hostel before heading back. "Milk shake?", he asked. "No, some fresh juice. Nowadays milk doesn't agree with me. I get sick", she informed. He went and came back with juice , "Its orange juice. I know you love pineapple but it's good to avoid it now", he said. Mehek felt happy that he still remembered.

"How's Shruthi? I read that she joined you", Mehek asked nervously. Once she left him, Shaurya lost interest in life. He was unable to run his business. Since he trusted Vicky and Shruthi, he handed over everything to them. But to keep investors happy, it was never made public that Shaurya had completely given up. Vicky was already part of board so media made it a huge news that Shurthi, a women made it to the top. "It's strictly professional", he replied. "I am least bothered", she rolled her eyes, " What you do with your life is none of my concern". He facepalmed realising it is futile to argue with her in public.

When they reached his studio apartment, he kept her luggage in place. "We will leave for home soon", he informed. "Where are you planning to keep me?", she asked . "Where else? Our home, Khanna mansion", he replied. "It's not mine anymore. Still if it suits you, I am cool with it. Anyways it is just for next 8 months", she stayed adamant. "And then you will leave just like that. Abandoning your child?", he was irked. "Abandoning ? I am leaving him at his father's care who is capable by all means. I will only bring complications to his life. I am sure you can give him a stable life", she replied strongly. He glared at her in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that. I am happy that finally I am able to give you something that you truly longed for. A son", she tried to be cheerful. "I want you too", he pulled her closer. "No, you don't Shaurya. We decided it long back", she sighed. For first time he was able to see emotions on her face. "We never decided . You spoke and I listened. You left without realizing what I wanted", he retorted before walking out of the apartment.

"Shaurya, you need to be patient while dealing with her now. Mehek is on verge of losing her mind", Bulbul advised him. Shaurya was in a conference call with her and Purab. "She always felt guilty after her first miscarriage. I never knew the entire picture else would have suggested her for counselling. She has been unnecessarily blaming herself for losing her child. You have cruelly broken her", Bulbul accused Shaurya. "Bulbul, what's done is done. Let us focus on the present", Purab appealed. "No Purab. I fully agree to her. I am at fault", he exhaled,"but I don't want Mehek to suffer for my sins. I am ready to do anything for her. I allowed her to leave, thinking it will make her happy but it was wrong. It just invited further pain for both of us", Shaurya told earnestly. 

Bulbul calmed herself understanding the situation, "Shaurya you need to make her understand your feelings. Make her realised that you are not with her just for the sake of baby but for her. In parallel you need to build her confidence that she is the best one for her baby. Don't force it to her mind, she is not in a condition to accept. She is now wailing in self pity. Try to keep her happy and remind her about those affectionate times you have shared. Slowly and steadily you have to do it", she advised. Shaurya understood but was unable to find a full proof plan to achieve it.

Mehek was cooking dinner when Shaurya finally came in. She was glad when he came back but chose to ignore him. "Smells nice", he came behind her. He held on to the spatula over her fingers, lifted to his mouth and licked it. "Hmmm, lovely", he moaned making her knees go weak. She noticed change in his personality. He seemed to be determined and confident. He held her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. 

"What are you doing?", Mehek got irritated. "Enjoying some quiet moments with my wife", he said softly grazing his hands over her stomach. "There is no need. You will get your son however you treat me", she moved away from him. "But I need my wife, my Mehek, my Angel", he pulled her closer, trying to embrace her. She pushed him away but he twirled her and hugged her from behind, "I missed you so much, Love". "Don't", she mumbled trying to block her emotion, "Stop this nonsense". "You know Mehek, I thought a lot about us. And then I realised that you always preferred the devil version of mine. The one who tricked you to his bed, forced you into our marriage and made you realise your love for him with his obstinacy. You never preferred my humane version who let you go away", he paused noticing her response,"you like my obsessive side more". Mehek looked at him wide eyed. Relishing the positive reaction from her, he spoke, "Guess what? Your Devil is back. He is back for his Angel".

Shaurya's eyes gleamed with mischief. Mehek tried to free herself from his hold but he tightened it. "Stop being childish", she rebuked him. "Not at all, Love. This is strictly for adults", he pinned her to wall before kissing her fervently. She used her hands to push him away but he didn't retreat even an inch. He tore away her shabby top and grabbed her peaks. She couldn't help but moan when he sucked her hard ni***es. She blamed her damn hormones for being pliant to his ministrations. She no longer resisted whereas eagerly participated in his game when he removed her skirt, letting his fingers work their magic on her skin . She was afraid she may come abruptly as his fingers probed her intimate folds. She shuddered when he fingered her to climax. 

As Mehek was coming down from her high, Shaurya carried her to the bed. He joined her after discarding his clothes. She was ready for him but when he came over her, she spoke in fear, "Shaurya, our baby". "I will be gentle, Love", he pacified her. Soon they were lost in each other, making up for the time they had lost which was spent missing one another.

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