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Mehek was extremely nervous while having breakfast at restaurant in the hotel. She kept on glancing here and there, checking whether Shaurya was anywhere near. Ajay seemed to be in wonderful mood and enjoyed his meal. When Mehek dropped her cutlery twice, it caught his attention. "Mehek, are you okay?", he asked. "I am not feeling well Ajay. Let's leave for home", she told him. He felt her forehead, "No fever. It could be due to hangover. Have some more juice. We will leave soon", he consoled her.

'Who is he? Customers never have breakfast with escorts that too in public. Then who is he?', Shaurya had hidden himself well from other and keeping an eye on her. He wore a hoodie that helped him to cover his face along with aviator shades. He had no appetite and was just playing with food. He saw them leaving their table in haste and followed them carefully.

"Mehek, go and sit in the car. I will settle the bills and come quickly. Call Kangana Ma'am and ask for a day off. You look really pale and need to take rest", Ajay told her. She nodded and took car keys from him. While she was in the car, she closed her eyes and tried to relax. She just wanted to be go home and feel secured. 

Ajay was walking towards the parking area, when he heard a voice, "Excuse me, I guess you forgot this at the breakfast table". Shaurya extended a women's magazine to him. "No, it's no mine", Ajay refused politely. "May be it belonged to your lady friend. It's written Shanaya inside", Shaurya tried his luck. "Then it definitely doesn't belong to my wife. Her name is not Shanaya", Ajay told him with a smile and they parted with a curt nod. 

So this is the husband. Tough luck. I still couldn't catch her name, Shaurya thought while he turned to walk back. Ajay phone rang and he attended it. Shaurya was near enough to hear him speak , "Mehek, chill wifey. I will be there in few seconds, just walking to the parking area ". Shaurya smirked while moving inside the hotel, 'MEHEK. Suits her. Fragrance which leaves behind its imprint and impact ',

Mehek was irritated with the buzzing of her mobile. She had taken a day off and enjoyed luxury of an afternoon nap. She checked the phone and was surprised to see multiple missed called from Kangana Ma'am. She dialed back , "Ma'am, I am sorry to have missed your calls. Anything urgent?". " Mehek, I know you are on leave today. But we got a booking for home service. They need someone with therapeutic experience and has asked for you. I wanted to know whether you will be able to go in an hour?", Kanagana checked. 

Their spa recently started home services, it was fetching good money and name for them. Mehek was feeling much better after good rest and thought it will be better to go to work. She agreed to Kangana. "That's my girl. Don't forget to wear our new cool uniform and a bit of makeup. My driver will drop you in our SPA vehicle and help you to set up everything", Kangana explained. Mehek looked for Ajay and found his note on the fridge informing that he will be working late with Mohit.

Mehek had arranged everything and waited for the client. An old man with attitude of butler had led them to the outhouse of a big mansion and directed to a spacious room. It overlooked to a beautiful garden and had full privacy. Translucent curtains were pulled down and she had lit fragrant candles to build atmosphere. Mehek was wearing a lemon yellow skirt with a white top and grey overcoat over it. Kangana Madam insisted to wear it as official dress for all staffs for home services. She believed it will give a unique class to their SPA. 

As Mehek was keeping the products ready, she heard client enter and turned to wish but he was already lying down on the spa table. She removed her overcoat and adjusted her attire. She came near and started to massage his shoulders. "Hope the pressure is fine, Sir", she asked and he hummed as reply. Being professional masseuse , she tried to talk to him but he either replied with slight nod or soft hum. "You can turn now", Mehek told him and moved away to pick some cream. 

"I hope now you will tell me your name? ", he asked. Mehek was startled and cream fell from her hands. She turned to face him. Shaurya sat on the table with towel wrapped around his waist. His face was partially hidden behind his mask. Mehek looked at the door and contemplated her next action. "It's locked", he said as if reading her thoughts. She move back each step when he walked towards her. Finally she hit the fall, confining herself at his mercy.

"I missed you, Sweet", he whispered while smelling her neck. He was about to kiss her nape when he heard her say, "My colleague is outside. Your staff too. If I scream it won't be good for you". He laughed and looked at her, "Did you forget, I never force women in bed. We both know, you will soon melt in my arms. Then you will be more careful to keep it under covers". "Please, spare me", she begged. "I will pay you well", he coaxed while untying her hair bun. "I don't want your money", she quickly said. " Then? Is it just me you want? Makes it even better", he teased. 

Before Mehek could react, he ripped open her shirt, throwing it's buttons in all direction. His finger drew a line from her chin to belly. He captured her breast in his mouth and rubbed other with his fingers. She arched back, cursing herself. Soft fabric of her camisole and bra still protected her yet she was lost in his kisses. Fluttering in her belly increased when she felt his leg parting her thighs. He moved to her earlobe and licked it sensuously ,"Tell me you want me, you desire me. I need to hear it from you". She trembled with need but didn't dare to reply. 

"Be honest", he pushed her. The word 'honest' brought her back her senses. Tears welled in her eyes, "Maybe it's true that I lust you. I may yield to temptation soon. But if it happens I won't be able to face myself again. I will surely fall in my own eyes and have to end my life". Shaurya moved away from her. Anger was slowly seeping into his eyes, he grabbed her arms so tight that she whimpered in pain, "You didn't mind last time. You survived and doing pretty well. What's the difference now?". "I was helpless that night and had no other go. I had a reason which kept my sanity intact. But today, if I give in to you then I will be tainting my soul and there will be no absolution", her words were honest. 

Shaurya looked deep into her eyes, they were filled sorrow and begged his mercy. He wanted to see desire in them. He wanted her so badly but not like a hapless prey. Her guilt and remorse are forbidding her to becoming the passionate being he wished to bed. He pushed her to ground, "Leave. Take everything and leave". He threw some currencies on her, "Tips for you service" and dashed out of the room.

Mehek wanted to breakdown and cry. However her survival instincts warned her to leave immediately before he changes his mind . She managed to pulled her shirt closer and wore her overcoat covering herself properly. She quickly pulled her hair back into the bun and checked herself to ensure propriety. The driver was too lost in his mobile to notice anything amiss about Mehek. They loaded their stuffs and drove away.

Shaurya stood near his bedroom window and looked at the vehicle speeding away.

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