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Sun rays graced Mehek's face so she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around in confusion till realization dawned. She looked around but was unable to find Shaurya. She was unsure whether to be glad or sad by his absence. She sad on bed, clutched the sheets which wrapped her and wept. I hate him. Why did I gave myself to him again, she rebuked herself. She knew perfectly well that Shaurya wouldn't have forced her if she wasn't willing. He never forced her and never will. He always seduced her, making her vulnerable to his charms and melting her with his touch. Which was worst and made her hate him even more. 

"Why are you crying , Biwi? I didn't do even half of the things I wanted to do with you", his voice startled her. Mehek winced at his words while he moved to her with his cup of coffee. "I couldn't brutalize my bride since she is so easily swayed by my proximity. Craving for my kisses. Aching for my touch. Begging me to make love to her. Not fair , Mehek", Shaurya mocked her. She hid her face on her knees and cried. "Why are you sad, Mehek? Your desires were sated. I gave you everything you longed for on our wedding night. It was me who was left disappointed without satisfying my demonic pleasure. But look at me , still I am trying to cope", he was sarcastic. She tried to control her sobs and wiped her face. 

"It's almost noon time. Now like a good wife, get ready and cook a nice brunch for your husband", Shaurya sipped from his cup and went to open the door to balcony. It had stairs which led to the garden below . 'So that's how he escaped from the room last night', she understood. "Come, join me, it's a beautiful view from here", he invited her. She sat on bed refusing his offer. She looked around for the clothes she wore yesterday. "They are all gone", he said to her but still gazing at the scenery, "Either stay the way you are or wear those clothes I got for you in the wardrobe". She felt so adamant that she decided to stay as it is than giving him pleasure to see her in those revealing attires. "Well if you choose the first option then don't blame me later when I join you in bed", he told menacingly. She wanted to scream to vent her frustration but refrained as she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. "There , I think this will do for today", he placed a dark green knee length night dress on bed. True, it was better from others in the lot and she could manage it for the day. She quickly grabbed it and dashed to shower .

Mehek sat before the dressing table and looked at herself. The mangalsutra bearing his name was still on her neck. It felt like a collar which she wanted to break but couldn't. Shaurya stood behind studying her. She became conscious and pulled the transparent robe around her. He came behind and applied sindhoor on her. "Now, absolutely evident that you belong to me", he stated. "You don't own me", she said. "I didn't say I own you. But you belong to me and I to you", he stated plainly. "Apply it on your wounds", he kept medicine on her lap. She looked at him blankly as he continued, "Unless they heal, I won't be able to give new ones". She looked down to hide her destitute. "Feeling helpless and unfortunate, Mehek ? This is nothing compared to what my brother went through while his wife tried to commit suicide", he accused. The guilt pricked her deeply. Though she pretended she didn't care, she knew she was at fault. 

Mehek served him food. Shaurya took a bite and spit it out, "You call this food? Its inedible ". "You used to like my cooking. Has you ex-girlfriend's near death experience affected your taste buds? ", she retorted. "It did affect me, Mehek. It cleared my vision and thinking", he said emotionally recalling how he was eagerly planning to propose to Mehek, "Guess, luck was still on my side. I managed to fix everything before it got disastrous". She didn't understand but acted not to care. 

 "When are we going back?", Mehek asked abruptly. "Not until I am done with you", Shaurya was quick to answer, "It's all in your hands, Mehek. Play the victim part or the wifey part, I leave it to your choose. Once I am bored with you, I will take you back to my...our villa for our misery every after. No more false promises, Love. Never ever dream that you will be free from me", he told her clearly. "You want to fu*k me then fu*k me. Do it day & night. I will neither play the victim nor your lover. You will just get my lifeless body, just my cold impassive flesh", she stormed inside.

Shaurya retorted, "You and I know clearly how it works, honey ". "Stop boasting, Mr. Husband. I could play the corpse on bed extremely well. If you have doubts then ask Ajay. I used to stay unresponsive even when he...", Mehek was cut in. "Not another word about him", he roared. "Jealous ? Here you are punishing me for sake of your ex-girlfriend yet I cannot even say a word about Ajay", she shouted back. "I said shut up. Don't want to hear his name from your mouth", he was furious. "I will take his name again and again. Ajay! Ajay! Ajay! ", she was shouting . "That's it. You need to be taught a lesson", he lunged forward to catch her.

Mehek panicked and threw the water jug kept on dining table at him. He ducked and it fell down to be scattered into pieces. He dashed to catch her but she ran around the dining table with Shaurya behind her. She made few rounds and meanwhile kept on throwing things like cushions, napkins and table mats on him. In her fright to avoid him, she picked his phone and threw at him. "Awww", Shaurya screamed holding his forehead and stopped. She was astonished by her thoughtless act and was concerned. 

"Shaurya, are you hurt? I didn't realise what it was until I hurled at you", Mehek panicked. He was in extreme pain and held his head where the sharp edge of the device had hit him. "I will get some ice for you", Mehek rushed to the kitchen only to slip on the water splashed on ground and fall over the glass pieces. "Mehek", he quickly came to her aid when she wailed in pain. He picked her up and placed her on the couch. He swiftly grabbed the first aid kit. Blood oozed out of her palm when he pulled out the glass splinter. She held her breath and bit her cheeks not to scream in pain . "Can't you be a bit more careful, Mehek?", he scolded him while dressing her wounds. "Are you hurt anywhere else?", he asked but she kept on weeping. 

"Mehek, listen to me. Are you hurt anywhere else?", Shaurya asked firmly. "I don't know. It pains everywhere", she replied honestly. He checked her legs and thighs. He removed her robe and pulled down her dress to check her shoulders & chest. A glass piece was stuck near her shoulder and he removed it carefully. Mehek shut her eyes closely bearing the pain. While he applied medicine on it, he noticed his bite marks on her bosom. 'God, did I do it to her? How could I do it to my Angel?', he cursed himself. He knew there were blemishes of his assault but he didn't fathom its severity until he saw it. He had no intention to force her on their wedding night as he was well aware of his effect on her. However Mehek's silly stunts to lock him up made him lose his cool. 

Shaurya Khanna could be a devil but will never take a woman without her consent. He used to roughen up and get beaten by his paid companions but they all came to him willingly & left satisfied with the money he gave them. 'What have you done to me, Mehek?', he accused her inwardly as he dressed her wound. He helped her wear the dress. "Are you hurt anywhere else?", he asked. She shook her head. He was arranging everything back into the first aid kit when she noticed his swollen reddened side of his forehead. She touched it gently and asked, "Does it hurt?". "It does. But it is nothing compared to the pain you have given me here", he removed her hand to place it on his heart. 

"You deserved every bit of it Shaurya and you know it", Mehek told sadly. "Did I, Mehek? It seems you are trying to convince yourself rather than me", Shaurya smirked at her. "You acted as a friend to ravish me and I did the same to ruin you. You used Ajay as a pawn in your sick games and I used Shurthi. We are even", she reasoned. "Ajay was a douche bag, sooner or later you would have left him for good. But Shruthi was nothing like him. Still for argument sake let's say it was tit for tat. Then what about my mother, Mehek? You played with feelings of my mother who considered you like a daughter. What do you have to say about it?", he asked her genuinely.

 Mehek had no answer, she tore away her eyes from him as she couldn't face him. He shook his head in disapproval while she told him, "You bring out the worst in me, Shaurya". "Likewise , Mehek", he replied before picking up his coat and leaving her alone. Hours passed but he didn't return. She felt odd without him. Loneliness was her constant companion. But ever since she left Ajay, she never felt alone as Shaurya was always beside her. His abrupt withdrawal made her taste the bitterness of solitude once again. She hugged herself and laid on the couch. Tears welled in her eyes and she cried herself to sleep.

When Mehek woke up, it was past midnight. She found herself in the bedroom and felt an arm protectively placed over her stomach. She knew it was Shaurya even before looking at him. Though it was dark, she could make out his face. She tenderly felt his forehead to know whether it swelled up. Her finger gently trod to his scared side and touched it softly. "Are you trying to take advantage of me while I am sleeping?", he asked with his eyes closed. Mehek was startled and turned back immediately. "The devil never sleeps", she murmured earning a satisfied chuckle from him.

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