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Mehek was dropped at Karuna's apartment. Shaurya had gone on a business trip and needless to say he didn't trust her to be left alone. He felt safe to leave at his mother's place. However he instructed his men to keep Mehek under the radar so that she won't move without his knowledge. 

Karuna was blissfully unaware of the under currents. Because Mehek & Shaurya played a happy couple before her. Though at times Karuna felt something amiss about Mehek, it was quickly covered it. Shaurya was again on top on his career. It made Karuna was happier. She wished Shaurya would have taken Mehek along with him when he left for long trip but he had given some excuses. Besides Mehek too preferred to be with Karuna. Eventhough she was not her biological mother, Karuna was the only mother whom she had. 

Vicky and Shruthi were separated. Though not legally divorced, they lived apart. It pained Karuna to see Vicky's marriage broken but she knew it was mutual decision taken by them. Mehek never met Vicky or Shruthi post her miscarriage. Shaurya never took her outside or allowed her to socialise. Rare visits to Karuna were the only outings she had. That too she was sure that his men kept a close eye on her.

Finally, it was time for Mehek to return to her prison. She loved to stay with Karuna but still missed Shaurya. They were in a toxic relationship but it had become her lifeline. Mehek was in kitchen when bell rang and Karuna went to open the door. She was startled by shrill scream. But it was cry of joy. "Shaurie, I cannot believe it", Karuna exclaimed. Mehek rushed to her side and found the source of her joy. Shaurya stood before them without the mask; his hair neatly trimmed and combed back. He confidently stood before them without any hindrance hiding his face.  He had a radiant smile. Karuna hugged him , pulled him towards Mehek. She noticed that his scars were gone. He was sinfully handsome with his million dollar smile.

"Why didn't you tell me?", Karuna complained. "I didn't want to raise any false hope. I decided to have the surgery first and then tell", Shaurya told them earnestly. Mehek served tea for everyone. "If it wasn't for Shruthi, it wouldn't have been possible", he looked at Shruthi,  squeezing her hand. Shaurya already conveyed that it was she who did extensive research and follow-ups to find the specific surgery to cure his condition. Though he was apprehensive at first, he gave in to Shruthi and Vicky's demand . 

Shaurya stole glances at Mehek who desperately tried to escape. She was extremely uncomfortable in Shruthi's presence. Shruthi also avoided Mehek. She was sad to realise that he was with Shruthi for the entire period, eventhough it was for his treatement. Mehek noticed that Shruthi looked lovely. She had rejuvenated herself well. Mehek felt extremely low when she compared herself to Shruthi. Shaurya and Shruthi looked like they were made for each other. Mehek painfully realised that he no longer needs her to share his blemishes. His imperfection which she possessively considered to be hers were taken away. Another bond between their fragile relationship was severed.

Mehek seemed to be distant, he noticed. Their relationship had grown sour yet she never moved away from Shaurya. Although unhappy and agonised, she stayed beside him. It pained him a lot to abuse her. But it was punishment he had sentenced to himself and her. Mehek never complained or even whispered a protest while enduring his humiliation. Still he felt they were together in their sad journey. But today she seemed be lost. On his mother's insistence, they decided to stay back for the night. 

As they lay on bed, Shaurya felt extremely restless with aloofness of Mehek. Those time without her, had questioned him whether he need to retrospect his actions. Her absence made asserted that he cannot live without her. With his healed face, he gained confidence. He wanted to start afresh, leaving behind painful memories. He expected everyone to be happy, especially his wife. He was all set to talk to Mehek and work on their marriage but she was avoiding him. His fear of losing her slowly crawled back. Did few days separation change her?, he thought, Perhaps a bit of freedom gave her enough time to plan for another escape.

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