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Hours passed and Shaurya was still driving. They had stopped at a local restaurant for lunch. Mehek was still in her bridal wear and people couldn't help but notice the young couple. She was uncomfortable but had no choice. She neither asked him where he was taking her nor he told her about their destination. Post lunch Mehek dozed off and her head moved on to his shoulders. Shaurya smirked, 'She looks so innocent while sleeping. No one can imagine she so wicked and dangerous'. 

It was past evening when they finally reached. Shaurya pushed her back to her seat once the car came to a halt. "Have we reached?", Mehek rubbed her eyes. "Almost", he replied. He had parked his car near a lake. "We need to take a boat from here", he informed. He took his back pack and led her to the small motor boat. She found it more and more difficult to manage in her heavy lehenga. As their boat moved further into the lake, a single storey lake house came into her view. It was a beautiful house located in the scenic beauty of the lake. A perfect spot for honeymoon for any newlyweds but them. "Awesome, isn't it?", he interrupted her thoughts, "Secluded and private. Even if you scream on top of your voice, no one in a mile to listen", he tried to scare her. 

Shaurya entered a five digit code to open door. When Mehek tried to enter, he pushed her back and came near her. He lifted her in his arms and crossed the threshold. She wound her arms around his shoulders. If at all it could have been different. A well-deserved second chance. But fate as usual was not merciful , she mused. He dropped her abruptly on sofa, "Go to the bedroom upstairs and wait for me like a good girl. You can find some clothes in the wardrobe incase you want to change", he ordered her. She desperately wanted to be out of her wedding dress so she went upstairs . She raided the wardrobe but except for few sexy night dresses, she couldn't find any. 

Mehek climbed down briskly. "Being impatient? Can't wait for even few more minutes, Wifey?", Shaurya mocked her. She rolled her eyes and ransacked his bag. "Where are my clothes?", she was irritated. "Why are you asking me? I didn't pack for you", he feigned innocence. Mehek gasped, "How do expect me to stay here without any clothes?". She repented asking once she saw the mischievous glint in his eyes. "No need to act snobbish, Mehek. It's our honeymoon. You can very well manage for few days without clothes", he mocked her. She turned crimson and avoided him. She pulled out one of his shirts from his bag and marched back to the bathroom. She stripped off her bridal wear and stood beneath the warm shower. 'I am not afraid of him. He cannot do any further damage to me than he had already done', she gave herself confidence. 

Still somewhere deep, a part of Mehek wished for their situations to be different. What if her second marriage was to a man whom she trusted and loved. A true partner in life on whom she can depend both emotionally and psychologically. She longed if Shaurya could have been that man. 'No, it's not meant to be in your fate. He never cared about your feeling and never will", she knew the truth. Her second chance is possible only if Shaurya emancipates her. The key to her release is to get him bored of her, by acting impassionate and by tiring him with her constant resistance. 'I have to be strong, for myself and my mother', she decided.

Mehek dried her hair and wore his shirt. It reached just above her knees. From her discarded cloths she dug out the knee length leggings which she had worn under lehenga and wore it. When she came out of the bathroom, Shaurya took her by surprise and grabbed her from behind. "So shall we start our wedding night?", he asked hoarsely. She tried to free herself but he didn't relent. He played with her hair and rubbed his chin on her nape. She was coaxed to remain in his embrace and relish his touch. 'This is not good. I am making it easy for him', she panicked fighting her senses. 

"Shaurya, the door is wide open", Mehek told him naively. "We are alone here, Love. The whole house is ours. No one to watch out for", he was lost in her fragrance. He turned her to face him and caressed her face but her focus was elsewhere. "Still. It feels odd. Can I close it?", she was persistent. "FINE!! Close it", he gave in and let her go to the door. She walked to the door and kept her hand on the key. In lightning speed, she moved out with the key and locked the door. Before he could react, she had him trapped inside. She stood victoriously while he tried to get it open. "Enjoy your wedding night alone, dear devil husband", she told him. "Mehek, open the door. For your own good, don't make me mad", he banged on the door forcefully but it didn't budge. "This is actually fun", she couldn't help but chuckle at his condition.

Mehek went downstairs. She knew it was vain but still tried to open the front door. She had seen Shaurya entering a code so she was not surprised to find it locked. Even if she managed to open it, she can't  escape from this middle-of-no-where at late hours. The house was quiet now, Shaurya probably gave up and went to sleep. She sighed in relief. 

Mehek knew aware that the locked bedroom door won't hold him for eternity but tonight she caged him and was satisfied. She will sleep peacefully with this feeling of winning.  Tomorrow is another day for another fight, for which she needs to rest and gain strength. She relaxed on the couch in the hall and closed her eyes for a minute. "Not so soon, Mehek", she was startled by Shaurya's voice. She stood up in horror while he picked up the key she had kept on the side table. "I told you not to enrage me. You are responsible for whatever happens tonight", he told her angrily and grabbed her wrist. He threw her over his shoulder and carried her in caveman style. 

Mehek struggled to free herself in vain. Shaurya brought her to the bedroom and threw her roughly on the bed. He locked the door and threw away the key. She rolled to the other side to escape but he caught her and pushed her to bed again. Fear was creeping into her as she never witnessed this vile side of Shaurya. She felt like a deer caught before lion. He leisurely removed his shirt and trousers. "You told Shruthi that each time we got intimate, you have to go through hell. Let me take you for a real ride to hell. I will show how sickening it could get between a man & woman in bed", he stated his plan. He came over her and pushed her further to soft mattress. 

Mehek struggled, hit him and kicked him but he didn't retreat. He ripped open the shirt she wore. She desperately tried to close it to cover her bosom but he forced her hands away. Her wrists were pinned on pillow while tried to kiss her forcefully. When she didn't open her mouth to him, he harshly grazed his stubble on her cheek and bit her neck making her scream in pain. He moved further down to her shoulder and chest. She was bruised every point where he assailed her. She felt him remove her bottom wear and part her legs. 

The horror and humiliation she has to be suffer at his hands, broke Mehek. She knew it is going to extremely painful. She was scared and disgusted. She couldn't help but break into tears. Sensing her cries, Shaurya stopped and gazed at her. "Shaurya, stop it", she asked him. "Beg me, Mehek", he sounded evil. "Please! Please! Please! I beg you. Don't do this to me. Stop it ", she wept loudly. He was still on her but moved away. He ran his hand over his hair in frustration and declared, "I cannot stop, Mehek". Mehek felt helpless when he came above and locked her wrists again. She was too tired to resist yet she gasped when his lips covered hers.

Shaurya kissed her. It wasn't brutal or punishing but gentle and caring. He lovingly caressed her lips without crushing her with his weight. He sucked them softly, taking enough time to taste her. He patiently gave her time to respond. From the tormentor he became the lover, whom both her body and mind craved. She was melting and yielding to him. Mehek's feelings slowly overwhelmed pushing her over the edge and she gradually started responding. Soon it became a searing kiss, both dueling with passion. He left her wrists as he longed her soft fingers to roam on him. 

Shaurya left her lips and licked her broken skin, comforting her. He went down further and she jerked on feeling warmth of his mouth on her intimate folds. The sensation was novel to her. She called out his name in anticipation but he ordered her to stay still. He lashed his tongue on her cl*t taking her to climax but left her before she could reach there . He came back to capture her lips. Her sharp groan divulged her disappointment while he smiled while kissing her. She could taste herself on him, arousing her further. 

Mehek's hands roamed all over him, teasing & sensing him . She was hot and juicy, ready for him. She cried out in pleasure when he thrust into her. He pushed into her deeper and deeper. "Harder...Faster....Don't stop", she demanded him," I want to come this time". "You will, Love. Trust me", he laughed at her impatience. Her nails scratched his back as she reached her peak. He too gained his fulfillment and ended up spilling his seed into her. 

Shaurya fell on her while they both gasped for breath. He rolled over taking her into his arms. He fingers caressed her hair and lulled her to sleep. He covered her with warm duvet and wound his arms possessively over her, "You are mine, Mehek. Only mine, to cherish or to punish".

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