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"It's not Archie I am worried about. It's Mehek. I feel I am cheating her. I still care about her. Though I like Archie, nothing is above Mehek. I love Mehek and will always love her ", Shaurya shared his concern with Vicky. "She always wanted you to end this marriage and move on. Even she loves you a lot Brother but this marriage doesn't hold much value to her anymore. She will be happy to know you found someone. ", Vicky pacified him. "Then why do I have to lie to her about tonight?", Shaurya asked him. "She is pregnant and any stress may affect both baby & mother alike. You can tell her eventually but till then let's not burden her with the truth", Vicky told him, "Besides being bit secretive adds thrill to it . Aren't you excited about it?", he added mischievously. Shaurya laughed slightly and nodded. Mehek felt disgusted listening to them. She was not sure whether to confront them or run back home pretending she wasn't even in the vicinity. By then Vicky found his phone to be missing, so she walked briskly to house. She met him at door as if nothing happened and gave his phone back.

'I doesn't matter to me. I am unaffected by it', she repeated to herself, 'This was inevitable.He would have eventually accepted another women into his life. It's all good, Mehek. Just pretend you didn't know anything and act happy when he himself discloses it to you'. Being Lost in thoughts ,she climbed stairs to reach her room. Involuntarily she walked to his bedroom which used to be their room. She recalled nights she had spent with him. Some passionate, some painful and many romantic ones. The night she came to his life as a wh**e, when he tricked her as saviour to bring her to bed, their wedding night, honeymoon, those horrible time when he used her for conceiving a child and later those nights while he was a gentle lover gratifying her who is carrying his seed. 

Mehek can never forgot his violence, madness and obsession but she also remembered his love, care, guilt and passion. Though Shaurya never told her explicitly she knew it he never touched another women from the day she entered his life. Even when she doubted he had lingering feeling of Shruthi, she knew he never crossed the line. She sat on the bed and touched his soft pillow. The thought of someone else touching and kissing him, made her furious and hurt. Soon it grew into fear of losing him forever. If Shaurya takes it to next level with Archie, then he may never back out even if she asks him to. The idea of leaving him looked fine in theory but the realisation of losing him to another women was agonising. 

She couldn't take it anymore. She pulled out her mobile and dialled his number but it was switched off. Her fear soon personified to Anger. 'How could he do it to me? I have suffered a lot under him but he couldn't take a bit of his own medicine for few days. He should have endured my indifference and wrath till I forgave him. A slight push from me & his friends and he is ready to f**k another bi**h while his pregnant wife is still alive. I am not going to be the victim again. I have carried around unfair guilt for long but not anymore. He cannot enjoy with other women at my expense' , she thought angrily.

Bulbul saw Mehek's name being displayed on her mobile screen. "Hi Mehek. How are you? Hope everything is okay with your health?", Bulbul asked immediately. "I am fine, Bulbul. Actually I am not. I mean, my health is fine but I am worried. I need your help", Mehek told her in one breath. When Bulbul agreed, she told everything to her. "Mehek, I agree it is wrong. He is still your husband and he has no right to taint sanctity of your marriage. You can take him to court for this. However this was expected to happen one day. You wanted him to start over again, didn't you?", Bulbul asked earnestly. "Bulbul , please I am extremely annoyed now. Don't tried to reason with me. I need to know where they have gone? I have to see Shaurya now", Mehek was adamant. "I have no clue, Mehek. I am sure if we ask Purab or Vicky, they will never tell me. They are too loyal to Shaurya", Bulbul told the truth. 

Mehek sobbed slightly, "I don't know what to do, Bulbul. I feel helpless. It's like someone is ripping off my heart from chest". "Mehek, please control yourself. Let me see what I can do. Stay calm and don't stress yourself. Don't forget that you are pregnant", Bulbul pacified her and disconnected the call. Mehek took deep breathes to calm her nerves. Jena came to her soon and got worried for her. She gave her water and her caring gesture composed Mehek a bit , "Ma'am, please calm down . Everything will be okay soon. I will call Sir and inform him". "His phone is switched off", Mehek said defiantly. "He gave me contact number of his hotel and had told me to use it incase of emergencies", Jena told innocently. She pulled out a card from her skirt pocket and gave it to Mehek. Her face lit up and she hugged Jena .

Mehek reached the parking lot. Jena was sitting along with the driver in the front seat. Mehek wanted to go alone to the hotel but Jena was in no mood to give in to her. Jena and the driver both were nervous bcoz during the half an hour drive from Khanna Mansion till hotel , Mehek's body language and attitude gave it away that a storm was coming up. They have been sitting in the parking lot for more than ten minutes and finally Jena uttered, "Ma'am". Mehek was startled by Jena's voice. She realised that tears were adorning her cheeks so she wiped them away. 

In haste, Mehek had worn a knee length, olive green, sleeveless frock. The multi color scarf she had tied around her pony tail and red colour handbag she carried were perfect mismatch to her attire. In her distress, she didn't give a damn about her costume and accessories but now she realised she will look like an ugly duckling before the sophisticated swan. "Ma'am , shall we ?", Jena asked again. Mehek gathered herself quickly, "Jena, stay here and wait for me. I will come back quickly". She didn't wait for Jena's response, got down from the sedan and swiftly marched to the reception.

"Excuse me! Can you please tell me which room Mr. Shaurya Khanna is staying?", Mehek asked the receptionist. The young man quickly assessed her from head to toe with an unimpressed smile but asked courteously, "May I know your name , Ma'am?". She held her chin up and replied confidently, "I am Mrs Mehek Shaurya Khanna". His attitude quickly took a turn. " Of course , Ma'am. I am so sorry, I didn't recognise you. It's a pleasure to host both of you at our hotel", he apologised. Mehek fumed to know that Shaurya had booked as Mr & Mrs Khanna for spending night with his new fling. She balled her fist to control her displeasure but immediately decided to use it to her advantage. "Actually , I need a favour too. I want to surprise him so it will be great if you could give me an additional access key to our room", she asked charmingly. Receptionist quickly agreed, giving her the access card along with direction to reach the room. 

Her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour as she walked through the corridor to reach the room. Her phone rang continuously, forcing her to attend the call. "Mehek, what are you upto?", Bulbul asked her. She was still unsure how to deal with Shaurya when she catches them red handed. But she replied, "I am going to give him a piece of my mind. I felt guilty that I didn't confront him when I doubted he still had feelings for Shruthi. This time I don't want to repeat it. I am not running away without a fight. He should be aware that I know the lies he has been feeding me in the name of love. It will be slap on his ugly face which he hides beneath mask of care & concern". "And then?", Bulbul asked. "And then I will leave him forever. He will never see me or our child. He can enjoy with his new bi**h. I will go to Karuna Aunty's place from here", Mehek declared. "Did you inform Karuna Aunty?", Bulbul sounded alarmed. "Not yet. But I am sure she will always be happy to take us in", Mehek was sure. "Wait for me. I will be there .......", Bulbul was unable to complete as Mehek disconnected her call abruptly.

Mehek swiped the access card on the door of the suite room. She saw the green light flickering so it is clear for her to enter the room. She held her hand possessively over her baby bump. "You are my support. May be this is the last time we see your father ", she whispered before turning the knob and moving in. "Shaurya!!!", Mehek shouted on entering the room. She was shocked by the scene before her eyes. She felt dizzy, losing balance but someone quickly caught her thereby avoiding her fall. It was Bulbul . 

"Relax Mehek", Bulbul tried to soothe her. Shaurya dashed to their side and helped Bulbul to settle Mehek on nearby couch. He rubbed her hands and softly slapped her cheeks to wake her up. Mehek hadn't completely passed out so she quickly regained her senses. She recognized Shaurya's voice when he asked her, "Mehek, are you fine?". Rage took over her and her hand flung forward whipping it across his cheek. "That was a well deserving slap", Bulbul declared dramatically. 

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