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"Good morning , Mr. Shaurya Khanna. Hope I didn't disturb you", Karuna smirked at him. "Ma!", Shaurya fought his urge to embrace his mother. "I am here for Mehek", she walked inside ignoring him. "Mehek!", she called out her,"Mehek". Hearing her, Mehek ran to her. He felt a quick pang of jealously when Karuna hid Mehek inside her arms. Mehek wept against her, trying to convey many things but unable to do so. "I am here now, Mehek. You don't have to fear anymore. I will take you away from here", Karuna told her decisively while glaring at her son.

Mehek was astonished by her words. "I am pregnant", she pulled Karuna's hand to her abdomen, "Shaurya is going to be a father". Tears brimmed in Karuna's eyes. One of the best news she ever wanted to hear yet she didn't allow her maternal emotions to weaken her. "More reason to leave him and live your life in peace", she told Mehek. Mehek was dumbfound and walked backwards shaking her head. "I am still alive Mehek and perfectly capable of taking care of you & my grandchild. Years back I stood alone, fought with the world to bring up my son as an unmarried mother. I am confident to do better for my grandkid", she tried to convince Mehek.

When Mehek remained frozen, looking at both mother and son in confusion, Karuna grabbed her wrist and walked to the door. "Let me explain", Mehek tried to reason. She was astonished that Shaurya didn't utter a word to defend himself or prevent his mother from taking away his pregnant wife. "Don't be afraid of him, Mehek. He won't be able to lock and abuse you anymore", Karuna stated confidently scowled at her son. She turned to Mehek who was visibly shaken by turn of the events. "May be my upbringing had short comings", Karuna looked painfully at Shaurya, "but I ensure not to repeat it for my grand child".

Karuna pulled Mehek once again and walked out. When they crossed Shaurya, he held Mehek's wrist and requested, "Please don't leave me, Mehek". "You cannot tie her to you", Karuna told angrily. "I am not trying to force her", he looked miserably at his mother. "Mehek, I love you. I will be broken without you. I have lost everything and you are all I am left with. Please don't leave me", he begged her again. Karuna pulled her away and Mehek looked at him helplessly. They moved away from him, leaving him devastated at threshold of his own home. Shaurya stood there defeated. 

Karuna realised a tug, forcing her to look back. Mehek had halted. "I cannot come with you. I choose to stay with Shaurya. He needs me", she walked backwards slowly, soon troding to meet him. "Mehek don't be stupid. He doesn't deserve you. You are spoiling your life", Karuna tried to reason. "I am sorry", she apologised earnestly. "I know you are afraid of him, Mehek. But trust me, e can't harm you when I am there with you", Karuna tried again. "This time I am staying beside him out of my own choice. He didn't compel me. I am here by my free will. Please understand and forgive me for disobeying you", Mehek begged with folded hands. 

Karuna closed her eyes in extreme disapproval and showed her forefinger at Shaurya. "This isn't over Shaurya.I will keep you under my close watch. If I ever find out that Mehek is unhappy here, I will be back for her", she warned him sternly. "Will you be ever able forgive me? ", he appealed his mother tearfully, "Please understand that not only Mehek but I too need you". It was extremely painful for Karuna to turn her back on her only son, whom she loved a lot but still she walked away without a word.

"Shaurya, it's going to be okay. I promise I will make everything right before I leave", Mehek was holding onto to Shaurya who had knelt down, being broken by abandonment of his mother. He wanted to seek comfort from Mehek but her words caused him more pain. "Still sticking on to your plan, aren't you ? Am I not worth of your pity at least?", he sounded pathetic. "No, Shaurya. You deserve everything. I want you to have a better life with our son and a good life partner", she tried to convince him. 

"I need only YOU. Nothing can be better for me", Shaurya tried to put some sense into Mehek but she remained adamant. Shaking her head, she stood up to walk away. "What about our baby? Why should a child suffer for my mistakes? What shall I tell when our child asks about its mother?", he asked earnestly. "Tell him I am dead. Or tell them that the new women in your life is his mother", she said plainly causing immense pain to Shaurya. When he couldn't take it anymore, he pushed her away and left with his car keys.

HOURS LATER. Mehek was worried sick for Shaurya who was missing. She ran to the door when calling bell rang. She found Vicky at the door supporting a drunk Shaurya on his shoulder. "help me to settle him", Vicky asked. "She won't help Vicky. All she wants is to give me more pain each day, then eventually leave me in deeper agony. Guess why she is doing it all? Bcoz she loves me more than anything in this world. My lovely Angel", Shaurya said to Vicky and tried to caress her face. 

Vicky was embarrassed to witness the encounter between his inebriated  brother and worried sister-in-law. They helped Shaurya to the bedroom, made him sleep comfortable and covered him with sheets. "The bar attender knew us well. So he informed me when he was too drunk to leave", Vicky explained. He had many questions but chose not to distress Mehek further. She thanked him before he left. 

Mehek was scared to go to the bedroom. She was always afraid of Shaurya when he was drunk. Quite long she sat on the couch in hall thinking about themselves. Soon without knowing when she dozed off. After sometime she could sense movement beside her and opened her eyes to find Shaurya at her feet with his head kept on her knees. He was still bit tipsy but looked better. "Mehek, don't leave me. I will be good. I will never ever hurt you again. I promise", he requested her. She was too timid to reply to him. But sifted through his hair, encourage him to speak again, "I wish we had a baby girl. May be then you will chose to stay with me". She was startled by his word. Accordingly to her , he had always wished for a son, an Heir. She was confident to finally fulfill his demand. She cannot fail him. 'No, no. It's a boy. Just like you always wanted', she told herself

NEXT MORNING. Shaurya woke up with a severe hangover. He realised it was late morning and he had slept on the couch. He looked around and found Mehek standing beside with a tablet for hangover. He took it apologetically and before she could speak, he interrupted her, "I am sorry for last night. It won't happen again". She look a deep breath before speaking to him. "Shaurya this is going nowhere. Stop being adamant and trying to convince me to stay. I have made my decision. You need to accept it", she said strongly. "She is right, Bro. You need to move on", Vicky's voice startled them. 

Vicky and Purab walked in. They apologised for barging in without announcing and made themselves comfortable beside Shaurya. Purab was nervous under scrutiny of Shaurya but Vicky remained confident.  "If she doesn't want to pursue this relationship any further, then there is not point to persuade her", Vicky told him. "Vicky, please", Shaurya tried to counter but Vicky didn't allow. "I have gone through the same phase. When Shruthi decided to end our marriage, I tried my best to make her stay. However eventually I accepted it and let her free. It was extremely painful but I must say things started to fall in place soon. Today we are in good terms and she is still a friend of mine. We both are happy".

Vicky turned to Mehek, "But please leave this stupid idea of leaving your kid at Shaurya's disposal. A child needs both mother and father. Your child should never suffer aftermaths of a broken marriage. You may not be spouses but still be parents. Like many divorced couples you should be ready to bring up your child together". "But...", Mehek tried to talk but Vicky silenced her ,"I know you want to end this marriage. You will get your freedom from this relationship but not at the cost of ruining your kid's future", he then addressed to both Shaurya and Mehek, "You both should learn to communicated to one another as parents , be good friends and in parallel move on with your respective lives". 

Shaurya was about to pounce on Vicky with stern warning to mind his business but Mehek's words froze him, "I understand Vicky. An innocent should never suffer for our mistakes. I will be there for my child. But I don't want to give any false hope to anyone. I am still...". "I know. This still doesn't mean you are getting back with Shaurya. He will move on in his life, I promise you. Once the child is born you both can file for a joint divorce petition and settle things amicably with joint custody", Vicky convinced her. "Divorce?? What the hell!!", Shaurya roared, "I don't want to separate from Mehek". 

Finally Purab who was observing the entire scene silently, spoke, "Shaurya please. I think it makes sense. You tried your best to win Mehek back but guess it is too late. I feel you should be happy that she agrees to be part of your child's life". Shaurya was shocked that Purab was hand in hand with Vicky in this preposterous idea. "Just shut up", he raised his voice. He was about punch Purab when Mehek came in front, "If you don't agree then I will leave immediately". "Listen to us , Bro. Now Mehek and your child need you the most. You still have enough time come in terms with it and move on. Don't spoil your chance", Vicky tried to reason with him. Shaurya felt defeated, being outnumbered by them. He gave a disapproving glance to all the three and marched to his room. "Don't worry. He will come around", Vicky consoled Mehek.

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