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"That was a well deserving slap", Bulbul declared dramatically. Shaurya clutched his cheek in pain and glared at Bulbul while Mehek broke down into tears. "I couldn't agree with you more", Vicky concurred, "if you had done it earlier then things wouldn't have ended up this complicated". If looks could kill, then Shaurya would have murdered Vicky by now. "It's okay, Shaurya. Years back when I played same trick on Bulbul, she threw a flower vase at me. I still have the mark on my forehead", Purab tried to lighten the situation. 

Mehek was still crying with her face covered. She was too embarrassed to face any of them. When she marched into his room she was confident and brave. But she was not at all prepared for the scene that unfolded before her eyes. She was prepared to witness her husband's adultery but she found Purab, Vicky & Shaurya waiting for her. She went through turmoil of emotions in seconds. She was relieved that Shaurya was not with another women however soon she was rueful for doubting him and then ashamed that she was gullible enough to fall for a silly trick played by the trio. It maddened her that Bulbul was also part of entire drama. So when Shaurya came to pacify her she vent out her anger on him.

"I am sorry, my Love", Shaurya apologised her. She lifted her tearful face, "How could you do this to me, Shaurya? You have no idea what I have gone through in this past hour. If you have forgotten, let me remind you that I am carrying our child. What if in this stress and strain, something would have happened to....", Mehek couldn't complete as Shaurya placed his hand over her mouth. "Mehek, please don't say it", he begged her. "Shaurya was extremely careful about it, Mehek", Purab spoke. Bulbul came near her and kept her hand on Mehek's shoulder, "I was always beside you. When you called me first , I was in my car, parked outside Khanna mansion. Later when you left with Jenna, I followed you. The actual plan was for me to accompany you till the room. But you made haste and came up quickly. I tried persuade you to wait for me but you didn't listen to me". 

"Was Jenna also part of it?", Mehek asked weakly. Bulbul nodded embarrassingly. Mehek felt utterly foolish and hid her face in her palms. While she sobbed, Shaurya held her shoulders softly to console her but had little effect. "Guys, I think we should give some space to them", Bulbul stated and they all left leaving Mehek & Shaurya alone.

"I am extremely sorry, Mehek. But I was desperate. Please forgive me", Shaurya requested. "Mehek , say something", he raised his voice. "I hate you", she yelled and then started to hit him continuously. He tried to defend but she went on beating him. "Mehek, that's enough. It hurts", he said. "Good", she showed no intention to stop. In swift motion he grabbed her hands and pushed her back. He captured her lips passionately. Mehek too kissed him back hungrily. "I missed you, Love", he whispered while gasping for breath. "Me too", she replied keeping her forehead on his. 

"I belong to you, Mehek. I am yours , only yours. Only yours, to cherish and to punish. No one else can have me other than you. Never ever doubt about it ", he vowed to her. "Then who is Archie?", she asked defiantly pushing him away. "I have no idea. She is an imaginary character born from Purab's brain. I never met any women or went on any blind dates. Most of the time, I was either with Purab or Vicky, discussing about further plans. They both are too devoted to you to even pair me up with an imposter", he explained. "I still can't believe you were pretending", she sighed, hardly hiding her relief. "I wasn't in the beginning. When Vicky saw be drunk, he went to Purab and understood our situation. That morning when they came with proposal of divorce and separation, I was utterly perplexed. Only later they told me everything. I was doubtful in the beginning however after finding your reactions I grew confident and played along. But trust me it took me a lot of courage to agree when Bulbul told me you needed today's shock treatment ", he told her. 

Shaurya touched her belly gently, "Are you okay, Mehek?". She nodded but wept, "I could never share you with another women. I was a hypocrite, asking you to move on and still feeling extremely jealous & possessive. I am crazy". "That makes two of us, Love. This madness is called Love", he held her closely, moving her head on his shoulder. "You always trick me. When will it all end, Shaurya?", she asked calmly. He sighed as he couldn't find an answer. A soft knock on the door made her jerk away from him. "I hope I can barge in", Bulbul came in followed by Purab and Vicky.

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