|7| Lauren's Story

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Harry's POV:

It was a long drive through...God even knows where we are. Dare I say it looks a bit like a desert? We literally had no idea where we were going. At least I know I didn't, maybe Louis has some clue. I'm not even sure which direction we're travelling in anymore. It just seemed like endless hills of desert road. But we're still on a road so it must lead somewhere eventually, right?

"Harry, how are you doing back there?" Zayn asked and looked over Katie's shoulder to see me in the back of the jeep.

"I'm fine. Not sure I can say the same about Lauren." I looked down at her as I spoke. She fell into unconsciousness ages ago but she was still breathing.

"Um..." Louis cleared his throat, catching all of our attention. "You guys are going to hate me but, we're running low on fuel."

"How low?" Perrie asked.

"Well, the light on the dash hasn't turned on yet..." Louis said reassuringly.

Katie leaned forward over Louis' shoulder all of a sudden. "What's that?" She pointed straight ahead. Louis slowed down the jeep, which he finally learned how to do over a period of the past hour or so.

"Looks likes a house." Louis said.

"Several houses actually." Perrie added.

"Perhaps a whole village?" Zayn said and everyone nodded in agreement. Louis began driving down the road again towards the village. The correct word was definitely village. The houses were primitive looking, as if they could just collapse if you leaned on one. They were all spaced side by side without any distance to walk between each one. We turned off the road and onto a gravel road leading through the village of houses. Does anyone even live here? It seems so quiet.

An older looking man wearing jeans, an unbuttoned dress shirt, and a straw hat ran out from one of the homes, carrying a shotgun in his hands. Louis stopped the jeep and he and Zayn got out first.

The man called out the two and aimed his gun at them. "Freeze! Te pego un tiro!"

Louis and Zayn glanced at each other suddenly, realizing this man was a native of the country and wouldn't speak English.

"Uh, listen we're not from here. We're from England." Louis explained.

Zayn asked the man calmly, "Do you speak English?" The man looked at the two boys confused. I slowly crawled out of the back of the jeep and gently scooped Lauren into my arms.

"Please, we have a woman who's been shot. Can you help us?" I pleaded, knowing the man would most likely not understood.

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