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"You cannot escape me", Shaurya whispered to Mehek in drunken voice. She trembled in anticipation while he spooned to her. "Your place is beside me. Never forget it", he said squeezing her and resting his chin on her shoulder. While her mind ran wild in many directions, fear crept into her. She felt his even breath fanning her neck. He had slept off peacefully while sleep evaded her. Finally she managed to sleep during late hours and woke up late. 

Shaurya was long gone so Mehek hurried downstairs in search of him. She found Karuna arranging food on dining table. "Good morning, Mehek. I was worried when I didn't find you in my room. But then Shaurya told me you were sleeping in his, I mean your bedroom. He specifically told not to disturb you", she said with a tint of mischief. Mehek followed her timidly to kitchen," Come, let's eat. I already made breakfast". 

Mehek was embarrassed that she slept while her mother-in-law cooked, "I am sorry. It won't happen again. I usually wake up early but last night I was unable to sleep.... ", she was explaining when the elderly cook cleared her throat, making young maid servants giggle. Karuna silenced them with a stern look but seemed to be amused herself. "No need to be shy my dear daughter in law. I am happy that you are taking good care of my son. He needs you most", she cupped her face and pecked her forehead. 

Mehek was unable to find Shaurya in the dining hall so she asked about him. "Shaurya left for office early. He was in such a hurry, he didn't even have his breakfast. But if you ask me I am happy for him. After many days, I saw my old Shaurie. Enthusiastic and energetic", Karuna smiled. Mehek gave a fake smile but wondered her fate, for she was the sole reason his secret was exposed to world

Shaurya was extremely busy next few weeks. Mehek hardly saw him or even got a chance to talk propely to him. He left early and returned home late. They made couple of appearances for some charity events and parties where Karuna accompanied them. Mehek was extremely thankful as Karuna guided and helped to conduct herself properly. Still she wished for some quite moments with Shaurya. They posed and played perfect couple but had zilch communication. He made no effort. She was missing him but was afraid to initiate their talk. Meanwhile, Karun took Mehek regularly to visit Meera. She was happy to spent time with both mothers whom fate had brought to her life.

During a grand party , Mehek met Vicky's mother Svetlana. Vicky kept away from parties as he preferred not to make an appearance without Shruthi. Mehek was so eager to know Shruthi's state that Svetlana gave a thoughtful glare. "Your daughter-in-law seemed to be more interested in her husband's ex-fiancee ", she taunted Karuna. "Ofcourse, she is Mami", Svetlana turned at Shaurya's voice, "Unlike few selfish people, Mehek cares about others". Though Mehek was happy when Shaurya came for her aid, she knew his eyes were accusing her otherwise. He led her away with excuse of meeting someone.

 "You should learn to deal with people like Mami. Being Mrs. Shaurya Khanna, you will meet plenty of them; now and then. I won't be there for you always", Shaurya told softly. His subtle taunt wounded her pride. "I can handle myself", Mehek took a glass of red wine from waiter in style and gulped it. "Ofcourse you can. Pardon my memory. You are meticulously wicked", he said sarcastically. "May I have the pleasure to dance with you, Ma'am?", a handsome guy interrupted their conversation. Mehek was extremely nervous looking at his extended hand. She looked at Shaurya and declined politely, "Sorry, I am not a good dancer". "Come on, Mehek. Don't be shy. Go ahead", Shaurya pushed her to dance with the stranger

Slow music played and they danced. Though Mehek was apprehensive at first , the guy acted to bee a gentleman. Soon she relaxed. "It must be tough", he told abruptly. She gave a puzzled look. "I mean to live with a man like your husband", he clarified, earning an irritated shrug from her. "Ofcourse he still has his plus points which attract women. He is talented, famous and RICH", he said. Mehek got irked as he stressed on the word rich. "Mind your words", she snapped at him.

"I don't criticize you. My sympathies are with you. You must be feeling horrible in bed with him, especially his maimed face", he spoke with disgust. Mehek deliberately stepped on his foot making him yelp. "I am so sorry. Does it hurt ?", she showed fake concern and moved away. But he was quick to catch her and twirled her back to him. For others, it looked like a dance move. Mehek tried to free herself from his hold. "There is nothing to be ashamed of Mrs. Khanna. Having a rich husband and keeping a passionate lover is quiet common nowadays. Discretion is my code. I will be happy to oblige if you want", he gave his proposal. Mehek wanted to slap him but refrained to avoid a scene. "In your dreams, as*h**e", she spewed and walked away. Mehek searched for Shaurya who was busy with other guests. She desperately wanted to talk to him and hovered around him sipping another glass of wine.

"Mr. Khanna, I think your wife is anxiously waiting for you", the elderly gentleman with Shaurya remarked. Shaurya smiled sheepishly but he patted his shoulder. "Never ignore your wife, especially a nice lady like her", he advised before parting. "What do you want? Why are you behaving like an obsessive spouse?", he pulled her aside. She gulped remaining drink and slammed the glass on his hand, "I have no such intention. But wanted to tell you that he was trying to misbehave with me". "Don't be silly. It's natural to touch or brush one another when you are dancing", he ignored her. 

"But.. It was not...", Mehek fumbled. Shaurya held her wrists firmly and scolded her, "Behave yourself. Why did you drink if you cannot handle?". "I am not drunk", she retorted but knew she was getting a bit tipsy. She had too much wine on empty stomach. "I want to go home", she told him stubbornly. Shaurya cursed himself for letting his mother leave early without Mehek. "Fine. Let me bid farewell to the host", he left her. Mehek briskly walked away. Her high heels and tight gown was not helping in her inebriated state. As she stumbled , she heard a voice behind, "Are you okay? Need some help?". Mehek got scared when she found him to be the same guy whom she had danced.

Mehek looked around for Shaurya but realised she was far away from the party hall. In search of their parked car, she had moved herself into an isolated area of garden. She cursed herself and made a quick effort to run away while trying to dial Shaurya's number. But before she could talk to Shaurya, she tripped and fell on muddy ground hitting her head on something hard. She felt sharp pain but soon numbness spead over her. She could feel a person rushing beside her and checking her. She faintly heard his voice , "Mrs. Khanna, can you hear me? Are you hurt?". Mehek prayed Shaurya would find her missing and come for her rescue. Soon darkness engulfed her vision.

When Mehek opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. She found her soiled gown on nearby chair. In shock, she looked beneath her blanket and was releaved to find herself dressed in a long night shirt. Yet it was clear that someone had changed her clothes. Her entire body ached. She was unable to comprehend whether someone took advantage of her. 

Mehek looked around in panic when the same guy walked into the room after cursory knock. He carried tray with coffee cups and seemed to be surprised seeing her awake. "Good morning. You are awake. How is your head?", he walked closer, intending to touch her head. "Stay away from me", she screamed and started hurling pillows at him."Mehek, relax", he asked her. "Where am I? What have you done to me?", she yelled while pulling herself away from bed. "Mehek, relax. You may hurt yourself . Effort of medication is yet to wear off", he tried to reason. 

Mehek quickly realized what he meant. She had been drugged. Perhaps he spiked her drink before she fell down. Her head was spinning and she was unable to move properly. Yet she desperately wanted to escape him and tried to run away. However it was in vain, she felt dizzy and lost her balance. Gravity did rest of the job, crashing her to the wooden floor beneath.

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