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"Wake up", Shaurya shook Mehek. "Let me sleep", she moved away. She had dozed off after their passionate love making. She was too tired to wake even after hours of sleeping. "Have something to eat, Mehek. You cannot sleep on empty stomach. It's not good for you and our baby", Shaurya tried to wake her up. He adjusted pillows to help her sit on bed. The he fed her food. He had made her wear his shirt while covering her with warm blankets. "We need to travel  tomorrow. Take good rest today", she nodded acknowledging it and went back to sleep.

Mehek was searching for her clothes and her bag. "I threw it away", Shaurya told calmly even before he was asked. She looked at him in shock. "I bought you some new clothes and once you are back home you can use those which you left behind", he informed her. "Why? Why do you have to so insensitive?", she screamed. "Relax , Mehek. Those never suited you. If you don't like the ones I got you now, you can stay in my shirt till we reach back home. But don't blame if I lose my control", he told her naughtily. 

Suddenly Mehek recalled their honeymoon days where Shaurya had forced her to stay in negligees. "Too bad I didn't find any lingerie shops nearby", he added as if reading her thoughts. "What happened last night was just...", she fumbled. "Just?", he asked. "Just a fluke. Most women feel horny during pregnancy. It's nothing else", she stated. "Just like old days. Then it was lust now hormones. You will always find something to blame on", he said in low voice though still audible to her. "Whatever you say, Love. I am happy to oblige", he made a dramatic bow.

FEW HOURS LATER. "Are you feeling fine? We can take another break if you want?",Shaurya's voice brimmed with concern. She shook her head, "Its better if we reach home quickly".Shaurya realised she was extremely tired though she kept a brave face. He didn't fail to notice that frequently held her hands over her belly as if protecting her child. Shaurya had asked driver to move in moderate speed. The distance and speed was not matching Mehek's expectation to reach home quickly. He tried to converse to distract her until their reached destination. She remained passive unless he made references to topics or people that raised her curiosity.

 "How your mother", Mehek asked hesitantly. Shuaurya smiled weakly but didn't reply. "She will be so happy to hear about her grandson. I can't wait to meet her. Have you informed her? Will she be at Khanna mansion when we reach?", Mehek shot questions at him. "Try to sleep a little, Mehek", he tried to dodge her. Sensing his uneasiness, she held his hand, "Is something wrong?". He sat beside her, "Nothing is wrong", he sighed, "She hasn't talked to me since you left Mehek. I was shattered when we broke apart. I badly needed to confess my sins . So I told her everything. My misunderstanding, about your miscarriage and then the ill treatment I inflicted on you".

 "Shaurya , you shouldn't have", Mehek spoke firmly. "I had to", he sighed , "One she heard me, she refused to do anything with a devil like me. She told she was ashamed to call me her son. She slapped me until her hands hurt. But it was her words that broke me. She asserted that it would have been better if she had chosen not to give birth to me", Shaurya wiped tears off his cheek. Mehek hugged him tightly, "Oh, Shaurya. I am sorry. I am so sorry". He shook his head, "I deserve it. It was nothing compared to what I did to you". She held him closely. "I will set everything right, Shaurya. I promise", she consoled him. "I need you, Mehek. I am so lonely and broken without you. I always needed you. You are the light of my life, without you my life is meaningless", he told her. "Shaurya please", Mehek tried to stop him. "I know you are not ready to accept me. But I will keep saying it, every day for the rest of my life. Until I die or you accept me; whichever comes first", he declared to her.

AT THE GATES OF KHANNA MANSION "I will stay in outhouse", Mehek was adamant. "No, you won't", he denied equally strong. "I want to stay there", she said again. "And I don't want you to stay there. You are my wife and your place is beside me", he said firmly. "I am not your wife", she spat at him. "Oh, of course you are. Legally, socially and in many other planes you are still bound to me in matrimony", he declared vehemently. When she stood glaring at him, angry enough to pounce and tear him apart, he sighed. "Mehek, I am tired and exhausted. I need to eat something and rest properly. Please don't fight with me", he requested. "Neither am I in mood to fight. It's final. I am going to outhouse", she marched to the direction of outhouse. 

Shaurya quickly grabbed her and lifted her in his arms. He walked to Khanna mansion and crossed the threshold carrying her in his arms. Mehek held to his shoulders, scared of losing balance. She recalled their honeymoon days when he carried her into the lake house. She turned crimson with a shy smile , thinking of those few days they had shared. "We will go there again, I promise", Shaurya's voice brought her back. "I wasn't thinking of the lake house", she defended. "Now I know for sure", he smiled with satisfaction. Mehek was embarrassed and hid her face at nook of his shoulder.

Shaurya kept Mehek carefully on their bed. "I won't stay in your bedroom. I am going to room beside", she was about to jump out. "If you leave, I will carry you back again. I am getting hang of this game and am loving it", he smirked. "You had no issues keeping me in that room for three months. I was not even a toy for you but a battered machine to make babies", she spewed at him. It hit him hard. He closed his eyes to compose himself. 

Bulbul's words rang on Shaurya's ears, "She needs to come out of her shell, Shaurya. You need to break the ice wall around her. Once her guilt melts away , she may feel angry on you. Unless she vents out her feelings, she will remain imprisoned and passive. So you have to bear it all".He tried to gather courage for her sake.  "Yes, I did it. I am guilty and ashamed. But I won't repeat it. You can be mad at me but you have to be beside me. Period", he declared. "FINE. Anyways it's just for few months", she shouted and marched to bathroom. "Or may be a life time", he whispered a prayer.

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