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Mehek was standing beneath the shower. Its hot sprinkles soothed her muscles and mind. A fortnight has passed since she arrived at Khanna Mansion. Shaurya took her to see Bulbul and things were looking fine regarding her pregnancy. He was always beside her, taking care of her and ensuring her comfortable . She enjoyed it yet she had regular fights with him. Though she knew he meant best for her & baby, she found pleasure in taunting him. He was getting hurt, at times he became extremely vulnerable. Mehek was also helpless .His inability to accept their arrangement as a deal of few months got into her nerves. Her hormones and mood swings didn't help either. The sexual tension between them was also causing unrest. Although Shaurya slept close to her, rather than cuddling and comforting, he never made any advances. But she craved for it. It frustrated her. She was on verge of screaming when she heard knock on the door.

 "Mehek, are under the shower? It's past dinner time. Why are you taking bath at this odd hours?", Shaurya was concerned. She quickly opened the door and appeared before him cladded in bath rob with hair dripping wet. "I needed a hot shower. You have a problem with that too", she spat quickly. He shook his head in disapproval, "Dry your hair else you will catch cold" and walked to his bed checking his phone. She was annoyed that he paid zilch attention to her. "Darn your phone", she dashed to him , snatched his handset and threw it away. "What the hell is wrong with you", he was shocked by her outburst. She pushed him hard, making him fall on the bed with a loud thud.

" F*** you", Shaurya yelled while still trying to get a hold of himself from the fall. "Exactly my intention", Mehek told him while pushing him down again and sitting on him. She started to kiss his neck and shoulders, arousing him. She helped to pull out his T-shirt and continued her attention to his chest and stomach. "Oh, Mehek", he moaned her name loosening her robe. "I need to taste your mouth", he cupped her face and tried to pull her down. But she refrained. "Shaurya, let's keep it simple and less personal. No more kissing on lips", she told plainly rubbing his arms. But his desires were doused. He removed her from his body. 

"What do you mean, Mehek? Don't you desire me anymore?", Shaurya was desperate to know. "Ofcourse I do. I need this", she gestured to his body lying beneath her thighs, "Just don't want the........ and I mean it's better to keep it impersonal". He lifted her from him and placed her on bed carefully. "I am afraid, I cannot do this", he told her coldly while putting on his shirt. His rejection angered her, "You were able to do it perfectly on those days while we were trying to conceive. Keeping emotions on neutral while performing the deed to perfection. Why not now? Why the double standards?". He deeply repented his acts but direct accusation from Mehek tore him apart. Her demand for a dispassionate union made him aware of the humiliation and pain she had to endure for months.

"Mehek, I beg your forgiveness. You have every right to severely punish me for what I had subjected you to", Shaurya folded his hands and pled her. She was taken aback by his request. She never intended to hurt with her accusation. She always considered herself guilty while enduring his punishments. His acceptance & apology never made any sense to her as she kept on taking full responsibility. However for past few days, his care and acceptance had made her realise that she need not bear the weight of guilt alone. Sadly along with realization, she had empowered herself to punish him. Although unknowingly, still her words and deeds were cruelly punishing him. She extended her hand to touch his shoulder. He moved away missing her touch. "I deserve each and every penance you inflict on me. But just remember, I am not as strong as you are. I am much weaker. I may not be able to bear it for long and lose myself. If so then I beg you atleast forgive me when I am gone from this world", he pled again before dashing out of the room.

Shaurya sat alone in his study, lost in thoughts. Eventhough he was happy that Mehek was coming out of her shell of guilt, her retribution hurt him. He knew his unfairness had earned it all and it was nothing compared to what she had gone through. Still he felt agonized. He didn't notice her soft knock so was bit surprised when Mehek came beside him. "Shaurya, I am sorry. I never wanted to punish. I was unintentional", she apologized. "Its's okay, Mehek. Not your fault", he patted hand, consoling her. "We both were equally responsible for what happened in past. We will never be at peace if we go on punishing one another. The best is to let it go and look forward. Let's make most of these few months we have till your son arrives", she said. 

Shaurya was happy that Mehek came out of her guilt, being ready to look over the past. Yet it pained that she was adamant to leave him after giving birth to their child. One step at a time, Shaurya. You won half of the battle, be hopeful for the other half too, his mind boosted his confidence. He nodded as he held her closer. She tiptoed to him and he bend his head to meet her half way. They kissed gently at first and soon need took over.

They parted gasping for breath. Shaurya kept Mehek on the table and wrapped her legs around his hips. Her bathrob gave away under his skilled fingers. While he got busy nibbling her neck, she said, "Shaurya, shall I go and lock the door?". "No way, Baby. What if you lock me inside and escape?", he humoured. Mehek laughed softly and moaned when he moved down to ravish her bosom. "What if someone barges in?", she asked playfully. He left her chest and came up to face her, "Then they will meet their end for disturbing us". She laughed and tightened her legs around him, "You talk too much. Get on to business", she humoured. He smiled but gazed at her intently. He touched her alluring lips while she closed her eyes enjoying his caress. . Remembering her fear of harming their child, he reassured her, "I will be gentle". "I know, Shaurya. I am not scared anymore", she confirmed. "I love you, Mehek", he captured her lips , satisfying their yearnings.

FEW DAYS LATER. "Dude, are you sure?", Purab was still not convinced. "I am. She needs to know Mehek is pregnant with my child and back with me", Shaurya was decisive. "Informing her won't be a problem. We can use Vicky for it. It's the aftermaths that I am worried about. It may not be positive. She will storm into your house to bash you. You may even lose Mehek", Purab was concerned. "I am aware of it, Purab. Still I am willing to take the risk. I need to know whether my love will survive or not". He managed to convince Purab who agreed to act soon. 

Hours passed. Mehek and Shaurya were enjoying their evening snacks when bell rang. He went to open the door. He was perturbed by the female figure standing infront of him. "Good morning, Mr. Shaurya Khanna. Hope I didn't disturb you", the lady smirked at him

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